Chapter 354 Food is current, what else do you need to?!!

"I'm very sorry, I lost my words, I definitely didn't mean that you are inferior to Boss Chu just now!"

Aoko Nakamori hurriedly stood up and bowed ninety degrees, her face full of apologies with a sincere attitude.


"Aoko, if only you didn't say the latter sentence."

Black Feather Kuaidou couldn't help but complain.

This big grinning childhood sweetheart, always talking and doing things without brains, is most afraid that the air will suddenly be quiet.

As soon as Aoko Nakamori raised her head, she realized that she had said the wrong thing again.

Quickly covered his mouth and sat down, ~ lowered his head in shame.

At this time, Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo, who has always had a good temper, couldn't help the corners of his mouth - twitched twice.

Fortunately, she saw that the other party was just unintentional, but did not pay attention to it, Wan'er smiled and said: "There is no need to apologize, what you said is the truth, so knowing that Chu Jun is coming to set up a stall, I even closed the restaurant." "

Kikuchi Sonogo's kind smile.

Immediately made Nakamori Aoko breathe a sigh of relief.

She was really afraid that her words would upset the other party.

"Sister is so nice, I will definitely come to patronize your business next time."

"Well, but remember to make an appointment first!"

"Huh? Do I have to make a reservation in advance for my sister's restaurant? "

"Yes, because only a fixed number of guests will be accommodated per day."

"That's right..."

Aoko Nakamori nodded, and after a brief conversation, she eased her embarrassment.

And then~

She saw Kuroba and Koizumi staring at her strangely again.

"What's wrong?"

Aoko Nakamori asked in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

Hei Yu Kuaidou was speechless: "You didn't have an appointment, so you called me out of the house?" "

Koizumi Hongko stared at Nakamori Aoko for a long time before sighing, "Aoko, next time you have a dinner appointment, let us do it." "

Aoko Nakamori: (⊙_⊙)...

After realizing it, she realized it at this moment. It seems that he has made a common-sense mistake again. Fortunately, I met a fast food truck at the gate of Chunguo Pavilion.

Otherwise, today is considered for nothing.

In fact, as Koizumi said.

She only knew the specific location of the Chunguo Pavilion, and the hostess was Chef Yagaku.

Other than that, I didn't think about anything else, who knew that Chunguo Pavilion had to make an appointment in advance.

It's a little embarrassing, but compared to the social death just now, this little thing is nothing at all.

After all, in front of the other party, she said that people's craftsmanship was inferior to others, and she was almost embarrassed to find a sewing to drill into.


The steaming dishes quickly resolved Aoko Nakamori's embarrassment.

Looking at the well-colored foie gras, it almost made her mouth freeze.

As a professional foodie, she is simply amazed by the appearance of pan-fried foie gras.

Aoko Nakamori never thought that just a simple frying could make such a beautiful delicacy.

Subconsciously swallowed her saliva, smelled the tempting pan-fried aroma, and her appetite was completely stimulated, and her index finger moved instantly.

"I'm moving~"

Aoko Nakamori picked up the knife and fork, gently cut off a piece as a lady, and slowly put it in her mouth.

In front of the black feather fast fight, although he usually grinned, he still had to have a ladylike demeanor at the critical moment.


Sti's slow movements lasted less than a second.

Crispy and crispy, juicy foie gras.

Instantly destroy Aoko Nakamori's psychological defenses.

Oh, my God~

What kind of deliciousness is this? This moment~

She couldn't even find the right adjective.

The crispiness of apples, the sweetness of foie gras, and the light bouquet aroma of brandy... Several tastes are intertwined, directly sending Aoko Nakamori to the clouds.

"Oh my God, am I in heaven?"

Aoko Nakamori couldn't help but exclaim.

At this moment, she seemed to feel that she was no longer in the world.

Perhaps only the legendary paradise has such a wonderful taste.

"Huh~ Heavenly things, not comparable to the dishes of the board!"

Thor unopportunely interrupts Aoko Nakamori's delusions.

Turning his head to look at Chu Feng in the food truck, his eyes were full of pride.

Although never been to the celestial realm.

But judging from Jia Baili's usual performance.

That's the way the celestial cuisine goes.

It is absolutely impossible to make it better than Chu Feng.

Otherwise, Jiabaili, who has long been abandoned, would not have persistently worked every day in order to eat fast food truck dishes.

Aoko Nakamori stared strangely at the blonde maid in front of her. Listen to the other person's meaning, as if you know heaven very well.

But if you think about it, it's simply impossible!

Heaven or something, it's just a legendary existence.

But after such a dozen forks.

She agreed with Thor's view.

This foie gras in front of you.

It is simply a rare delicacy in heaven and earth.

Unable to care about the image anymore, Aoko Nakamori picked up a piece of foie gras and stuffed it into her mouth, and chewed it with a gaba gab.

Aoko Nakamori's eating appearance instantly aroused the curiosity of his companions.

Although I know that the chef's cuisine must be delicious.

But the appearance of the other party is too exaggerated, right!? Time~

Kuroba Kutoto and Koizumi began to look forward to it.

In fact~

Koizumi and Nakamori Aoko are not familiar.

Although they are classmates, they rarely communicate.

As for the Black Feather Fight...

This guy once ran to Koizumi Hongko's castle to steal something, and was severely teased by him, and the two began to intersect.

Sometimes Koizumi Hongko finds something suspected of being a magical item, but it is not convenient to shoot, and she will ask Kuroba Kurotsuchi for help.

After coming and going, the two became friends.

It didn't take long ~

Two steaming beef grains with garlic mushrooms are served.

Fragrant cuisine~

Immediately pulled back the attention of Kuroba Kuaidou and Koizumi Hongko.

The two hardly hesitated and directly began to eat mode.

After only one bite, the eating appearance of the two was not lost to Nakamori shield at all.


That guy makes something so delicious?

Although it had been expected, the deliciousness of the dishes in front of him still exceeded Kuroba Kuaido's estimates.

Tender and refreshing beef, soft and tender mushrooms, onion braised just right...

This moment~

Kuroba Kuroto couldn't find any words to describe how delicious this dish was.

Just feel everything I've eaten before.

It doesn't add up to this simple plate of beef with garlic mushrooms.

He looked up and sneaked a glimpse of the man in the food truck.

I already knew that the other party made something so delicious.

He had already come to feast.

How can I care about the nonsense of the big guy.

Gourmet current~

What more bikes? Eat and you're done~

What's the trouble to eat and then talk about small...

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