Chapter 0488 - Thor's Killing Intent, Shivering Nakamura Thistle!!

Thistle Nakamura was laughing.


The deep black eyes were incomparably cold. Just glanced at Teruki Kume.

The latter could not move.

It's like falling into an endless black valley.

Thistle Nakamura has been a special chef a few years ago.

It has been nourished by countless gourmet cells.

His strength is only stronger than that of Bukiwuz. Although Kuga Teruki was once the eighth seat of the far moon.

At the end of the day, it's just a student.

There is neither a culinary heart nor an awakening gourmet cell.

At most, it is just a little stronger than ordinary people.

With his power alone, Nakamura Thistle can easily crush Kuga Teruki.

Jiro and Setsuna frowned slightly.

It feels like Nakamura Thistle is a bit of a bully with the big.

But Teruki Kume's words just now are also a little too much.


You are a star chef who speaks against the special chef and lacks awe for the strong.

This is not desirable.

Setsuna and Jiro remained silent.

Although I heard that JiuI Teruji and Chu Feng have a good relationship.

The two also valued Chu Feng.

But it's not good for young people to be too arrogant.

It's okay to learn a little lesson.

Xue Che Jinji and Senzoemon also thought of this.

But the other party is someone from Erina's side.

How can you watch the other party being bullied? The father and daughter couldn't sit idly by.

The two looked at each other and were about to speak.


A desperate killing intent 767, like despair on the abyss, fell on Nakamura Thistle.

The latter's body froze, and cold sweat slowly flowed between his cheeks.

The long-lost fear spread in Nakamura Thistle's heart.

Kazujiro, the strongest of the judges present, was keenly aware of the killing intent coming from the third floor opposite.

Unabashedly, but only for Nakamura Thistle.

But Rao is so, Setsuna and Jiro, who are sitting next to Nakamura's window, still feel like they are in a sea of corpses and blood.


The source of this killing intent is simply like a hero who slaughtered tens of thousands of living beings.

"Is she?"

Looking up at the floor-to-ceiling window, Jiro found a blonde girl staring coldly at Thistle Nakamura.

The cold golden eyes exuded a deep chill.

A blonde girl, Jiro is naturally no stranger.

The maid waitress of Maple Leaf Pavilion, Chu Feng's girlfriend, Miss Thor.

Jiro knew Thor and knew that the other party was strong.

No matter how you cover it up, there is an inexplicable induction among the strong.

"How many people has she killed?"

Looking at the expressionless Thor from afar, Jiro muttered.

The killing intent released by the other party was simply like a Valkyrie who fought from the battlefield.

Jiro has been wandering the food world for many years, competing with people for all kinds of fantasy ingredients, and killing people is commonplace.

But he estimated that the people he had killed in his life were not as many as the blonde girl in front of him.

Setsunai was also shocked, but she reacted extremely quickly, shook her head and smiled: "It seems that Xiao Feng really values Xiaojiu and me." "

Facing Thor, who was strong for a long time, he felt the terrifying killing intent.

Returning to her senses, Setsuna's mother-in-law quickly changed her title to Teruki Kume.

She originally wanted to befriend Chu Feng, but she only visited Maple Leaf Pavilion a few times, and the other party's attitude towards her was always not salty.

Since this is the case, many slightly show favor to his little brother.

The youngest chef in history is worth the festival.

What's more, the other party also has an unfathomable girlfriend by his side. Kakuki Shinki and Senzoemon also felt Thor's killing intent.

Surprised, but not surprised.

The father and daughter have long known that Thor is strong, but they don't have a specific concept. Now, the two have a little understanding of Thor's strength.

Just one look can make the special chef unable to move.

Of course, several people don't know that Nakamura Thistle has been promoted to Chef.

It is also not clear that Chu Feng is now the youngest dragon chef in history.

VIP lounge on the third floor.

Thor stared coldly at Nakamura Thistle.

The overwhelming killing intent rushed straight at the other party.

