Chapter 362: Yang Nai actually read the works of Eiri Kashiwagi?!!

Closing at eight o'clock on time.

Erina and Akemi Miyano returned to their rooms alone.

Chu Feng opened the door of Room 303, and the home was empty, rare and a little deserted.

Thor and Connor went to Lukoya's house, and the previous call told them that if they didn't go home tonight, the home was rarely clean, but Chu Feng was a little unaccustomed.

After taking a cold shower, lying in bed, he couldn't sleep tonight, obviously he could fall asleep on time at ten o'clock before.

Well, all blame Thor for disrupting his schedule.

Anyway, there was no sleep, Chu Feng simply brought up the system panel and opened the personal interface.

[Name]: Chu Feng.

[Age]: 21 years old.

【Positive rating】:4120/5000.

【Composite Index】: 6000 (the average average of ordinary people is 10)

[Chef Level]: Lin level.

[Poisoner]: Top.

【Kitchen Heart】: Harmony is precious, grand avenue.

【Food technique】: A meal on a plate.

【Kitchenware】: Yongling Knife (perfect), Dragon Kettle (perfect), Seven-Star Knife Breaking Army (perfect)

【Points】: 99800.

【Skills】: Western cuisine, knife work, divine vision, divine taste, Chinese cuisine, white case, carving, fire gong...

[Secret Technique]: 100% empty-handed white blade, do not kill and do not pull out the sword, holy sword Excalibur, super S sacrifice aura, straight death demon eye, divine walking, sun breath method, divine blessing, dragon killing mysterious red lotus explosive blade... (Only show dragon level and above)

【Recipe】: Concubine Xiao, Zhenhun noodles, Shenglong dumplings, big magic panda tofu, magic mapo tofu, unified six countries fried noodles, golden egg fried rice... (Only show 7 stars or more)

"The number of positive reviews is still more than eight hundred, I don't know what rewards I can get in the next stage?"

Chu Feng, who was lying on the bed, said to himself, and then thought that he only had two legendary kitchen utensils.

After all, I usually buy ingredients, occasionally buy new recipes, and there are not many times when I use points.

Now his points are close to Bili.

"Just buy another legendary kitchenware."

Chu Feng laughed and quickly found the Demon Saint Bronze in the Points Mall.

This artifact that automatically accelerates the soaking of ingredients is still very useful when in a hurry.

Anyway, as long as 55,000 points, Chu Feng directly chose the perfect level.

Then I visited the points mall.

I chose two recipes: "Snowflake Crab" and "Braised Shark in Oil". He turned off the system interface.

Both recipes are not high stars, both are below seven stars, and each only costs 500 points.

This kind of low-star cuisine is actually dispensable for him now.

It's just that the practice is a little special, and Chu Feng was slightly interested and bought it. Points this thing, keep not spend is equal to nothing, use up and then save is.

During this period, I received a call from Yue Huadeng.

Ask him if he has time tomorrow morning? Chu Feng still did not give a clear answer.

After all, the system has not yet refreshed the stall time.

Yue Hua Deng and Caibo Chaoyang's halberd will start at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. If there was no need to set up a stall in the morning, Chu Feng wouldn't mind taking a look.

One night without a word.

Wake up at half past six.

The system tone rings in my head.

Chu Feng casually edited a text message and sent it to the food group, washed up and went out for a morning run.

A habit that has been cultivated for a long time, Boss Chu is so self-disciplined.

[At 6 p.m., IGO Songjing Branch, Snowflake Big Crab.] 】

After buying a cheap recipe last night, Chu Feng decided to sell this today.

After seven o'clock, the food group gradually became lively.

Megumi Field: Snowflake crab? It seems that there are many ways to do it, right?

Food expert: can be steamed, fried or boiled, snowflake crabs are different everywhere, but since Chu Feng is from the Dragon Kingdom, most of them can cook Zhejiang dishes, remember that there is a snowflake crab bucket over there" is very famous.

God's Tongue: Snowflake Crab Bucket? In the Yuan Dynasty, the "Yunlintang Diet System Collection" once recorded a famous dish honey stuffed with clams, and it is said that the snowflake crab bucket evolved from this dish.

I have looked for relevant pictures on the Internet, they look a lot like works of art, and I heard that they taste even more delicious and fragrant, but I can't find an authentic one in Weijing.

Cute little peach: Uh-uh~~ Eri Nian actually reads books, and it is still an ancient book of the Dragon Kingdom, which really surprises the little peach.

God's Tongue: Following Chu Feng's internship, of course, Miss Ben must read more books about Chinese cuisine, otherwise she will not be able to keep up with his rhythm.

Xiaohui Tian: It's enviable to learn cooking from Boss Chu.

Yuhime Yoshino: Envy +1!

Ryoko Kami: Envy +2!

Food guru: Abominable! If I could be two years younger, I would be able to follow Chu Feng out of the stall.

Tianyu Slash: Come on, even if you are ten years younger, Chu Jun can't look at you.

Food expert: Tianyu chopping, didn't wake up early in the morning, got up so angry, deliberately looking for fault, right? With your annoying personality, it's no wonder that Chu Feng has always looked at you.

Tianyu chopping: Hmph~ Who said, Chujun only hugged me the day before yesterday~~

Gourmets: (⊙_⊙)

Winter on snowy days: what's the situation?

Chunguoting hostess: (⊙_⊙)...

Xiaohui Tian: I seem to have heard a very exciting news, could it be that Boss Chu and Sister Tianyu...?

Boss Chu: Don't listen to Tianyu's slashing, she was poisoned that day, I just fed her medicine.

Kasumi Shiko: Uh-uh~~ Feeding medicine? Feed with what? Mouth-to-mouth?

Boss Chu: Climb aside, is the love metronome finished? Don't hurry up and rush to the manuscript!

Ying Li Li: Could it be that Boss Chu is also reading the novel of Shi Lao Fei? This reader has a bit of weight! Shi Lao Fei still does not hurry to codeword.

Kasumi Shiko: Eiri Kashiwagi, you want to die, dare to call me that, do you want me to tell everyone about your drawing book?

Eiri Li: Cut, it's like they don't know now, let's tell you the truth, Yono, Yumeko and Nyaari, they're all mine now...

The sun on a snowy day: Hideri Sawamura, shut up the old lady!

Yumeko Snake: Yes, I'm a big fan of Hideri Kashiwagi now.

Saotome Nyari: And me, Hideri Kashiwagi, whose drawing is amazing.

Snowy sun:... (Spread these two neuroses, Yukishita Yono felt helpless, and wanted to strangle these two faceless goods)

After finishing the morning run, Chu Feng looked at the noisy chat group, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily turned up.

I really didn't expect that Yang Nai was like this, and he actually looked at Ying Li's previous works.

In fact, Chu Feng also liked it very much, and he specially searched for the book drawn by Teacher Hideri Kashiwagi.

I have to say, English pear is awesome!

Just about to put away his mobile phone, Tianyu Chopper called.

After knowing each other for so long, the other party's persevering pursuit, Boss Chu was soft for a while, or gave his private name to the ground,

"Chu Jun, it's not busy during the day."


"Okay, ready to go to Yokohama."

"Huh? What are you doing over there? "

"Go see a Grand Chef's Halberd."

"Special Chef Halberd? Sounds like fun, can I go along? "

“...... Well, you come to me now! "

Chu Feng hesitated slightly, and this time did not refuse the Tianyu slash.

In fact, the symbiotic female emperor is quite cute as long as she is not sick.

It just so happened that Thor and Connor were not there, and he was quite bored in the past alone, and it was good to have one more companion...

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