Six thirty in the morning.

Sakura Apartment 303.

No matter how late he slept, Chu Feng's biological clock was very punctual.

Open your eyes on time, determine the location and dishes for today, and start washing.

At seven o'clock sharp, Chu Feng opened the door and prepared to go out for a morning jog to complete daily tasks.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with the system, just his obsessive-compulsive self-discipline.

But ~~

Today's daily routine is destined to be disrupted.

A blonde maid with two ponytails blocked his doorway straight.

Golden pupils, golden horns, and a long green tail behind it.

The girl of about one meter and seven stands tall, with an excellent figure, and she has everything that should be there and should not be.

"Uh~ something?"

Chu Feng was just stunned for a moment, and then asked very calmly.

Dragon maid Thor.

It's not surprising to suddenly appear on your doorstep.

Anyway, Chu Feng had already accepted the strange world view here.

Such as dragons, magic, gods and demons...

Yes, there is!

As long as you don't get yourself into trouble.

However ~~

The first thing Dragon Maiden Thor spoke.

Chu Feng felt that something was wrong.

"Thank you for saving me yesterday, in order to repay the benefactor, I will take care of your living life in the future!"

A tall, but cute-looking blonde dragon lady, a serious solemn and solemn book.


"You were the one who hit my car last night???"

Chu Feng reacted quickly, and immediately thought of what happened last night.

But it shouldn't be, normal people are knocked so far away....

Although the responsibility is not on his side, it seems that there is no need to repay the favor, right?

Well, this one in front of you is not a person, she is a dragon.

Maybe the logic of the dragon's thinking is not the same as ours.

Chu Feng had always been too lazy to think about the areas he was not good at.

"Yes, your car is so good, it can actually knock off the holy sword stuck in me."

"That's the weapon of the God of War, I didn't expect to be lightly touched by your car and fall off..."

Thor danced and explained for a long time.

Chu Feng finally knew the reason why the other party came here.

"So, you escaped from the other world to this side, and directly fell to... On the street? "

Think I haven't seen the Dragon Maid?

Shouldn't you hide in the mountains?

"Oops, the angle was slightly wrong when it fell, and people originally wanted to go to the mountains."


So, you just hit me head-on?

If it's an ordinary food truck, I'm probably already connected to the car.

Chu Feng was speechless for a while, and shook his head: "Then you better continue to go to the mountains to nest, it was originally an accident, you don't need to pay attention to it at all." "

He always felt that he was connected to these strange creatures, and his peaceful daily life would leave him.

Seeing that Chu Feng was about to close the door, Torton panicked and hurriedly said:

"Don't drive me away! People also come to see you dressed like this, don't humans like maids very much? "

"I can cook, I can magic, and I'm good at fighting... In short, very capable, you just let me stay. "

Thor lowered his head, his two small hands constantly fiddling with his skirt, and he spoke a little incoherently.

She did not dare to fully reveal her true thoughts.

Repaying grace is only one aspect.

On the other hand....

The lone Thor simply had nowhere to go.

"You, very good at fighting?"

I didn't notice the careful thinking of the Dragon Maiden's maid.

Chu Feng was keenly aware of the point.


Thor is very capable of playing ~

The dragon clan itself is very strong~

That's the point!

In the past, Chu Feng only regarded the dragon maid as a funny fan.

Completely ignoring that the 'dragon' is a powerful creature.

Yesterday he was still thinking about what to do with a powerful enemy.

You can't hide in a food truck all the time, right?

If there is a dragon as a bodyguard, his safety factor will skyrocket.

In the future, go to the food world, capture dream ingredients, and have multiple powerful helps.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng suddenly felt that taking Thor in would do more good than harm.

Living alone for several years, no matter where he was, surviving was what Chu Feng was most concerned about.

Sometimes, simply living has exhausted all the strength for orphans.

In other words, when someone else encounters the dragon maid to repay the favor, I am afraid that I can't wait to take it home immediately to warm the bed.

But Chu Feng was different.

He will only analyze the stakes at the first time and choose the one that is most beneficial to him.

Then ~~

Chu Feng let go of the doorknob and invited Thor into the house with a smile.

"Benefactor, your home is so big and clean, it must be cleaned every day, right?"

Tentatively achieving the goal, Th seemed very happy, and looked Chu Feng's home up and down with interest.

It's just that the living room is empty except for the TV, sofa, and dining table.

Not to mention hanging paintings, there is not even an ornament here.



Chu Feng's house.

Gives Thor a very monotonous feeling.

It felt even more monotonous than her dragon cave.

At least in her former home.

Also collected a lot of bling things.

The dwelling of the benefactor is indeed different from that of those vulgar mortals. ’

Before he came, Thor had wandered around the city several times, but all the houses inhabited were stuffed with strange objects.

She didn't know much about humans, but simply felt that Chu Feng was different from others, and it also gave her a very cordial feeling.

"This is the second bedroom, you will live in this room in the future."

Since he decided to keep Thor as a help, Chu Feng quickly arranged a residence for her.

This apartment has two bedrooms and one living room, and one of them is still empty.

"There are sheets and bedding in the closet, you can get it yourself, and you will go out to buy two sets of fitted clothes later, don't be blind in maid costumes all day."

"Also, don't call me 'benefactor benefactor', it sounds strange, you can call me Chu Feng, you can also call me Boss Chu!"

Pointing to the wardrobe, Chu Feng gave two rare instructions.

"Calling the benefactor by his name, it seems very impolite, I'll call you Boss Chu for the time being."

Thor looked at everything in the room a little excitedly.

This is where you will sleep later?

Although it is not comparable to its own dragon cave.

But also more spacious than other people's rooms.

The benefactor is really a great good man~~~

Throughout the night, Thor, who turned into a human form and could still be invisible, sneaked into several places, feeling that he had a basic understanding of the human society of this world.

Some people are actually crowded in palm-sized rooms, including strange beds with two layers of structure, and a family of three lives in it, how scary to think about!

I didn't expect the benefactor to be so generous, and directly gave himself a spacious room.

Thor was so moved, his golden pupils sparkling.


PS: The data is a little poor, ask for collections, flowers, evaluation tickets!!

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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