Thor lived tens of thousands of years.

In addition to traveling, more time was spent on the battlefield.

As the daughter of the Chaos Emperor, whether Thor wants it or not, he will be involved in wars between the Dragon Clan and other races.

Emperor Jiyan's parenting style is almost stocking, and the same is true on the battlefield.

It can be said that Thor's strength is all from real guns and actual battles, scooped up in the sea of blood in the corpse mountain.

On the battlefield, she was a dragon who had killed the gods.

Although it is only a relatively low-level god, it is also a god.

Mortals in the human world, even if they kill more, they cannot be compared with Thor who has been on the battlefield.

Nakamura Thistle's murderous aura is not worth mentioning in Thor's eyes.

After a slight glare, the other party stopped eating.

Of course, Thor didn't think about taking out Thistle Nakamura.

Chu Feng didn't speak, she generally didn't like to kill.

This time a little warning to Nakamura Thistle was not Chu Feng's meaning.

For a long time, I Zhaoki has a sister-in-law all day, and she, the eldest sister-in-law, can't watch her little brother being bullied.

What's more, Nakamura Thistle still means to mock Chu Feng a little, can this be endured? Therefore, Thor made a decisive move, and Nakamura Thistle was terrified and sweated coldly.

Seeing that the other party was frightened, Thor withdrew his murderous aura with satisfaction.

After all, Nakamura Thistle is Erina's biological father, and it is not good to be killed and disabled.

Thor always thought about his friends and did not cause substantial harm to the thistle of Nakamura

But the fear of approaching the abyss just now should accompany the other party for the rest of his life.

This can't be blamed on her, it's only blamed on Nakamura Thistle's lack of will, and she can't even withstand such a little killing intent.

Without looking at the shivering Nakamura Thistle, Thor turned his head to look at Chu Feng, then showed a smile, and turned into the well-behaved and sensible cute maid again, and Chu Feng was speechless for a while.

Now his girlfriend has fully learned the face-changing technique. The transfer is natural, and there is no sense of violation.

In fact, Chu Feng didn't know much about Thor's previous affairs.

Nor was Thor likely to tell him about his experiences on the battlefield.

The dragon maid has always behaved and sensible, and does not want her image in Chu Feng's heart to become a murderous dragon.

Regardless of race, women are like this, wanting to present their best side to their lover.

Although Chu Feng has no experience in love, he roughly understands his girlfriend's thoughts

With a slight smile, he reached out and took Thor into his arms, he stared out the floor-to-ceiling window casually, and continued to watch the game.

He did not ask his girlfriend about the source of his murderous intent, nor did he care about Thor's intimidation of Thistle Nakamura.

A jumping beam clown, not worth his too much attention.

There was even a frightened Nakamura thistle, and he didn't bother to take a look.

Can Thor be blamed for being timid as a rat and being scared stupid?

Definitely not! Anyway, he thinks that his girlfriend is right, and it is also Thistle Nakamura who is at fault. Chu Feng and Thor were in love, and they didn't put Nakamura Thistle in their eyes at all.

On the other hand, look at the judges' table.

Nakamura Thistle's body trembled slightly, and his face turned pale.

At that moment just now, he felt as if he had met the president of the gourmet club.

Although he had never met the president of the gourmet club, it did not hinder his imagination.

Thistle Nakamura has seen the highest-ranking chief of the gourmet club, which is Kulomad, one of the three major chefs.

But Kulomad gave him a feeling far less strongly than Thor. That killing intent made him feel like he was facing an evil dragon from hell.


Who are the people around this guy Chu Feng?

Nakamura Thistle forcibly stopped the trembling of his body, trying to suppress the rising fear in his heart, while not forgetting to complain secretly.

This shows how much fear Thor brought him.

However, this is not known to Nakamura, and this is just the beginning.

Fear is like cancer cells, and it's malignant.

Once it takes root in his heart, it will spread uncontrollably and will one day occupy his inner world...

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