Chapter 0525 - Chance Encounter with Mother-in-law and Yuanyue's group!!

On the third floor of the food tower, the gourmet department store, the entire counter is placed with a variety of kitchenware, all of which are difficult to see from the outside.

Chu Feng's group wandered around casually, looking around from time to time, and only when they saw some strange kitchenware, they would look at it twice.

Although the things here are good, they already have the legendary kitchenware and the seven-star knife breaking army, and Chu Feng has no desire to buy at all.

"Wow! Is this the corn pot mentioned in the book? A pot that can not deform at thousands of degrees is really too big, can it really fit in a general cooking room? "


A familiar girl's voice sounded.

Chu Feng turned his head and saw two cyan twisted braids.


Thor exclaimed, then smiled.

"Huh? Brother Chu Feng, Sister Thor, Miss Mingmei, as well as Connor and Xiao Wei, you also come to the Food Tower! "

Tashoe turned around, and after seeing the person coming, she quickly trotted over with a happy smile on her face.

It's always a pleasure to meet people you know in a strange place

Tashoe Megumi didn't come alone, and behind her there were people from Engetsu Gakuen.

All the members of the Ten Masters except Takmi Aldini are there, and by the way, Erina, the commander of the Yuanyue Trust, is also added.

"Boss Chu~"

"Brother Feng~"

"Chu Feng~"

Meeting acquaintances, Erinai was also more happy, leading everyone to greet Chu Feng, Chu Feng nodded, and then looked at the counter where Erinai and the others were, curious: "Food regulator?" Melk kitchen knife? Are you going to buy it? "

There is nothing to say about the food regulator, it is a machine that adjusts taste, IGO mass production, an instrument commonly used by star chefs.

Since it is mass-produced, the price is not expensive, usually around 3.5 million yen.

Melk's kitchen knife, which is said to be made by Melk, a grinder who lives on the peak of Melk in the gastronomic world, is very expensive.

This one in the counter window costs 5 million yen.

However, Chu Feng could see it at a glance.

This is definitely not the work of the world's number one grinder.

But it is indeed produced by Melke's workshop.

I think it's also ~

Melk kitchen knives have now become a trendset in the culinary world, and it is normal for there are other foundries in the workshop.

And at Melke's level, if it was really a kitchen knife forged by her own hands, it would be impossible to sell it only for this price.

"Melk's kitchen knife, this is our chef's dream weapon."

Kohei stared at the kitchen knife in the window, almost leaving a string of crystal saliva.

Seeing this, Chu Feng couldn't help but laugh and said, "If you want it, buy it, anyway, this thing is not expensive." "

Kohei Chuangzhen's body froze: "Don't joke, it's a whole five million, you can't sell me." "

"It's not very expensive, I have more than this amount of pocket money a month."

Alice glanced at Kohei Sojin, this guy's father is a special chef, it should not be difficult to come up with this little money.

When Kohei Chuangzhen heard this, he couldn't help but laugh bitterly: "I'm not comparable to your group of young ladies, after my father reawakened his cooking heart, he recently frantically bought ingredients for cooking, and he almost emptied the bottom of the family..."

Those who knew the inside story suddenly fell silent.

You don't have to guess that what Kohei Joichiro bought must be a dream ingredient.

In order to better control and utilize your new chef, honing your cooking skills is an essential part.

Only dream ingredients can meet the needs of grand chefs.

At this moment, several people came from afar, led by an old woman who was full of pearls.

Literally, the woman is very old, wearing gold and silver all over her body, as if she is afraid that others will not know that she has money.

The old woman came to Erinah and the others

At the counter in front, he pointed to a few things casually, and said angrily: "Except for this and this, wrap everything else for me." "

"Obey, beautiful girl."

The counter owner immediately smiled.

Compared to the children who have been looking outside for a long time and not buying anything, this lady is obviously much more happy.

"It's amazing, it's really rich! Megumi Tasho was surprised. "

It was the first time she had seen something like this.

It would have been nothing.

It's just a pastime for the rich.

Chu Feng and his party did not pay attention to it at all. After all, it has been detached from the category of ordinary humans.

Big Boss Chu's deposit is also sufficient.

But good death does not die~

When the old woman left with her men, she walked in the direction of Chu Feng's side.

"If you can't afford it, don't surround yourself here, a bunch of shameful things."

The old woman glanced at Chu Feng, Erinai and the others, and said with a high spirit.

It was like she was so much higher than others.

Chu Feng was a little speechless.

I didn't expect that the plot of encountering an upstart in an urban novel would fall on his head. Erinai and Alice were also speechless.

The eldest lady of the Xue Che family actually had a day when she was despised, and it was also the most important aspect of money that they lacked.

For a while, neither Erinah nor Alice knew whether to cry or laugh.

If it weren't for the fact that when they went out, Senzoemon reminded them to be a little more low-key after arriving at the food town, they would have bought Melk kitchen knives just now.

The meaning of Senzoemon was also understood by the sisters.

After all, the food town is the center of world cuisine, the land of crouching tigers, hidden dragons, maybe you can meet the seniors of the culinary industry by strolling around.

Therefore, after Yuanyue's group arrived, they all behaved very low-key.

Never expected it~

Now he is actually looked down upon ~

Erina's face was angry, and she was about to get angry when a surprised voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

"Chu Xiaoyou, you have also come to participate in the food experience!"

"Setsuna's mother-in-law!"

Erina turned her head and looked, but she didn't care about the old woman with a bad attitude, and immediately changed her face and a smile appeared.

Chef Jiunai is as proud as Erina, and he is also full of respect.

Setsuna's eyes narrowed slightly: "It's Little Erina, and Little Alice, is you leading the team on the Far Moon side?" The kid from Xianzuoweimen is also true, I don't know to contact me about this kind of thing, I have been in the food town for so many years, I can take care of you somewhat. "

Erina: "Grandpa is also afraid that we will cause trouble for my mother-in-law." "

"What's the trouble, you guys will only stay in the food town for two 0.8 days at most, and when everyone arrives, you will enter the food world immediately."

Setsuna glanced at Erina, turned his head and said, "Chu Xiaoyou, I don't know what your plans are after you go in, do you want to explore the unknown area with the old body?" "

Just as she was waiting for Chu Feng's reply with anticipation, a trembling voice sounded in her ears.

"Festival... Setsuna mother-in-law... Do you know them??? "

The old woman who was originally a pearlescent is now completely left with only treasure qi.

I never thought that the person I despised just now actually knew Ji Nai's mother-in-law.

And looking at the appearance of the two sides, it seems that they are still very familiar.

The old woman looked confused, and a sense of foreboding filled her heart.

Although she is horizontal, she is not stupid at all.

After hanging out in Food Town for so long, it's clear which people must not be offended.

Setsunai mother-in-law, is one of them!

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