Chapter 350 Pan-fried foie gras, shy Kikuchi Garden Fruit!!

The aroma of beef is already rich, not to mention that it is fried in advance and then stir-fried with a large cannon.

With the fragrance of mushrooms and the smell of garlic, the aroma swaying in the wind made Kikuchi Yuanguo and the others stand up directly from their seats.

Inside the food truck.

Take the beef with garlic mushrooms out of the pot and serve on a plate! Fresh aroma and heat.

The beef cubes are fried until golden brown, hidden between mushrooms and onions, and slightly stand out

It was like a group of people mingling in the crowd, slightly embarrassed and curious to look at the little makeup Guliang.

"So fragrant!"

Megumi Kato grunted.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared at the dinner plate in Chu Feng's hand.

Thor glanced a little amused at the little girl who patronized the food truck for the second time.

The first plate of 'garlic mushroom beef grains' was served to Megumi Kato and accompanied by a bowl of white rice.

"Thank you, Sister Thor."

Megumi Kato learned Thor's name in advance from Yukinoshita Yukino and thanked him politely.

With a smile, Thor turned and walked to the window, waiting for the next dish.

Garlic mushroom beef grains, this dish can be used as a staple food or rice, it all depends on the individual eating style.

Although he was anxious to taste the delicacy in front of him, Megumi Kato was not in a hurry to start at this time

It didn't take long for the two Yukinoshita sisters to be served.

"I'm moving~"


The three looked at each other and said in unison, their eyes looking at their respective plates in unison.

This dish is quite a lot, and it is accompanied by a bowl of rice, which is more than enough for girls.

Kikuchi Yuanguo and Little Dry Butterfly stared closely at the three dishes on the table.

Although I knew that this was very impolite, I still couldn't help it.

"Such a bright combination of dishes really arouses the desire to taste!"

Little Thousand Butterfly couldn't help but sigh.

However, I don't mean to eat other people's food.

After all, this time they ordered separately, and their dishes will come later.

Smelling the fragrance that was close at hand, Megumi Kato and the others could no longer bear it.

The three of them agreed and first chose to taste the beef grains.

The fresh and delicate beef, the slightly bouncy texture, and the fat gravy oozing out after a little chewing, are simply delicious.

"Si Guoyi, this beef is really delicious, Jian Bai is a fantastic dish!"

Megumi Kato's eyes lit up sharply, and her mouth kept hissing

It turned out that because I was too addicted to the deliciousness of the cooking, I forgot that the boiling hot just out of the pot was so, and the girl with short black hair only relieved the hot mouth by breathing

Reluctant to take out the beef leaves in my mouth.


Half ring.

Megumi Kato finally swallowed the piece of meat in her mouth.

The ultimate delicacy makes it sound selfless.

The sisters under the snow are no better.

Although it was not the first time to eat Chu Feng's cuisine.

But fried beef with layers of texture.

Or let them raise a kind of 'the original food can be so delicious', the idea of chewing a bite of beef, and then eating a mouthful.

The fat and light taste are constantly overlapping, which is simply addictive. Kikuchi Yuango and Little Dry Butterfly no longer pay attention to Yukinoshita and the others.

Their attention was completely attracted by Chu Feng in the fast food truck.

Boss Chu has already started cooking pan-fried foie gras.

This famous French dish is actually very simple.

Same as beef grains with garlic mushrooms.

The point of this dish is one word - one fry!

Foie gras has a good taste and is rich in nutrients, and the combination with fragrant pears and molasses adds a lot of color to this dish.

Although this dish is not today's main dish.

But Chu Feng still did not choose the public taste.

Instead, apples, molasses, butter and brandy were used.

After the water is boiled, add the cut foie gras mourning water, and then fish it out.

This is to prevent foie gras from aging due to prolonged mourning.

Put it just into the oil absorbing paper to absorb oil, there is a lot of foie gras fat, and the standing time can be slightly longer.

Heat a frying pan and add a piece of oil.

When it is completely melted, fry foie gras over low heat until yellow on both sides.

"Next, Boss Chu should fry the base!"

Little Dry Butterfly muttered.

As the sous chef of Chunguoting Western Restaurant.

She is well aware of the flow of the dish 'pan-fried foie gras'.

Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo nodded slightly: "Replace Sydney with apple, less the softness of Sydney and more of the texture of apple, I don't know what kind of taste this dish made by Chu Jun is?" "

In fact, the ingredients of this famous French dish, Sydney and apple, are the most common, because these two fruits are very suitable for cooking.

It's just that in comparison, apples are not as popular as Sydney.

Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo had never doubted Chu Feng's level.

It could be seen in her almost glowing eyes.

It's just that fast food trucks rarely sell Western food, which makes her look forward to it more.

The frying of the base is also very simple.

Butter melt and stir-fry apple slices and a little molasses. Then pour in the brandy, and finally collect the juice over high heat.

The usual practice of sparseness, Hugh Jiuzhi Yuan Guo is not surprised.

When Chu Feng set up a stall, he rarely displayed gorgeous skills.

The cooking process is as light as water, but it gives people a grandmaster air that returns to the basics.

Kikuchi Gardeno is accustomed to this.


No matter how gorgeous the process.

In the end, it is up to taste to speak.

Two pan-fried foie gras serving.

The blue and white background is as bright as porcelain tiles.

Kikuchi garden fruit and small dried butterfly can intuitively feel the freshness of apples and the western fragrance of brandy.

The four evenly sized golden foie gras on it are fatty and juicy, and it is very appetizing just by looking at it.

Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo's eyes lit up, and he raised his head slightly, just opposite Chu Feng's four eyes

Introverted, she couldn't help but blush and quickly lowered her head.

And then~

A voice like a bird and mosquito sounded: "Chu Jun's Western food is also very good." "

It was as if he had seen Chu Feng cooking Western food from the bed.

Kikuchi Yuango seemed to have forgotten.

The first time I tasted food truck dishes, I ate eggs from Benedict.

Chu Fengguan said with a smile: "Eat it while it's hot, it's shocking to the taste." "

"Foie gras is not the same as beef, it dissipates heat quickly, and it tastes best when it is hot."

Always adhering to the principle of letting guests get the best experience, Chu Feng reminded a little.

But as soon as he spoke, Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo's face turned even redder, and he didn't dare to look at him at all.

Chu Feng was a little helpless.

I haven't seen it for a while yesterday, and this nizi is getting more and more shy? Secretly shook his head ~

Boss Chu, who has never understood a woman's heart, has never understood this esoteric question

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