Chapter 470 New Ten Masters, Qianryu and Xiaozhu!!


"Your halberd proposal..."

"I promised!"

Nakamura Thistle still had a faint smile on his face.

Erina, along with her friends, really touched him.

And not only because the 'Tongue of God' is the most important piece of the puzzle in the plan. The potential of the group of young people behind Erina, Nakamura Thistle is also extremely valued.

As for whether the other party really joined his camp after losing the halberd?

It doesn't matter at all!

Food will have a way to make people surrender.

As for losing the halberd?

Thistle Nakamura never thought about this kind of problem.


He spoke again: "Since Erinai proposed the halberd, then the rules are up to me, let the ten masters participate, the ten-on-ten joint halberd should be more interesting." "

The smile on Nakamura Thistle's face did not diminish, and he looked like he was holding the victory.


"Wing Halberd!"

"Aren't you only six and ten masters?"

"Where are the ten people from?"

After Xiaolin Gentian and Kohei Sojin and the others were slightly stunned, they all spoke for a while.


Nakamura Thistle laughed: "The remaining places, naturally someone will fill it... Can't you even make up ten contestants? "

Erina's face was solemn.

Oh, yes~

Since his father dared to plan to seize power. It must have been fully prepared long ago.

I am only afraid of the time when I rebel against Si Yingshi and others.

The other party has already looked for ten reserve members.

Glancing at his companions behind him.

It should be barely possible to get together ten people.

Erina nodded slightly and agreed to Nakamura Thistle's request.

In fact, she now has no choice but to look at the scalp.

"Then start in three days, and the Father is looking forward to your performance."

Nakamura Thistle glanced at Erina lightly, and turned away without turning his head.

For a while, the western restaurant fell silent again.

The Senyu sisters and Kita Shuji and the others looked at each other, not knowing how to react at all.

Everything happened too quickly, and the two camps of Yuanyue Academy reached a consensus in the blink of an eye.

Wing Halberd, held in three days!

The duel between the ten masters is definitely a grand event.

But do Erinai and the others really have the ability to defeat Nakamura Thistle's subordinates? After all, there is the Chief Si Ying of the Yuan Yue over there.

The Qianli sisters and the others left with a worried mood.

It's a bit unsympathetic to say that.

However, the regime of Engetsu Gakuen changed hands.

They also need to re-examine their partners.

Stand in line!

It is also a choice that they need to make urgently.

At this point, the halberd joint battle began.

"So, you guys discuss things, why are you coming to Maple Leaf Pavilion?"

Chu Feng watched a little helplessly as the self-cooked Alice ran in and out of the kitchen to serve tea and water to everyone, as if he regarded the Maple Leaf Pavilion as his own home.

Alice immediately handed Chu Feng a cup of tea, and said with a smile: "Don't care about this kind of detail, didn't you promise grandpa to give us special training." "

Glancing at the eccentric silver-haired girl faintly, Chu Feng rolled his eyes and said, "I did promise Mr. Xue Che, but I also have to do business, so many of you are coming, it has a great impact on me..."

"How? With so many beautiful women here, do you still think we are in the way? Xiao Lin Gentian glanced at Chu Feng, smiled lightly and took a sip of tea. "

Chu Feng secretly shook his head, only feeling that this group of women was a little noisy.

But as Alice said.

Since he agreed to Senzoemon's request.

He also didn't have a good time getting the guys out.

Things have to start after Nakamura Thistle left.

After some deliberation.

Erina's final decision on the list of contestants.

Erina, Alice, Kobayashi Gentian, Akane Kubo Momo, Teruki Kuga, Kohei Sojin, Megumi Tasho, Ryo Hayama, Ryo Kurokiba and Takmi Aldini.

This is also the strongest combination that Erinai can currently choose.

But in the face of the new ten masters led by Si Yingshi. As strong as Xiaolin Gentian, there is no certainty of victory.

Senzoemon naturally knew this well.

Immediately asked Chu Feng to give some guidance.

Coupled with Alice's whispering for help, and the eyes of Erina, Wazo and Tanshoe and others.

Well, Chu Feng was really embarrassed to refuse this group of guys, so he had this scene in front of him.

As for why this group of guys is in Maple Leaf Pavilion? In Alice's words.

Engetsu Gakuen is now occupied by Thistle Nakamura.

Their group of homeless kittens and puppies could only come to Maple Leaf Pavilion to ask for adoption.

The innocent eyes of the cute girl really left Chu Feng speechless.


The Tsuki family also immediately launched a series of investigations.

The final result was quickly delivered to Erina.

"Sure enough... The family industry of Senior Isshiki, Senior Sister Ki no Kuni, Senior Ongijima and Senior Saito, have all had crises in recent times, and it should be the hands of the Gourmet Club..."

Putting down the report in her hand, Erinai couldn't help but sigh.

"I'll just say, it's impossible for a few of them to betray Yuanyue for no reason!"

Kobayashi took a bite of the gastronomic club, and the way the gourmet meeting was really disgusting.

"Have the new ten masters been chosen? I don't know who the opponents are this time? "

Kohei Sojin suddenly spoke, and in the face of the coming halberd, his blood had already begun to boil.

Alice glanced at the list on the report and suddenly said in surprise: "Huh? The eighth and ninth seats were both second-year students, and after re-ranking, Senior Si was only ranked third? Qianliu and Xiaozhu, where did these two guys come from? "

"The first seat Qianliu, the second seat Xiaozhu..."

Kohei Sojin looked confused and wondered, "Are there these two people in our school?" "

"They... It should be someone my father found from the food club. "

Erina slowly shook her head, very sure that Engetsu Academy had never had these two people.

Erinai has always been paying attention to the outstanding students of Far Moon, and it is impossible for her to know nothing about the characters who can directly parachute the first two seats of the Ten Masters.

Suddenly, Xiao Lin Gentian was so angry that his cheeks bulged.

"Nakamura Thistle is really shameless, and he actually pulls people from food, which is simply cheating!"

"Well, Little Peach is angry, and Butch thinks they are excessive!"

"What to do, these two people are actually stronger than Senior Si, Xiaohui is worried about dragging everyone down..."

"What else? Who is afraid of whom? "

Looking at the indignant crowd, Erinai muttered: "No way, the information shows that they are only eighteen years old, completely 1.7 is in line with the age of a third-grader, and now that my father has the sole power, he can easily recruit them into Yuanyue." "

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately stopped and began to seriously look at the new list of ten masters.

1st seat: Senryu!

Second seat: Xiaozhu!

Third seat: Si Yingshi!

Fourth seat: Fuyusuke Ongijima!

Fifth seat: Soaki Saito!

Seat 6: Isshiki!

Seventh seat: Ki no Kuni Ningning!

Seat 8: Shoko Himeki!

Seat 9: Tsuya Eizhan!

Tenth seat: Shiratsu Shu Tsuo!

But no matter how you look at it, most of the people on the list are ridiculously strong.

Even Kohei Sojin, who has always been blindly confident, is a little lacking in confidence at this time, not to mention Tassho Megumi, who is already lacking in confidence.

Everyone's eyes fell on Chu Feng, hoping that this great god would have a way

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