Chapter 0474 - Erina, Wada Somee's Cooking Heart!!

"Huh? Megumi also understood? "

Kohei Sojin was stunned again.

He has always been full of self-confidence, and he can't help but feel a little frustrated.

Is his talent really that bad?

He began to take a hard look at himself.

The same goes for Alice, Ryo Hayama, Takmi and Ryo Kurokiba.

The banana peel on Teruki's forehead shrugged, and a trace of unwillingness flashed under his eyes.

As a second-grade senior, he couldn't even compare with his junior, which made him extremely frustrated.

Nowadays, I have studied the eight major cuisines for a long time, and although I am still majoring in Sichuan cuisine, other ~ Chinese cuisines have also been touched.

It's just that the steps are too big, and the understanding of cooking seems a little complicated.

Until now, he hadn't even touched the threshold of cooking.

Looking at the busy Erinai and Tashoe in the kitchen.

In fact, Teruki Kume also wants to go in and show his skills.

But there is no feeling, and it is a shame to go in.

Chu Feng ignored the others for the time being, and his mental power was always paying attention to Erinai and Tian Suohui.

If the most straightforward explanation still can't touch the threshold of the chef's heart, it can only mean that it ends here.

Erinai is making ham and seafood risotto, a dish full of Italian style It's very similar to Neon Country, both are narrow and narrow countries.

With many landscapes and rivers, the geography and climate are complex and changeable, and the characteristics of local cuisine vary greatly.

Therefore, there has always been a saying in the culinary world that there is no so-called Italian cuisine, some are just local dishes.

For example, in the northern barn area, people there usually eat rice dishes such as risotto.

In the inland areas, meat dishes are the mainstay, while on the Mediterranean coast, seafood and fish are the main dishes.

In the southern region, where vegetables and fruits are abundant, regional cuisine has been derived, mainly dessert salads.

Erina's ham and seafood risotto is more like a fusion of the characteristics of the northern, inland and Mediterranean coasts of Italy, blending the flavors of most of the country into one pot, and Chu Feng can't help but look forward to it a little.

What Tashoe did was relatively simple.

Just like her previous specialty, it is a local cuisine, a pure buckwheat rice miscellaneous boil.

This is a dish in which buckwheat rice is blanched in water and stewed in dashi stock with chicken, carrots, shiitake mushrooms, and kamaboko.

This dish is not common in Beijing, but it is very popular in the southwestern region of Nisai.

"Erina and Megumi both chose rice dishes?"

Xiao Lin Gentian didn't know when he was already lying in front of the window, muttering in his mouth.

"A risotto, a boiled porridge, very suitable for supper..."

Akane Kubo Momo stood on the small stool, a look of anticipation on her face.

"Little Peach, if you don't continue to comprehend the heart of cooking, what are you running to make fun?"

"Oh, how can it be so easy to awaken, besides, I already have a general idea, and I don't need to rush for a while, fill my stomach first..."

"That's what I said."

"So fragrant! Eri Nian's dishes are about to come out! "

"Hiss~ The color alone is amazing, and Xiao Erina's progress has been great recently."

"After following Chu Feng for a month of internship, Erinian's strength is getting stronger and stronger..."

"Let's also come to Maple Leaf Pavilion for an internship after graduation, right?"

"Xiao Linzi, don't dream, Boss Chu won't accept us..."

"Hehe~~ This is not accurate, that guy is hard-mouthed and soft-hearted, and he is most afraid of stalking..."

"Please find a place where I can't hear it, if you want to come to Maple Leaf Pavilion for an internship, you should become a nine-star chef first!"

The words of Xiaolin Gentian and Akane Kubo Tao reached Chu Feng's ears word for word

This couldn't help but make him shake his head and smile, and by the way, he explained the recruitment conditions.

Maple Leaf Pavilion is open day and night now, although it will not be particularly busy, but it is impossible to let him cook alone all the time, and sooner or later he will also recruit some helpers.

Xiao Lin Gentian was slightly stunned, as if he didn't expect Chu Feng to agree so crisply, and quickly smiled: "Haha~ This is what you said, I will come to work when I am promoted to nine stars." "

Don't look at her usual big grin, but in Erina's group, her cooking level is definitely the highest.

Of course, once Erina's awakening of her cooking heart, it may not be true.

It didn't take long ~

Erina's dishes by Wada Somei were presented in front of everyone.

Ham and seafood risotto and buckwheat rice miscellaneous.

Thanks to the dragon pot, Megumi Tassho's miscellaneous cooking did not take much time.

If you boil the soup slowly, it will definitely not be finished in a few hours.

In the crystal clear soup, shelled buckwheat rice is mixed with shiitake mushrooms, carrots and other ingredients.

It looks sparse and ordinary, but a faint fragrance rises with the heat.

In the other dish, light golden rice grains wrapped in diced ham and meat, giving off a tempting rich aroma.

Both dishes seemed to be delicious, but everyone did not hurry to get started, but looked sideways at Chu Feng.

Although Erina, Wada Some, has prepared a copy for everyone.

But everyone knows.

They actually just planned to let Chu Feng taste their own dishes.

Chu Feng didn't talk nonsense either, and picked up the dinner plate in front of him.

Ham seafood risotto!

He was ready to taste this Italian dish first.

The soft rice enters the mouth, and the delicate flavors of shrimp and salmon meat are mixed with the rice, as well as the taste of ham that has been briefly smoked.

Fresh! Fragrant! Pure!

Erina's abandonment of the balance she has always pursued.

This dish has only the ultimate fresh aroma and the thickness of the rice.

The domineering umami is like the cry of the queen in Great Britain who draws her sword in the stone.

All kinds of tastes converged into a long stream of momentum like a rainbow, constantly impacting Chu Feng's taste buds.

"Wang Dao?"

Chu Feng felt the artistic conception of this dish.

It's a taste bomb that goes forward.

It was as if the high queen wanted to conquer her people.

Of course, Chu Feng could not be affected by this artistic conception.

Furui Wubo's state of mind can't even turn over the slightest wave.

But there is no doubt about it~

Erina's cooking heart has begun to take shape.

"The King of Thorns! That's what I found! "

Erina stared at the dishes on the table, her tone full of confidence.

"King of Thorns? The Way of Kings? I'd rather try how this ham and seafood risotto differs from your previous dishes! "

Alice picked up the spoon, and her heart was already full of shock.

She never imagined that the first dish Erina's first dish after understanding it would be integrated into her own cooking heart.

Take a bite~

Alice instantly sensed something different. In the past, she also ate Erina's dishes.

But this time~

The domineering taste bomb exploded in her mouth, carrying unparalleled power and constantly hitting her heart.

This feeling ~ directly made her conquer the pill by the food in front of her...

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