Chapter 0500 - Tanjiro is really a good boy who knows Entu!!

Inside the quaint living room.

Tanjiro pulled out a card.

To be precise~

It should be a glowing gold card.

The three words [Maple Leaf Pavilion] above are clearly distinguishable. Zhu Shi and Yu Shiro looked at this scene in surprise.

Even Yu Shilang, who didn't quite believe in the theory of a parallel universe, was a little uncertain at this time.

Could it be that there really are other worlds?

Cards glow, which is not unusual for a world of extraordinary powers.

Whether it's vampire magic or breathing, it's easy to do this.

But Zhu Shi and Yu Shiro were very sure that there was no fluctuation on the card in front of them at all.

Or maybe their level is too low to sense energy fluctuations at all.

But whatever the reason, it shows the extraordinary nature of this little card.

At this moment, Yushiro no longer dared to take Tanjiro's words as gibberish.

This kid, something!?

The light under Zhu Shi's eyes flowed, and he was obviously looking forward to it.

What Tanjiro said just now is indeed not without purpose.

It was entirely because he was sure that he dared to say that he would take Zhu Shi to Maple Leaf Pavilion.

I believe that Boss Chu must welcome himself to bring someone to dinner.

Although Tanjiro is very kind, it is the heart of the child, which does not mean that he has no brains

Having visited Maple Leaf Pavilion twice, Chu Feng had hinted at this aspect, obviously hoping that the more guests from another world, the better.

Tanjiro is a very kind child, naturally he will not ignore the idea of his benefactor, and take out the pass at this time, it is completely because the business hours of the Maple Leaf Pavilion are up

With previous experience, Tanjiro has figured it out a little. Only when the pass shines can that door be opened.

In my heart, I sincerely recited the name of Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Suddenly, under the shocked gazes of Zhu Shi and Yu Shilang, a white silver door appeared in the living room.

I swear to heaven that there was absolutely no such door in my home before.

This smooth mirror-like door made of indescribable material, the knowledgeable Zhu Shi has never seen it before, as if it does not belong to this world at all.

Thinking of Tanjiro's previous words, Sushi was even more sure that the other party was not lying.

Perhaps only in another world can there be such a skillfully crafted door.

Shaking his head, Zhu Shi subconsciously swallowed his throat: "This is the gate to the other world?" "

She suddenly realized that she was focusing on the wrong point.

Shouldn't I focus on this now, why should I explore the material of the door? Zhu Shi felt so shocked that something went wrong in his brain.

Yu Shilang was even more stunned, trembling and pointing to the door speechless.

As a senior old ghost, Zhu Shi and Yu Shilang's hearts were still quite strong, and they quickly suppressed the shock in their hearts.

Then, they saw Tanjiro nodding slightly, and then opened the door.

"Tanjiro, brought your sister to dinner again?"

Alice, who changed into the uniform of the Maple Leaf Pavilion chef, squinted her eyes and greeted with a smile.

"Miss Alice, long time no see."

Tanjiro was a good boy who knew how to be polite, and even Chu Feng praised him

Soon, Alice noticed a man and a woman following Tanjiro and Youdouko.

"Huh? Brought a friend this time? "

Alice laughed, turned back to the kitchen and called, "Boss, come out to pick up the guests..."

Chu Feng walked out of the kitchen speechlessly, feeling that Alice was becoming more and more presumptuous after returning to Maple Leaf Pavilion this time, and did not put him as a dragon chef in his eyes at all

Do you want to learn a craft with this attitude?

In the future, I will definitely let you know why the flowers are so red!

While complaining in his heart, Chu Feng had a smile on his face and looked at the guest behind Tanjiro with interest.

He could see at a glance that the other party was not human.

Chu Feng didn't open his heavenly eyes, but he knew these two ghosts.

Sushi and Yushiro, there are several good ghosts in the Ghost Ash Blade.

Tanjiro is really a good boy who knows how to get it.

It's only been a long time since you know to get customers for yourself.

Chu Feng felt that this kid was much stronger than Limulu.

That slime hasn't brought anyone over until now...

Although the time flow rate of each world is different, Limulu is also inked.

"What are you going to eat today?"

This sentence was asked by Alice, Chu Feng, as the boss of Maple Leaf Pavilion, since there are employees who voluntarily stay, of course, he will not do it himself.

Alice quickly moves into her current role, taking a small book and quickly recording it.

"Two servings of Tianjin rice, one serving of dried roasted shrimp, and four portions of pork blood cake."

Walking into the kitchen with a small book, Alice casually said the name of the dish.

"Good fellow, except for the pork blood cake, it's all dishes from the Taisho period."

Chu Feng shook his head and smiled, it was not that the cooking during the Taisho year was not good, but there was nothing new.

After all, the world of ghost destruction was in the Taisho era, and the cuisine at that time had not yet developed to this point.

Even model omelet rice was invented at the end of the Taisho era

Model cooking, as the name suggests, is the use of made models, set the shape of the dish and then cook.

The Tianjin rice ordered by Tanjiro is not the guy with three eyes in "Dragon Ball".

It is a dish and the predecessor of omelet rice.

The Taisho period is known as the most romantic era in neon history.

But the term 'Taisho romance' is quite different from what we imagine.

Just looking at the photos and anime, it is so elegant and beautiful.

But it's just a fantasy of neon people hiding in a dream bubble, I don't know what year it is.

However, in just over a decade, it has indeed left a lot of cultural heritage, and the culinary industry has also developed rapidly.

Dry-roasted shrimp are actually similar to sweet and sour tenderloin.

However, in terms of method, the dry roasting method of Chinese cuisine is not used. Instead, the shrimp are coated in oil and then made with sauce.

I heard that the inventor of this dish is a Dragon Country person.

Given that neon people are less able to eat spicy, the taste of this dish is biased towards sweet and sour

The method of several dishes, Chu Feng had already known it in his chest, and immediately began to do it.

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