Chapter 392 Alice who loves to remember the little book!!

"Why are you here?"

Chu Feng opened the door and saw Alice with a sneer on her face, and Erinai hiding behind her.

"Boss Chu forgot, our internship period is not over yet, and you don't set up a stall in the past two days."

Alice pouted, with a hint of resentment between her eyebrows.

When Chu Feng heard this, he immediately laughed, how could he not understand the other party's careful thinking.

This niko is obviously afraid of missing out on valuable learning opportunities.

After all, Yuanyue's field internship is only one month.

Xianzuoweimon can be regarded as 'using power for personal gain', so he won the opportunity for the two sisters to intern here for a month, without having to go to multiple stores.

Although this decision also made the high-level of Yuanyue complain, the prestige accumulated by Xianzuoweimon over the years still suppressed different voices.

Alice and Erina, too, understand this, so they don't want to delay a day.

Chu Feng turned around and let the sisters into the house, and did not care about their uninvited arrival.

Thor was watching a movie on the couch and turned his head to say hello to the sisters, but didn't say anything more.

Alice and Erinah glanced at the TV screen, where a new romance comedy was playing.

Although Erina's love of shoujo manga is not much interest in this type of movie

Alice's focus was even less on this, and she asked with a smile: "What does Boss Chu plan to do at noon?" "

That look, like a begging white-haired kitten.

Chu Feng rolled his eyes and shrugged, "Egg fried rice." "

Connor had to go to school during the day, and Akemi Miyano went out to find out if there was a research institute ready to sell.

Now he and Thor are at home, just eat something at noon.

"Huh? Egg fried rice? The kind that will glow? "

Alice's eyes suddenly lit up.

Although on the day of the autumn selection, Chu Feng also sold golden egg fried rice when he set up a stall at the gate of Yuanyue.

But Alice, who participated in the tryouts, came out in the end and only ate a bowl of soul noodles.

She has been interested in that glowing egg fried rice for a long time.

The same goes for Erina.

Food trucks, there has been no ordering service.

Except for Momoku Qi Luoli, no one has ever enjoyed this special treatment.

At this time, Alice's voice sounded again.

"Boss Chu, is there a place where you need our help"? "

"It's just a simple fried rice, how can it take so many people."

Looking at Alice with excitement on her face.

How could Chu Feng not understand the other party's thoughts.

This nizi obviously wants to steal the teacher.

"You can watch it if you want, anyway, it's not haute cuisine."

Chu Feng said casually, turned around and walked into the kitchen.

Alice and Erina, who looked at each other and smiled, followed closely. Although Chu Feng said that golden egg fried rice is not a high-end dish.

But the sisters didn't believe a word.

After all, it will shine!

Scoop out a bowl of steamed white rice.

The rice is crystal full and steaming, and at first glance it is not ordinary rice.

Like a beauty just out of the bath, white rice has a unique fragrance.

"Wait, you're going to use Xiangshui Gongmi today?"

Alice suddenly exclaimed.

"How? What's the problem? "

Chu Feng glanced at the white-haired girl strangely.


Alice suddenly smacked her lips, a little speechless.

The main thing is that her mind didn't turn a corner just now, and the first reaction when she saw Xiangshui Gongmi was a pity.

The average price of 15,000 yen for fried rice is indeed too luxurious

However, when I thought that Chu Feng's egg fried rice could shine, I suddenly felt that I was making the most of it.

The perfect egg fried rice naturally goes with the best rice.

Seeing the expression on Alice's face change from shock to course, Erinai smiled and said, "I almost forgot, you haven't eaten his tempura donburi, and that time he used Hibiki Gongmi." "

Xiangshui Gong Rice, commonly known as 'rice growing on stone slabs'.

Growing on the 10,000-year-old lava terrace, enjoying the nourishment of black humus soil, the irrigation of pure Jingpo Lake water, and breathing the fresh air of the primeval forest.

It looks like mutton fat and beautiful jade, and the taste is mellow and flexible, and it is definitely one of the best rice in the secular world.

Alice seemed to want to ask about tempura donburi.

But he saw that Chu Feng took out the spotted pork left over from yesterday, as well as eggs and carrots.

"Huh? Is today's golden egg fried rice different from the previous one? "

Although I have never eaten it, people in the food group often mention this dish. According to those who have eaten this dish, there are only eggs and rice in it.

However, this time, Chu Feng used dream ingredients and carrots.

"A little bit of a change to the recipe."

Chu Feng said while breaking three eggs.

"This is... Yunying eggs? "

Erinai stared at the well-stirred egg liquid for a long time, and finally understood why she faintly felt a little wrong when she saw the egg just now, and the size was obviously smaller than ordinary eggs.


Chu Feng replied lightly.

Alice next to her sighed again: "This egg fried rice is too luxurious." "

Of course she knew Yunying eggs.

It was the first ten eggs laid by a native farmer hen who had never had hormones.

This egg is shaped like an olive, but it is much larger than an olive.

There is a small obvious white dot at each end of the egg, and the yolk is not visible in the light.

Regardless of taste or nutritional value, Yunying eggs are much higher than ordinary eggs.

"Spotted pork, Xiangshui gongmi, Yunying eggs... Boss Chu, even carrots, what kind of cherished varieties, right? "

Alice's gaze naturally fell on those two carrots.

But no matter how you look at it, it's an ordinary carrot.

Is my level so low that I can't even identify the ingredients? Alice suddenly fell into deep self-doubt.

Mari took out a small notebook and picked up a ballpoint pen to rustle and record it.

Chu Feng glanced at the white-haired girl curiously, it was the first time he had seen the other party take notes.

"Don't remember, it's just ordinary carrots, not a rare ingredient. And learning to cook, taking notes is the most useless way, only by watching and practicing more, can you understand the essence of a dish. "

"Nope! This is Boss Chu's recipe, I have to record it well, and read it as a Bible every day in the future, Boss Chu rest assured, I will definitely not pass it on. "

Alice's little face was red, but her tone was extremely firm.

In fact, she carefully records every dish she learns in the past few days, after work.

Just taking notes in front of Chu Feng, it was the first time, and I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

The main thing is that the egg fried rice that the other party is about to make is a little too much, and she can't help but want to copy it...

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