Chapter 400: Where did Chu Feng get so many magical kitchenware?!!

Maple Leaf Pavilion opened on its first day.

The guests did not embarrass Chu Feng.

Basically, I ordered relatively simple dishes that I had eaten before.

For example, Yue Huadeng ordered a fish-scented eggplant.

Since the first time I visited the food truck.

He never forgot the taste of this dish.

Another example is Lukoya and Aluma, both of whom have a piece of braised pork.

Everyone was still more considerate of Chu Feng, knowing that it was not an easy task to cook fifty dishes at once.

If the dishes are too complex and time-consuming, it will not benefit everyone.

In the kitchen.

Chu Feng smiled heartily, just looking at the list recorded by Thor and Akemi Miyano, he knew that the old customers were very considerate of him.

After stir-frying dishes such as eggplant with fish aroma, he began to make braised pork.

Stir-fry vegetarian dishes first, and then make meat, this is common knowledge in the kitchen.

Ring bell ~~~

On the pallets on the left and right, the sound of chopping vegetables and chopping meat constantly sounded.

This is Alice and Erinai processing the ingredients.

Senzoemon and Setsuno, Jiro sat at the table directly opposite the kitchen.

Since it is a semi-open kitchen, you can clearly see everything in the kitchen.

"Boy Xue Che, those two girls are your daughters?"

Jiro drank tea from a white porcelain cup and stared in the direction of the kitchen with interest.

Don't see that he usually stays in the food world, but he also knows something about the culinary world of various countries, and as a prominent family in the neon cuisine world, Jiro is naturally no stranger.

"Yes, Master Jiro."

Xianzuoemon was slightly restrained, and his tone was a little nervous.

In the face of the living legend of the culinary world, this leader in the neon culinary industry does not dare to snub.

Jiro smiled and continued, "Whether shredding or chopping, their level is far beyond their peers, and your boy has two good granddaughters." "

Senzoemon said humbly: "Master Jiro has passed the prize, it's just a small skill of carving insects, and they still have a lot to learn." "

"It's a pity that I can't see Boss Chu's knife work, and the old man is quite regretful."

Staring at Chu Feng, who was only responsible for stir-frying, Jiro couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Setsunai smiled and said, "I haven't seen the old man, but as long as I come here often to eat, I will always have a chance to see it." "

Although he presided over Chu Feng and Caibo Chaoyang's halberd.

But last time, Chu Feng made an oil-stewed shark, and there was no need to perform knife skills.

The three most skilled chefs among the guests were chatting and waiting for the dishes to be served

Such a scene is actually a microcosm of the entire restaurant, almost every table is like this.

It didn't take long ~

Thor and Akemi Miyano kept walking back and forth in the restaurant, placing dishes with delicious colors in front of every diner.

"Shh~ so fragrant ~ worthy of being from the hands of Boss Chu!"

"This tempting smell of fish is very nostalgic."

"Haha~ I can taste Boss Chu's braised pork again~~"

"Hmm~ Although it is not the meat of gems, it is still exceptionally delicious."

"Potato dumplings, authentic Nordic cuisine, I didn't expect Boss Chu to be able to make it so authentic."

"Croquettes, my favorite..."

At present, there are very few dishes that are served.

The guests who got their share all stared at the dishes on the table for a while before they all started.

And the people who had not yet served the dishes were secretly anxious at this time, and their eyes stared straight in the direction of the window.

That longing gaze is like a Venerable Stone...

Inside the kitchen.

Chu Feng looked at the uncrossed dish names on the list, and suddenly frowned.

"Knife shave? Who ordered this? "

Although knife-cut noodles are one of the top ten noodles in the Dragon Kingdom.

But is it really good to eat noodles on the first day of the Maple Leaf Pavilion? Chu Feng was curious about which strange point this was.

"It seems to be Master Jiro."

Erina looked at the table number on the order and said a little uncertainly.

Senzoemon doesn't like to eat noodles, and Setsuna probably won't, so only Jiro, who he is not familiar with, is left.

Chu Feng glanced at Jiro outside faintly, unexpectedly the other party also kept staring at him and smiled slightly, and Chu Feng began to make peace.

Let's cut the surface with a knife.

It won't take much time anyway.

Wamen is a work of strength.

But it was very easy for Chu Feng.

He chose all-purpose flour, which is more chewy.


A smooth and plump dough with moderate firmness appears on the board.

Chu Feng patted the dough, seemed to feel very satisfied, and then took out the Demon Saint Bronze...

This legendary kitchenware has the ability to foam ingredients immediately and automatically cook soup, and is generally used to speed up the production of abalone, dried scallops and other dry goods.

But the system must be a fine product, not to mention a perfect-grade magic saint bronze.

This piece in Chu Feng's hand can also be used for fermentation.

Almost at the moment of putting the dough into the Magic Saint Bronze.

One of them lights up once faintly light.

When the dough is taken out again.

The sharp-eyed Jiro instantly noticed that the dough had finished fermenting.

"What a magical prop, it actually sends ingredients in seconds!"

The cloudy old eyes suddenly lit up, and Jiro felt a little surprised.

Of course~

Just surprise.

Having been in the food world for many years, he has seen many magical kitchenware in his life.

Props that automatically soak ingredients are not absent in this world.

It's just that this piece in Chu Feng's hand is frighteningly fast, which is a little unexpected by Jiro.

Just when he was distracted.

Chu Feng in the kitchen had already picked up the dough.

Pick up a dark blue kitchen knife in your right hand.


One by one, noodles flew out from the tip of Chu Feng's knife, and fell accurately into the pot not far away, a set of movements flowed and flowed, indescribable.


At this moment, Jiro did not pay attention to Chu Feng's movements.

In fact~

As long as the master who makes knife noodles, he can easily do 4.1 to this point.

Jiro's gaze always fell on the knife in Chu Feng's hand.

The blue light on its surface flowed, and at this moment, the dragon patterns on the knife surface seemed to come to life and came to life.

No doubt~

It's also a magical kitchenware.

Jiro couldn't help but be more curious about Chu Feng.

Where did this young man get so many kitchenware that he had never seen? Even Melk, the world's number one foundry, doesn't seem to have so many top-notch kitchenware, right?


Now is clearly not the time to think about these issues.

Because Chu Feng had already started making toppings.

It is the brine from the last brine brine.

Add dried bamboo shoots and beef and finally boil to make toppings.

Noodles, toppings!

A bowl of knife-cut noodles is done...

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