Chapter 410 The research institute is done, overjoyed Conan!!

23 batsumi in Yonekacho.

Dr. Agasa's residence.

Motota Kojima and Mitsuhiko Marutani looked at the light rain outside the window, both with disappointed looks.

"Why is it suddenly raining today?"

"I was going to play soccer in the afternoon!"

Motota Kojima and Mitsuhiko Madaya spoke one after another, their tones rather frustrated.

"There's no way around it..."

Conan put his hands behind his back and said expressionlessly, "Since it's starting to rain, you should be able to go back, right?" "

"No, it's not fun to go back, let's play electric, doesn't Dr. Agasa have a lot of games at home."

Oblivious to Conan's impatient expression, Kojima began rummaging through the coffee table drawer for his favorite game disc.

Mitsuhiko Madaya is also obviously interested in electric and has no intention of leaving

Conan was sad for a while, and simply lay on the sofa with the back of his head in his hands, letting them toss and turn.

He didn't know what was going on, but Motota Kojima and Mitsuhiko Madaya were like cowhide candy, and they always liked to stick to him.

It's a rare weekend when I am pestered by these two guys, and I can't get out of the way.

Turning his head and glancing out the window, fortunately it rained today, and it was estimated that he could not find any clues about the black-clothed organization when he went out, Conan simply closed his eyes and recuperated.

Somehow ~

Not long after closing his eyes, he remembered Haihara.

The girl who defected from the Black Organization and claimed to be the developer of APTX-4869.

I wonder how her institute is doing?

When will we start developing antidotes? Think of it here~

Conan couldn't help but feel sad.

He had enough of being a schoolboy.

"Jingle Bell~"

The telephone on the counter next to the sofa suddenly rang.

Conan picked it up casually and spoke, "Moxi Moxie, which one are you?" "

Then in the next second, he sat up directly and said in amazement: "Haihara, how do you know the phone number of Dr. Agasa's house?" "

Motota Kojima and Mitsuhiko Madaya, who were still rummaging through the game discs, moved in unison, and looked back at Conan with a stunned look of surprise.

"Haibara-san? Is it Haibara-san's phone? "

"What did she call Conan for? Could it be..."

"No, such a cute Haihara-san, it's impossible to fancy Pu Xinnan."

"That's right, now Conan is a complete scumbag in the eyes of the girls in the class, no girl will take the initiative to find him, and he is also the cutest Haibara classmate."

Kojima Motota and Marutani Mitsuhiko suddenly shouted, and they almost didn't believe it, and the two words were written on their faces. (⊙_⊙)......

Conan's dead fish eyes glared fiercely at the two little guys, one fat and one thin, but still listened carefully to the voice coming from the phone.

Haibara's mournful voice was still as cold as ever, but what she said on the phone made Conan overjoyed.

"Seriously? The institute has been set? So fast? "

Conan's hand holding the microphone trembled slightly, and he was quite excited.

He never expected that a few days ago, Haihara said that he had not found the institute, and now it can be put into use.

But think about it.

Gray Plain is Boss Chu's cousin.

It's just a research institute.

For Chu Feng, who can open a big restaurant at will, it is probably a drop in the bucket Conan who can't help but sigh the power of money, if you want to do something, just give money

As long as the money is in place, time is not a problem at all.

Now that the institute has it, is it still far from the development of the antidote to APTX-4869?

Conan, who had been looking forward to getting bigger, almost cried out with joy at this moment.

And then~

Motota Kojima and Mitsuhiko Marutani saw Conan nodding his head busily into the microphone.

"Okay, Yonaka Town Sanchome Hirota Research Institute? It's from my side. "

Conan put down the phone, turned his head to look at the two friends, and spread his hands: "You heard it just now, Haibara wailed me to go out, you can go home now, right?" "

"I don't want it~"

Kojima Motota immediately objected, his swollen eyes almost narrowed into a slit, and then asked fiercely: "Honestly, what did Haihara-san ask you to go out for?" Also, when did you become so acquainted with Haibara-san? "

"To be clear in advance, I don't know her at all, just go over to help."

Conan completely ignored Little Fatty's 'threat'.

If he is really a famous detective, he will be afraid of a schoolboy? Usually let Yuantai, just too lazy to calculate with him.

Now it comes to the question of whether you can get bigger.

Conan will not let go of the business and continue to fool around with this group of imps.

But the friends obviously won't let him go.

Mitsuhiko Madaya was even more keenly aware of the loopholes in Conan's words.

"Since you are not familiar with Haibara-san, why did she ask you for help?"

"yes, why didn't she look for us?"

Kojima Motota quickly echoed: "Hmph, we can do more than you..."

Looking at the little fat man's proud look, Conan couldn't help but roll his dead fish eyes, and resisted the urge to give him a violent face.

Just you, the guy who only knows how to eat and play all day, still have the face to say that he is very capable of king?

But the most important thing now is to fool the two goods in front of you first.

Pestered by them, there is no way to go to the research institute of Gray Plains.

You can't tell them that you want to be studied, just to make a bigger potion.

But Motota Kojima and Mitsuhiko Marutani apparently didn't want to give Conan a chance to fool them.

The two of them held the Grim Reaper elementary school student on the left and right, and they were about to go in the direction of the door.

"Since Haihara-san needs help, then let's hurry over, we can't let her wait for a long time."

"Yes, I didn't expect that Haibara-san would also ask for help from us, I heard that she is a genius girl who has returned from abroad..."

"Haha, we are a juvenile detective group, of course you have to find us if you have difficulties, but unfortunately Chuangtai is not here today, otherwise our juvenile detective team can all be dispatched."

Motota Kojima and Mitsuhiko Madaya took Conan out while taking care of themselves

Saying that, in a few words, he put the 'credit' on the head of the juvenile detective team.

Haibara is a recognized goddess of Class B of the first grade of Didan Elementary School.

Now that there is a chance to get along with her, neither Motota nor Mitsuhiko want to miss it.

Conan was completely dumbfounded.

He didn't say a word, how did things become like this?

I'm going to do research, about your juvenile detective group's, can you make a little face?

Also, when does Haihara need your help, do you also want to be studied by her?

Conan, who was held left and right by the two, suddenly had an unloveable expression on his face, knowing that the matter was a foregone conclusion, and he would definitely not be able to get rid of these two cowhide candies, unless he directly stunned them.

Although Motota Kojima and Mitsuhiko Marutani are really annoying sometimes.

But Conan, a famous detective with a sense of justice, can't do anything to bully children

But after thinking about it, since these two goods also want to be studied, they simply went along with their wishes.

Hopefully, when the time comes, they won't be frightened.

Rolling his eyes twice, Conan laughed: "Okay, okay, I'll take you there, quickly put me down, I'm going to get an umbrella, it's still raining outside." "

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