Chapter 436 Several bowls of noodles are so fragrant, where is the chef divine?!!

Alice tossed and turned.

Boss Chu didn't know anything.

It's just a little strange why the other party suddenly showed a constipated expression.

Is my noodles hard to eat?

I tasted it slightly, there is no problem, it is still that taste.

Most of the time, Chu Feng was still very satisfied with his cuisine.

Since it's not a matter of cooking.

That must be Alice's own problem.

However, Chu Feng has never liked to pry into the privacy of the people below.

Since Alice didn't want to say it, he also had to bother with it.


A cold voice sounded in his ears.

It's Koizumi-san.

Koizumi quickly dried the whole bowl of noodles and said excitedly: "Boss, this bowl of golden silk noodles is so delicious, can I still come in the future?" "

Chu Feng swallowed the food in his mouth and said with a smile: "Of course." "

Koizumi-san: "By the way, what is this place?" "

Chu Feng: (⊙_⊙)...

Erina:? (⊙_⊙)


Dare you just think of asking this now? Several people present were speechless.

I always feel that the blonde girl's focus is different from ordinary people.

Suddenly, I came to a strange place.

The point shouldn't be to figure out where you are first.

This girl is poured well, eat it first, and then talk about it, and everything else can be put aside for the time being.

Proper foodie!

Chu Feng was a little crying and laughing.

"You can think of this as a similar parallel world."

Chu Feng explained concisely.

He really didn't want to waste every guest he had.


Koizumi replied lightly.

It didn't seem to be a surprise.

In fact~

While admiring Chu Feng's gorgeous knife work.

She already had a guess about this.

In her world, after all.

But there is no such amazing cooking, and certainly not such delicious cuisine.

"Then how can I come back in the future?"

This time Koizumi finally got to the point.

And told me that I came here from a neon noodle restaurant.

Chu Feng suddenly realized.

Koizumi is the same as Tanjiro.

All randomly triggered the otherworld channel.

And it's not a convenient place.

A slight smile.

Although just a guest from the ordinary world.

Chu Feng still gave Xiaoquan a golden card.

Anyway, this thing doesn't need money.

Koizumi-san didn't stay long.

A little excitedly, he took the golden card and reincarnated towards the back door.

The experience just now was obviously beyond her scope of understanding.

It's hard to believe in retrospect, and she's ready to go home and be quiet.

But anyway, Koizumi is still quite excited to be able to taste the food of another world.

"Goo la la la..."

"What is this place? Capable of Gate Fruit? "

"It's really strange that the old man has an extra door on the ship..."

A hearty laugh sounded, which made Chu Feng and the others cheer.

Look in the direction where the sound came.

I saw that the back door of the restaurant did not know when it had changed greatly.

The next moment~

A tall figure suddenly came into everyone's eyes.

Chu Feng, Erinai and the others immediately understood why the back door suddenly became bigger.

Because the man who walked in was too tall.

Visual...... The height alone is already more than six meters.

Without expanding, how can he say it?

"So high! So big! "

Alice, who put down the bowl and chopsticks, suddenly covered her small mouth.

Staring incredulously at the man who suddenly broke in.

Not because of fear, but finally saw a visitor from another world who was completely different from a normal person, a little excited, but also with a hint of curiosity.

The man looked a little old, with a crescent-shaped white beard, and the words "strong" seemed to be written on his body. "

That momentum, like a battle-hardened general.

Chu Feng instantly recognized the identity of the other party.

Edward Newgate!

Pirate world's most famous whitebeard.

At the same time, he is also one of the four emperors of the pirate world.

Recognized as the "strongest in the world"! Chu Feng was slightly surprised.

I didn't expect it to be him this time.

Just when Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

Whitebeard was already striding towards him.

"Huh~so fragrant~~ I didn't expect this to be really a place to eat?"

The tip of his nose twitched twice, smelling the faint fragrance that permeated the air.

Whitebeard's gaze immediately fell on the bowls of noodles on the dining table.

Yu Guang was still looking at the surrounding furnishings.

He really didn't expect that this place was really a restaurant.

After all, a strange door suddenly opened in anyone's house.

will have a vigilant mentality.

What's more, he is still the strongest person in the world like him.

After being a pirate for so many years, Whitebeard also has many enemies.

Coupled with the fact that it is an eventful time, it is understandable that he would think so.

In fact~

When he first saw this door, Whitebeard thought that someone had attacked him.

After all, he has seen a lot of abilities such as the door fruit in his life.

But after all, it is on his own ship, and if he does not figure out what is going on, Whitebeard is difficult to feel at ease.

Yi Gao was bold, and he did not inform anyone, and stepped into the 850 alone into the wide throat

It's just the world behind the door that surprises him.

This Nima~

It's actually a restaurant? It's outrageous!

Although the decoration is furnished, Whitebeard has never been seen.

But he is not yet to admit his mistake.


Whitebeard was stunned for a moment.

Just now, he was ready for a big battle.

After all, the person who can quietly activate the ability around him is definitely a master.

Who knows, that's it?

This twist almost flashed the old waist of the white beard.

His gaze swept around, and Whitebeard was secretly frightened.

In this small restaurant, there are two people whose strength is not under him, and the specific strength is stronger and weaker, and only those who have fought can only be known.

But his intuition told him that it was very dangerous for men and women who calmly ate frozen west.

But before he could figure out what was going on, he smelled a fragrance.

The fragrance is light, but extremely tempting.

Whitebeard was slightly frightened, and suddenly felt a little hungry.

In his life, he had never smelled such a peculiar fragrance.

For a while, I was also full of curiosity about this place.

At the same time, I want to know what the other person is eating? Keep your eyes peeled!

It turned out to be eating noodles.

Nima ~ several bowls of noodles are so fragrant.

What is the sacred chef of this place?

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