Chapter 461 Limulu and Teppanyaki Beef Tofu!!

Do you want me to turn around and get rid of me in the most hassle-free way? Ryugu Courtyard did not move.

Still in a state of ready to enter the battle.

Although the man who looks like a restaurant owner is very polite.

If you don't want to eat, you can leave at any time.

But is that really the case?

At least Ryugu Shengya had never seen such a strong restaurant owner.

Not even in the Divine Realm!

For a while~ the scene was at a stalemate again.


A voice sounded behind the Dragon Palace Courtyard Shengya.

"Hello, please let me!"


The Dragon Palace Courtyard Saint was startled.

Just now, he didn't even notice anyone approaching.

Suddenly turned his head and looked.

A teenager with long blue hair stood behind him.

The body subconsciously moved two steps to the side.

Although the [True Eye] seems to have lost its function in this place, it is impossible to see other people's blood bars and magic.

But the Dragon Palace Courtyard Saint still detected a terrifying magic power from the blue-haired boy.

The magic that seemed to be burning seemed to have no end, igniting a fierce flame on the young man.

Surprise! Another master!

The Dragon Palace Courtyard Saint Ya turned his stiff neck slightly to look at Chu Feng.

That means it again...

Also say that you are not the lair of the Demon King Army here?

The magic power on the blue-haired boy alone, even if he is not a demon king, should be similar.

Looking at the Dragon Palace Courtyard Saint Zai, whose face was becoming more and more solemn, Chu Feng couldn't help but wonder if he threw him out of the Maple Leaf Pavilion directly, out of sight.

But Chu Feng, who tried his best to maintain a good relationship between the chef and the diners, still did not do such a thing as expelling the guests.

"Rimlu, are you here so early today?"

Raising his hand and saying hello to King Meng, Chu Feng continued to ask, "What are you going to eat today?" "

"Teppanyaki beef tofu!"

Limuru ordered directly, apparently thinking about what to eat before coming.

"Please wait~"

Chu Feng nodded slightly, ignored the Dragon Palace Courtyard Shengzai, and went straight back to the kitchen.

The Dragon Palace Courtyard listened to the conversation between the two in amazement, and suddenly had a sense of déjà vu that he had not been summoned by the idiot goddess to go to the restaurant.

The whole ordering process is fluid, without half a word of nonsense, and the communication mode of ordinary restaurants is almost exactly the same.

The only difference may be that chefs and diners are different.

So...... What a restaurant here!?

Man is a creature full of curiosity.

No matter how cautious he was, Dragon Palace Saint Zai did not lack curiosity.

Originally planning to leave directly, he stayed behind and decided to watch Shiou again... Inside the kitchen.

Chu Feng began to make dishes.

Teppanyaki beef tofu is a neon specialty.

In fact, it is similar to braised tofu, except that it is neon tofu.

Compared to the tofu of the Dragon Kingdom, neon tofu is softer and more tender, and it will break when touched a little harder.

Because of this, it is not so easy to cook.

The teppanyaki tofu on the neon side always likes to add some weird ingredients carrots, onions, tomato paste, fresh eggs...

Some people add ketchup is not enough, and they have to mix it with a spoonful of chili sauce to feel enjoyable.

Chu Feng would not cook exactly in a neon way.

Tofu dishes, he has his own way.

Cut into small pieces of neon tofu, roll in the starch and blanch slightly in the oil pan.

Put a small amount of oil in another pot, add chopped onion and stir-fry until fragrant, then pour in diced sausages and beef and stir-fry evenly.

Then stir-fry the bean paste, pour in the juice, and finally fry the tofu again.

The production process is really no different from braised tofu, at most the ingredients are different.

It didn't take long ~

A plate of teppanyaki beef tofu is on the table.

The color is rosy and fragrant.

There is no such hemp and spiciness that can be seen at a glance like Mapo tofu.

Teppanyaki beef tofu gives people a very vegetarian feeling, which is more in line with the light taste of Bahong people.

Limulu's eyes lit up, and he picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started to move.

After staying in another world for a long time, it is definitely not a common thing to be able to eat hometown food

For Chu Feng, Limulu came almost every day, and at most once was a day apart.

But for Limulu, he waited ten days for this opportunity.

Just when slime started enjoying the food.

The Dragon Palace Courtyard Saint was surprised that his jaw was about to fall.

Staring at Chu Feng, who was dressed in white, he almost couldn't believe his eyes, this guy is really a cook?

Just now, through the window, the Holy Zai of the Dragon Palace Courtyard could see it clearly.

That skilled knife work, skillful upside down, skilled stir-frying... All illustrate a fact...

The other party is really a chef! And the food is extremely delicious.

Don't even have to taste it.

The alluring scent wafting through the restaurant speaks for itself.


The other party still makes neon specialties.

Chinese restaurants selling neon dishes?

Although it looked a little strange, it did not prevent the Ryugu Temple Saint from swallowing his saliva.

It seems that he has not eaten hometown food in days.

Since being summoned to the god realm by that idiot goddess.

Every day is either fruit or grilled meat.

Not at all in line with his eating habits.

Udon is the dish that neon people should eat.


Perhaps the fragrance wafting through the air is too strong.

Under this stimulus, the stomach of the Holy Man of the Dragon Palace Courtyard screamed uncontrollably.

In fact, he originally practiced alone in the room of the goddess Lisdai.

It was only because I felt hungry and wanted to find something to eat that I opened the door to this strange restaurant.

Now that I smell this fragrance, my hunger is a little stronger.

"Hey, brother, since you are hungry, you can order something to eat, I finally came to Boss Chu's restaurant, it's a pity not to enjoy the food..."

Hearing the sound of her stomach growling, Limulu raised her head with a big smile on her face, but that mouth was still wrapped in rice.

Seeing the other party's delicious appearance, to be honest, at this moment, the Dragon Palace Courtyard Saint Zai was indeed a little moved...

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