Remove two roasted wheat from the steamed grille

It was placed in front of the two young girls who had just arrived.

Yu Guang glanced at the English pear who began to drink the porridge.

Chu Feng was slightly surprised.

The eldest lady of the Xue Che family can actually help herself speak?

Didn't you look down on his cuisine last time?

It seems to detect his gaze.

Erina's eyes did not squint, and her expression was serious.

"Just on the matter, your cooking... Not bad indeed. "

"Is it just good?"

Chu Feng shook his head and smiled.

There is no point to break the girl's duplicity.

There are dishes on the market that taste good.

I'm afraid that 90% of them can't enter the eyes of this young lady.

The two did not communicate again.

Erinai began to carefully observe the strangely shaped roasted wheat.

Roasted wheat without a seal, she had eaten it before.

But the stuffing was packed separately, and it was the first time she saw it.

"Sure enough, it's still a strange dish made beforehand."

Just now, Erinai could see it clearly.

The heat of the steaming grille is very small, and it is clear that it is always in a state of insulation.

Can't help but complain, since she was scolded by Chu Feng, she always wanted to find a reason to go back.

Hmm~It's very Erina~~

Chu Feng knew a lot about this tsundere, and didn't care about the other party's words at all.

The typical mouth is upright, the mouth says no, but the body is very honest.

In the face of high-quality customers, Chu Feng has always been very tolerant.

After all, this golden-haired tsundere in front of him brought him the 'taste of God'.

Sure enough, he can do any dish to the extent that it is perfect! ’

Erinai chewed the delicacy in her mouth and took a deep look at Chu Feng.

As soon as the roasted wheat entered her mouth, she felt the powerful impact.

'That's not right! The pork doesn't taste right! ’


Erina's head jerked up, her face becoming grim.

"Well, that's exactly the one you were thinking."

Chu Feng's answer was pointed.

Now that you know the world of gastronomy and the existence of fantasy ingredients.

Try not to mention this in front of ordinary people.

Yingli Pear, broadly defined, is an ordinary high school student.

"Can you eat?"

Erinai thought thoughtfully, but still raised doubts to be on the safe side.


"Hmm~that's good~"

The conversation between the two is very cryptic, even if Ying Li hears it.

What's more, this blonde girl, now the whole person has been addicted to delicious seafood porridge.

Delicious ginseng, prawns and mandarin duck shellfish, mixed with minced ginger, rape hearts and thick porridge, form a very unique taste.

Yingli often caught a cold when she was a child, and over time she liked to drink porridge.

Previously, I also saw the three words 'seafood porridge', so I ghostly walked to the fast food truck.

It's just that I never expected that five thousand portions of porridge would be so delicious.

The internal organs seemed to be completely wrapped in warmth.

Ying Li comfortably made a sound that was enough to be locked up in a small black room.

His face turned crimson and narrowed his navy blue eyes.

She swears!

For the first time in my life, I drank such good porridge.

It was ten thousand times more delicious than her mother's cooking.

To know.

Eiri has always felt before.

Mom's porridge is the most flavorful.

But now....

Sure enough~

Nothing can stand up to comparison.

Now Yingli Pear doesn't feel that the food sold by fast food trucks is expensive at all.

On the contrary, she felt that the price of this bowl of 'Dragon Emperor Seafood Porridge' was a bit cheap.

Only sold for five thousand, it is really not expensive!

Finish a bowl of porridge cleanly.

Eiri glanced at Erina gratefully.

If it weren't for this divine tongue, she would still be entangled now, and it is very likely that she would have missed this treasure porridge.

Just now, Erinai and the food truck owner didn't have a head or tail, but Eiri didn't care at all, and she couldn't understand it anyway.

She now cares more about the main dish that the other party said - golden section roasted wheat!

The after-dinner porridge is so delicious, can the main dishes be worse?

This time, Ying Li opened the satchel happily, took out 15,000 and handed it to Chu Feng.

The meaning is obvious, she also has to eat a golden section roasted wheat.

This time Erinai did not stop it.

Since Chu Feng said that ordinary people are fine if they eat dream ingredients.

She chose to trust the other party.

The Takekiri family has been researching this valuable ingredient from the gastronomic world.

Erinai knew very well that after ordinary people ate dream ingredients, they would suddenly die within thirty seconds, with almost no exceptions.

However, now that she and Scarlet Sand have passed the time limit, their physical condition is surprisingly good.

'This guy actually has the ability to eliminate the influence of gourmet cells!? ’

Erinai was secretly frightened and remained silent on the surface.

Tsundere does not equal stupid.

Matters involving the food world are no longer something she can inquire about casually, and only her grandfather is qualified to intervene.

However, it's not yet time to enter the food world, where did this guy get the dream ingredients? ’

The more he thought about it, the more curious he became, Eri Nai stared at Chu Feng for a moment, and then ordered another Dragon Emperor seafood porridge.

Still as perfect as ever, the tongue of God cannot find any flaws.

If you really want to pick a prick, you can only say that Chu Feng's cuisine does not have any intentions.

It seems to be a mechanical product cobbled together on an assembly line, rigid but extremely perfect.

Erinai never understood.

This casual attitude of cooking....

Why can the other party make such a delicacy?

In his heart, he complained about Chu Feng's attitude of cooking.

Erina, spoonful after spoonful, scooped the porridge into her mouth.

This moment.

The tongue of God is greatly satisfied

A smile involuntarily appeared at the corner of his mouth.

But soon,

She couldn't laugh.

After today,

She will lose this simple happiness again.

Can't you 'track' the gentian sister every day, right?

In fact, Xiaolin gentian when they eat food.

Erinai and Scarlet have already arrived.

And for sure.

The other party must have Chu Feng's contact information.

Otherwise, how can you know the location of the other party's stall in the morning.

Just saw that there was Yuanyue-san present

Erina's 'reserved' hid in the distance.

I really can't erase my face~

Until after identifying no one you know,

She came sneakily with crimson sand.

What to do?

Erina's suddenly panicked.

Looking for an opportunity to ask Senior Sister Gentian or Senior Sister Peach for contact information?

Shaking his head abruptly.

Eri Nanning did not want to die.

They will definitely be laughed at.

At that time, where is the prestige of the eldest lady?

The reputation of God's Tongue must not be tarnished!

Say it again~

The Lord is at hand.

There is no need to look far away.

But really want to ask Chu Feng personally.

Erina's mouth couldn't even more open this mouth.

Just think of the scene where Chu Feng scolded her.

There is nowhere to vent that breath in my heart.


Erina's expression was complicated.

There was a bit of entanglement in the hesitation.


The change in the expression on the girl's face was seen by Chu Feng.

When the other party stared at him just now, he suddenly shook his head, and he didn't know what he meant.

'Could it be that you have eaten your brains? ’

A shook of his head and a smile.

How could this happen when his dishes made with fantastic ingredients had no side effects?

Hmm~~ That must be Erina's own problem!


PS: The data is a little poor, ask for collections, flowers, evaluation tickets!!

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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