Chapter 360 Super S Sacrifice Aura, Little Bird Sister!!

【Ding! Congratulations on getting a chance to draw skills...】

[Migrating Phantoms, Sacrificial Aura, Elemental Curse, Demon Transformation, Soul Fire, Hell Flame...]

[Skills are being extracted...]

The prompt sound that sounded in his mind once again planned Chu Feng's thoughts. You don't need to look at the system interface to know that it must be Wei Nai or Satania who has been tricked. Look up at the interface in the void ahead.

Sure enough!

This time it was Winay who won the draw.

Migration Phantom: A common skill used by demons to rush to move at high speed while being unobservable by mortals.

Sacrificial Aura: Summon Warcraft from Hell by sacrificing mortal flesh and blood and transcendent items.

Elemental Curse: Curses the surrounding elements to reduce the target's magic resistance by ten percent.

Demon Transformation: Every hell demon has its own battle form, and Little Cute is no exception.

Soul Fire: Burn your own soul and increase your combat effectiveness by 30%; Burn enemy souls to deal sustained damage.

Hell Blaze:...

The system intimately lists the effects of all skills.

Chu Feng had just made a cold mix of three silks.

Consulting Wei Nai's skills with interest.

Don't really say it~

Wei Nai will have a lot of things, and Jia Baili has a fight.

But this girl is busy doing good deeds all day, and she has never seen her use it, which is really cruel.

It was rare for Chu Feng to seriously examine the skills of others.

Each one looks good.

He didn't know which one to choose.

Of course~

Big Boss Chu was just thinking about it.

He knows very well~

I don't have the right to choose at all, everything depends on whether my face is black or not today.

Good luck is a god-level secret skill, and bad luck is a waste wood skill! The roulette wheel turns slowly...

Finally, it was set in the column of [Sacrificial Aura].

[Trigger a thousandfold critical attack, congratulations on obtaining: Super S Sacrifice Aura! ] 】

Super S Sacrifice Aura: God-level secret technique, the effect is a hundred times that of ordinary sacrifices, and the host can summon more powerful hell beasts at a very small cost.

"Summoning skills? It looks very good, and it seems that I can occasionally play the role of summoner in the future. "

Chu Feng nodded secretly in satisfaction.

After all, he couldn't control this kind of thing at all.

What you get depends on luck, and it is already very good to be able to burst the sacrificial aura this time.

And this secret technique is very practical, you can recruit powerful thugs almost without doing it yourself.

For a person like Chu Feng, who is happy and relaxed, it is definitely the most suitable skill.

He smiled and looked at Winnay, who was still tasting the delicious food.

Although the latter did not know why, he also returned a sweet smile.

Sure enough, Winay is really sweet and cute, more like an angel than an angel.

Two more regular customers came in front of the food truck.

The Little Bird Sisters came together.

The second middle school girl had an excited smile on her face.

Little Bird Tour Rokuka, rarely eaten fast food truck dishes.

Last time, I ate a pineapple bun at the gate of Katagiri High School.

First, like Satania, she did not join the food group, and she did not know the location of Chu Feng's stall.

The second is still a student, with little money left in his hand, and he cannot withstand the consumption of food.

Today, somehow, the holy conditioner, who rarely goes to high school, suddenly came to pick her up and said that he wanted to surprise her.

"Saint Conditioner, this is what you mean by surprise?"

Seeing the familiar dark blue fast food truck, Little Bird You Liuhua was surprised.

"Yes, it's rare that Boss Chu's stall location today is very close to your school, of course we have to come and taste it."

Little Bird You Shihua said with a smile, glancing at the price on the LCD screen.

A little surprised, it is estimated that she did not expect that today would be so cheap.

Little Bird You Liuhua couldn't care so much at this time, jumped to the window, and asked, "Boss Chu, is it a cold dish today?" "

"Well, you choose your own dishes."

Looking at the two sisters with completely different personalities, Chu Feng smiled and nodded.

You Liuhua, a bird who can be called Ouhuang, is coming again, and he is still happy.

After all, the first time this girl came, she brought him the god-level skill Straight Death Demon Eye

Although he almost never used it, he could not deny the power of this skill.

"Uh-huh?? Can you still choose your own dishes? Is it OK to mix pig ears? "

Little Bird You Liuhua's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to ask.

"You can only choose vegetarian dishes."

Chu Feng explained patiently.

"Wow, then I want cold potato chips and lotus root chips."

His eyes swirled around, and the little bird You Liuhua spoke again.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, motioning for Erinai to start chopping vegetables...

Then, he looked at the little bird You Shihua and asked, "Miss Shihua, what about you?" "

Facing this beautiful royal sister, Chu Feng behaved very politely.

"Sour and spicy shredded potatoes, thank you!"

Seeing Chu Feng again, Little Bird You Shihua forcibly calmed himself down, and subconsciously used honorifics.

Unlike her sister, she is well aware of the position of the man in front of her in the culinary world.

Stunt chef, that is the existence that Takizhuang chefs need to look up to. Every special chef is the goal of ordinary chefs.

Not to mention ~

According to Kadosaki Taki, Chu Feng was the strongest even among the special chefs.

Chu Feng didn't care about the courtesy of the bird You Shihua, and began to cook the ingredients.

It's just a simple seasoning, it doesn't take much time at all.

Not often~

A lotus root and potato chips, a plate of sour and spicy shredded potatoes were placed in front of the sisters.

"Wow! So beautiful! "

Staring at the rosy lotus root chips and potato chips, Little Bird You Liuhua's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but admire it.

Although it is just a simple cold dish, it is made by Chu Feng, but it is completely different in the senses, giving people a strong visual impact.

"Of course, don't look at who did it!"

Satania just spoke, in fact, she had already discovered this girl who called herself the "Evil True Eye".

Little Bird You Liuhua looked up sharply, and the moment he saw the red-haired girl, he was pleasantly surprised: "Demon Generalissimo, you are also here?" "

"How can it be repaired! Dare you don't see me at all just now? "

Satania rolled her eyes a little speechlessly.

"Uh~ I saw the food truck just now, and I was excited for a while, I didn't notice you."

Little Bird You Liuhua smiled awkwardly, but there was no sense of apology in his mouth.

Just now, she and Ten Flowers walked directly to the window, plus Ten Flowers blocked her line of sight, and she could see Satania as a ghost.

The two middle two girls quickly ended their simple conversation, and Kotori Yuliuhua once again focused on the dish in front of her.

Bright red potato chips, like delicate red lips, waiting for guests to pick.

Faced with such a temptation, Liuhua could not bear it and directly picked up the chopsticks, she was not the kind of patient person.


The sour and spicy and crisp taste hits.

The second middle school girl couldn't help but make a sound that was enough to be locked up in a small black room...

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