Chapter 394: Summer Festival of Love Land Symbiosis Academy!!

"Chu Jun, are you coming to participate in our school's summer festival?"

Early this morning, Chu Feng received a call from Tianyu Slash.

Summer Festival?

Love Land Symbiosis Academy still has this thing?

A group of students who only know about fighting all day, and also hold this kind of activity to celebrate youth?

After Tianyu's slashing explanation, Chu Feng knew the reason for the matter.

Aiji Symbiosis Academy, originally did not have this activity.

If you want to do it, you will also engage in competition, which is in line with their school spirit.

However, I recently won the Cross ~ Sea Symbiosis Academy at the Martial Arts Exchange Conference.

Led by the Five Swords of the World, the students of the school approved with both hands, and finally decided to hold a summer festival.

Anyway, there was nothing to do, and Chu Feng did not refuse Tianyu's invitation to slash.

Fifteen minutes later, a red Porsche appeared downstairs in Sakura's apartment.

Wearing a Western-style long-sleeved short skirt, Tianyu slowly walked out of the car.

Chu Feng, who was waiting at the door of the apartment, couldn't help but pout.

You don't need to ask.

This nizi doesn't know how many red lights she has run.

And this outfit...

I don't know if it's an illusion, Chu Feng remembered that Tianyu passed through before the slash.

The dark rose pattern printed on the fluffy and wide sun skirt is still so conspicuous.

I have to say that this skirt really matches Tianyu chopping.

Cold with a little charm, noble and elegant.

"It seems that you really like this outfit!"

Chu Feng praised with a smile, and couldn't help but look at it twice.

"As long as Chu Jun likes it."

The corner of Tianyu's mouth outlined an arc, and the smile in his bright eyes was almost unconcealed.

The two got into the car and drove in the direction of the Love Land Symbiosis Academy...

Today, Tuesday, the sun is shining, but it is a good old son for traveling. When the two arrived at the Love Land Symbiosis Academy, it was only after ten o'clock.

At this time, the atmosphere of symbiosis between love and land was very different from usual.

The campus is full of laughter and girls in various costumes, which is the most beautiful scenery of the summer festival.

Summer is the season when boys and girls bloom their youth, and the cool dress of the girls makes the boys addicted.

Putting aside the eccentric personalities of these students, the girls' appearance is still very beatable.

The COS suit was put on his body, which instantly changed Chu Feng's previous opinion of them, but one thing surprised him.

The boys from the Love Land Symbiosis Academy actually returned to normal dress?

As if seeing his doubts, Tianyu Chopper explained: "After the Martial Arts Exchange Conference, those five guys abolished the correction system as soon as they returned. "

"So suddenly? Ghost Wheel, they gave up the school tradition so easily? "

Chu Feng was slightly stunned, feeling a little incredible.

Aren't the five swords of the world the most focused on tradition?

"It's not because of Narugami Toraharu and Shoko Fujibayashi!"

Tianyu sneered, "Knowing the true relationship between the head of the school and Narugami Tiger Chun, they don't dare to believe in any traditions anymore because of the moonlight night." "

Chu Feng nodded and said, "Indeed, deliberately suppressing boys and forcibly reversing their personalities is indeed not conducive to cultivation. "

Martial arts is a road to move forward.

Boys who are forced to wear women's clothing are greatly affected psychologically, and it is impossible to go far on this road.

This is also the fundamental reason why there are so few masters among the boys in the Love Land Symbiosis Academy.

"Speaking of which, they have to thank you a lot, if it weren't for your cooking, this martial arts exchange conference, Love Land Symbiosis would not have been able to win."

Tianyu and Chu Feng walked side by side, and suddenly said with a smile: "I haven't had time to thank you yet, if you hadn't made a move that day, it is estimated that I would have died." "

"Just a show of hands..."

"Don't say that what you took out at that time was just an ordinary potion, Poison Island Junzi told me later, you gave me a century soup."

Tianyu slashed and interrupted Chu Feng's tweet, and said in a very serious tone: "This love, I will return it sooner or later!" "

The girl's categorical tone immediately left Chu Feng speechless for a while.

In fact, he didn't take this matter to heart at all.

A soup of the century is just a soup, and it is not a valuable thing, it can be made at any time.

Secretly shook his head, Chu Feng did not take the words of Tianyu slashing to heart...

Speaking of the Summer Festival, in addition to various activities, the biggest purchase point is food, looking at the rows of food stalls on both sides of the street, Chu Feng couldn't help but laugh.

Although they are all a group of martial artists, the smell of various snacks fills the air, indicating that the dishes prepared by the students are not bad.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Since coming to this world, I seem to have rarely tasted other people's dishes.

Looking at the snacks on a street, Chu Feng suddenly began to eat in mode and ate as he walked.

Every time you eat it, you don't forget to complain about the various defects of the dish.

"The flour of takoyaki is wrong, not all noodles should be high gluten, this kind of dish, medium and low gluten is the most suitable..."

While nibbling on a string of takoyaki, Chu Feng said vaguely.

"Uh-uh~~ Boss Chu, don't take you to play like this, making snacks is just a hobby of Satori, I'm not even an ordinary chef!"

The sleeping bird wearing a white apron and a chef's hat rolled his eyes at Chu Feng while brushing the oil pot, and his fair face was still stained with some flour.

"It's Satori, coil your hair, I almost didn't recognize it."

Chu Feng glanced at the busy girl, and his face was not red or his heart did not beat when he said nonsense

With his current strength, he doesn't need to look at his face at all, and he can recognize acquaintances just by his breath.

"Hmph, anyway, don't comment on my dishes, even if you change to a special chef, it is estimated that you can pick out a lot of hand diseases."

Sleeper rolled her eyes again, she didn't want to be hit to autism like the people in front of her.

Chef Lin's comments, the little woman can't afford it.

Chu Feng casually threw the bamboo skewer into the trash can, and said curiously: "You sell takoyaki here, what about the ghost tile wheel?" "

"Oni Wawa and Mary are in the maid café, I don't know where to run on the moonlit night, and if you have flowers and wine, you should still be looking for food everywhere." "

Chu Feng nodded slightly and continued to wander around the food street.

The sleeping bird stared curiously at the Heavenly Feather Slash who was following Chu Feng, with a meaningful smile on his face.

It seems that this symbiotic female emperor and Boss Chu are very likely to compose a story...

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