Chapter 451 The Return of the Thistle, Whitebeard is from the manga?!!

The lights of the lighthouse in the distance flickered on and off.

A loud roar rings in the ears from time to time. Leech Ji slowly walked out of the International Airport of Eijing. The trip to the beautiful country should have been considered a success.

Not only did it move a few rich people to buy shares.

And learned that he also had a son.

It was a rich girl he met in the beautiful country before he entered the Zhao Qiao Che family.

The brief encounter gave birth to an heir for him, which was really beyond the expectations of Thistle

No wonder he has always felt that Caibo Chaoyang has always given himself an inexplicable sense of intimacy, perhaps, this is the mutual attraction between bloodlines.

It stands to reason that I am happy with your son.

The thistle should be happy.

But before he had time to rejoice.

The fifth branch came the news that Caibo Chaoyang was taken in by IGO.

One is actually happening too fast.

Caught thistle off guard.

What else could he say but annoy the rashness of this cheap son.

Sixtle and Caibo Chaoyang have known each other for a while.

Roughly understand what devouring a chef's heart is.

I also know that it is difficult for Caibo Chaoyang to restrain his desire for cooking.

So before leaving Neon, he also specially told the other party not to cause trouble during this time.

Who knew that as soon as he left on his front foot, that guy went to find someone to eat a halberd on his back foot, and fortunately he met Chu Feng undeadly.

Think of that mysterious food truck owner.


The other party has now stopped setting up stalls and opened a restaurant instead.

Anyway, as long as Xue Che Thistle thought of Chu Feng, he felt a headache.

If this guy hadn't suddenly appeared, he would have already attacked the Xue Che family.

But now~

Caibo Chaoyang was taken in by IGO and locked up in the TSD Research Institute.

This is simply not giving face to the fifth branch of the gourmet club, and slapped him hard in the face.

No matter what it is for.

All the thistles must rescue Caibo Chaoyang.

Outside the airport, looking up at the bright moon, the thistle muttered.

"Yuanyue Academy, the Hatsuki family, it's time for him to go back..."

A luxurious and atmospheric extended black sedan stopped steadily in front of the thistle.

Open the door and get in the car!

The car headed for a base on the outskirts.

Before going to Togetsu Gakuen.

The thistle still has to do some preparation.

After sending off the friends of the food group.

Erinae and Alice are washing dishes.

The former had no idea that the nightmare of his childhood was about to come.

Although Maple Leaf Court has an automatic cleaning function.

But Chu Feng is generally rarely used.

The daily workload is not much, and you can't let the girls under you sit idle, you have to find something for them to do.

"Erina, didn't you see just now, Senior Sister Gentian also wanted to come to Maple Leaf Pavilion for an internship, but she was rejected by the boss..."

While washing the dishes, Alice looked for something to say.

"This is normal, as far as I know, all the third-grade students among the ten masters have contacted Chu Feng, but he didn't ask for any of them."

Erinai nodded and said, "After all, their third-year students are all studying, and if they can work under Rinchu, whether they can learn something or not, it is also an extremely glorious stroke on their resume, and no one can refuse this temptation." "

"So, it's still good luck for the two of us, the boss followed when he was still setting up the stall, but it's a pity that the field internship is about to end..."

"Be content, someone else's shop only interns for seven days, we can stay on Chu Feng's side for a full month, which has caused many people's dissatisfaction, but grandpa's side has been under a lot of pressure."

"Of course I know, but I just feel very reluctant, Xiaohui and they thought that they could only learn craftsmanship in Maple Leaf Pavilion, but they didn't know that they could also meet visitors from another world. Especially the white-bearded uncle, it feels like the world over there must be very interesting. "

"Yes, almost all of it is the world of the sea, pirates and navies are opposed, and there are all kinds of superpowers, it's quite bloody to think about..."

"Alas~ I really want to go to other worlds, and I don't know what is the difference between the cuisine over there?"

Alice sighed leisurely, but did not notice the strange look of Akemi Miyano who came in with the plate.

"Together, neither of you have seen One Piece?"

After putting down the plate, Akemi Miyano said strangely.

"One Piece? That hot-blooded comic that boys only read? "

Erinai was slightly stunned.

"Yes, Uncle Whitebeard is the character in this comic."

Akemi Miyano looked at Erina's confused look, and could determine that the two young ladies of the Kakukiri family had never seen One Piece at all.

Alice reacted quickly, making a "uh-uh-uh" sound, as if someone had choked her throat.

After a long time, she asked in disbelief: "Characters in comics? Are you saying that the stories in the comics are all true? That Genki girl, Sailor Moon... Are the characters in it also real? "

"How do I know this?"

Akemi Miyano glanced at Alice strangely.

I always feel that this girl's focus is a bit problematic.

Know this kind of thing.

The first concern should be why cartoonists can draw stories from another world, right?

Shaking his head slowly, Akemi Miyano thought about this kind of question.

Anyway, according to Boss Chu, it should be the collision that occurs when the real world and the food world merge, affecting other surrounding worlds and indirectly affecting the subconscious of some people, so that comics such as One Piece and Hokage will appear.

As for which stories in the comics are real? Chu Feng310 is also unknown.

Hear Akemi Miyano's paraphrase.

Erinai and Alice were amazed.

But I didn't pay much attention to it.

There are more commotions, and they are not afraid of itching.

Accustomed to seeing Chu Feng's magic.

Erinae and Alice are now super receptive.

If you have the leisure to think about these kinds of questions, it is better to think about what kind of guests will come tonight.

But it's a pity...

Tonight, the Maple Leaf Pavilion was quiet, and until ten o'clock in the evening, the back door did not move.

Chu Feng went upstairs to sleep at half past nine, knowing that guests from another world did not appear every day.

Time passes day by day.

This time Whitebeard came again.

And brought a sea king.

Chu Feng immediately dissolved it and cooked a seafood dinner.

"According to reports, the Blood Accounts Society ・ Ugly but the result~"

In terms of taste alone, sea kings are indeed inferior to dreamy ingredients with their own fragrance, but in terms of energy intensity, sea kings are superior.

Tight muscle tissue seems to be compressed layer by layer, allowing it to store more energy.

This is a characteristic that dream ingredients do not have.

Of course, it also depends on the level of fantasy ingredients.

Fantastic creatures with more than thirty levels also possess powers that cannot be reckoned with...

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