Chapter 406 Shizaki Mad Three, Shi Stop VS Emperor Keke!!

A leg wrapped in black silk came into view.

The delicate little feet are covered with patent leather Martin boots.

It's easy to see.

The one who opened the back door this time was definitely a well-dressed girl.

But with one foot alone.

Chu Feng couldn't guess the identity of the other party.

It's just that the girl behind the door seems extra cautious.

As soon as I opened half the door and stepped in, one foot did not move.

Potential dangers seem to be being weighed.

Chu Feng did not speak, but just waited calmly.

Although curious about another world.

But Maple Leaf Pavilion will not be short of guests.

There is no need to keep everyone who opens the back door.

If the other party did not dare to enter the store and missed the food of Maple Leaf Pavilion, it would also be her own loss.


It seems that curiosity has finally taken over.

The girl behind the door broke into the store.

Her long black hair was tied into two arms and fell comfortably over her shoulders.

The slender limbs feel that Yiping will break with just a little force.

Waterfall-like bangs that cover the left half of 04's amazingly beautiful face

On the other side, he left a right eye as deep as a black hole and delicate lips like a cherry blossom.

Amazing beauty, as if just one look can capture all men.

Tokisaki Crazy Three!

When a girl full of devilish charm comes into view.

Chu Feng instantly recognized the identity of the other party.

"What is this place?"

The cherry blossom-like delicate red lips opened lightly, and Tokisaki Crazyzo, who had just entered the Maple Leaf Pavilion, did not look around for the first time, and his indifferent eyes looked directly at the man in front of him.

The golden and red two-color eyes are like two brilliant gems, but these eyes reveal the indifference to the world.

"As you can see, it's a restaurant. Chu Feng sighed helplessly. "

Why does every guest from another world who comes to Maple Leaf Pavilion come so often? Doesn't the furnishings of the restaurant on the first floor tell the whole story?

"Ahhh! Restaurant? "

Tokisaki was slightly startled, and the vigilance under his eyes was still reduced by half.

Just now~

She solves a few punks who covet their beauty.

Prepare to transfer with [Engraved Emperor].

Who knows the next second~

A strange door appeared in front of you.

Tokisaki Crazy San pity it on the spot.

To know ~

That's her shadow space.

Except for countless time doppelgangers, there could not be other Chen Xi at all.

But that door appeared very suddenly, without any warning at all.

Tokisaki Ryozo's first reaction was that the initial elf was ghosting.

After all, her ability was originally given by the original elves.

But the moment that door was opened.

She had already denied her own judgment.

Over here~

There is no breath of the original elf.

Tokisaki looked around.

Strong Chinese style.

As if mocking her ignorance. The burgundy right pupil contracted violently.

Whether this is a real restaurant or not? Tokisaki didn't dare to be careless.

Because of this shop, or rather the owner of the shop in front of you.

The ability to enter her shadow space without being discovered by herself.

That's kind of scary.

In other words~

The other party has the ability to kill her quietly!

"Spirit Engraving Emperor!"

Without warning.

Tokisaki activated the skill.

A huge clock appeared behind her.

Face unknown dangers.

Afraid of being hurt, Mad San decided to strike first.

The moment the spirit costume appeared.

Dark shadows appeared around her.

It seems that something is ready to drill out of it.


Mad San's ears sounded a man's voice.

"Stop when you are in the Uyi!"

The moment the sound sounds.

A strange, never-before-seen energy fluctuation spread in all directions, instantly enveloping the entire restaurant.

The next moment~

Tokisaki suddenly found that he seemed to have come to an independent space.

It was as dark as the night sky, as lonely as the universe, and everything seemed to stop

Not only space, but also time.


It was as if the sound of bubbles breaking sounded in my head.

Mad San wanted to turn his head to look, but found that his root body could not give half a share. But she could clearly sense that Emperor Keke had disintegrated on his own.

Even the shadows around him have disappeared.

Surprise! Tremble!

At this moment, Shizaki was terrified to the extreme.

Be the elf of time.

The special existence of manipulating time.

She knew exactly what was going on.

Freeze time!

The young and handsome man on the other side could actually freeze time.

It's not a simple manipulation or chasing the lake, but a complete freeze.

People in this space, whether past, present, or future, are sealed in the water.

Tokisaki plans to use the eleventh bullet to travel through time, or the twelve bullet time lake trip to return to the past.

But in this space completely frozen in time, everything was in vain, and she couldn't even move a finger.

This moment~

Tokisaki felt a long-lost fear.

That is the fear of facing death directly!

Since then, with the ability to manipulate time, Tokisaki is not afraid of death.

Even if the body is killed, it can 807 use the ability to fuse itself in a certain period of time in the instant before the consciousness disappears.

But there is a very important premise, before death, you can launch the Emperor of Kerke.

If she loses this dependency, the body dies, and she really dies.

Tokisaki knows very well.

The man's understanding of time in front of him far exceeded his imagination.

The other party wanted to kill her, like pinching an ant to death.


When the scenery in front of him changed and the mural of the dragon flying phoenix dance came into view again, Shizaki Crazy San let out a long breath and wondered: "Why don't you kill me?" "

Chu Feng shrugged his shoulders and said lightly: "The visitor is a guest, as long as you abide by the rules of the Maple Leaf Pavilion, you are a guest here, and I don't have the habit of killing guests." But please remember, I don't want to send a second time for that kind of thing just now. "

For Shiqi Mad San, Chu Feng has a general understanding, that is, a rich lady who has been pitted.

Afraid of being injured again, she had the kind of overreaction just now, which is completely understandable.

It is enough to casually subdue the mad three who opened the spirit costume, and a little mental moon shadow.

I believe that after discovering that the time ability is completely restrained by himself, Tokisaki should be afraid for a long time.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng smiled slightly and said lightly: "Since the greeting has already been called, what do you want to eat?" "

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