"Isn't our Yuanyue Distinguished Professor better than you in setting up a stall?"

"Do you understand the meaning of the word 'special appointment'?"

"The annual salary is more than one billion, the curriculum is freely arranged, and the rights are almost comparable to the general marshal..."

"Such treatment, you actually want to set up a stall???"

Erina, who was unconvinced, gave examples of the benefits of a distinguished professor.

He forgot that he was relieved just now because Chu Feng refused.

It can be seen how high the status of Far Moon Academy is in her heart.

It is completely not allowed to be despised and belittled by others.

Distinguished Professor!

It can be said to be a symbol of the honor of Engetsu Gakuen.

Invitations will only be issued if the level of cooking is recognized by the commander-in-chief.

Of course, whether it can be achieved in the end will be evaluated by the board of directors.

Just ~

It is fully recognized by the first person in the neon cuisine industry.

Once it spreads, it is enough to cause a major earthquake in the neon cuisine world.

Akane Kubo Momo and Scarlet Sand were completely stunned.

Megumi Tasho, who is not aware of it,

At this moment, he opened his mouth even more exaggeratedly.

She didn't quite understand the privilege of a distinguished professor.

I only know that since the establishment of the school in the far moon

It seems that very few people have received this honor.

For nearly a hundred years,

Not even one.

Lord Commander just ate Boss Chu's dish.

Such an incredible invitation was made.

Megumi Tasho only felt unbelievable.

But when he thought of Boss Chu's skills, he seemed to take it for granted.

Compared with the shock of others, Erina's mood is obviously much more complicated.

He didn't want Chu Feng to disrupt the current order of Yuanyue, nor did he want the holy place and glory in his heart to be belittled.

The entanglement of Miss Tsundere was all written on her face at this moment.

"Hehe, won't the distinguished professor be removed by Shijie?"

Chu Feng shrugged without care.

In fact, he had long wanted to complain about this.

A group of students can actually remove the commander-in-chief....

Can you believe it?

The position of the chief marshal is equivalent to that of the principal.

Which school has the courage and ability to expel the principal?

Only Far Moon Academy has such strange rules.


Erinai was suddenly speechless.

It seems that distinguished professors are not exempt from this rule.

"So, it's better to set up a stall, relaxed and comfortable."

Shaking his head, Chu Feng continued to play with his mobile phone, not bothering to pay attention to the grandfather and grandson of the Xue Che family.

As long as the crit cashback is still there, he doesn't have to worry about spending money at all.

As a teacher, you can be comfortable with a stall.

"Alas... That's a shame. "

Senzoemon did not hide his loss.

Chu Feng's attitude was clear, obviously he didn't like to be bound.

Just thinking about the talent and heritage shown by the other party.

Senzoemon has a feeling of missing out on a peerless treasure.

Almost perfect cuisine

Take out the dream ingredients

There are also mysterious means to improve the skills of diners

At a young age, he awakened a rare culinary heart....

Except for a slight indifference, in the eyes of Immortal Zuoweimen, Chu Feng had almost no shortcomings.

Such a super genius, if it comes from our neon cuisine world, how good it would be....

The more he thought about it, the more melancholy he became, and Xian Zuoemon shook his head and sighed, and finally buried his head in cooking.

The food is not to be disappointed.

Erinai also didn't want to fight with Chu Feng anymore.

Anyway, every time this guy speaks, he can always scare her into having nothing to say.

Continuing to pull on, she felt that she had at least ten years less to live.

This moment~

Erinai turned her grief into appetite and buried her head without saying a word.

It seems that I didn't notice it at all, after eating Chu Feng's dishes...

Her restless heart gradually calmed down.

The infinite amplification of the taste by the Tongue of God allows her to enjoy the ultimate deliciousness, but it is easy to overlook other important things.


This is also a question that has plagued the tongue of God throughout the ages.

It is too easy to distinguish the essence of the dish, but it is difficult to awaken the heart of the cook.

It's like a real thing in the IGO headquarters.

Today, the level of cuisine is enough to crush most nine-star chefs.

But he has never been able to awaken his culinary heart and set foot in the special field.

The owner of God's Tongue is like a supercar driving on the highway in the early stage, and the progress is super fast all the way.

But in the later stage, the more difficult it is to cross that heavenly graben, and eventually it can only gradually sink in the abyss quagmire.


With mixed feelings of contentment and loss

Senzoemon left with Erinai and Scarlet.

It didn't take long.

Megumi Tasho and Akane Kubo Momo also got up to leave.

What they saw and heard today hit them a little hard.

It's just that when the two left, their eyes looking at Chu Feng were full of admiration.

I'm afraid that in the entire neon cuisine world, no one dares to directly refuse Xianzuoemen.

But Chu Feng did just that, and he didn't hesitate in the slightest.

Sure enough~

Setting up a stall is Boss Chu's true love.

No amount of temptation could shake his determination to set up a stall.

Megumi Tasho and Akane Kubo Momo suddenly felt a little lucky.

Fortunately, the other party refused the invitation of the commander-in-chief.

Otherwise, tell them where to eat the food truck.

They didn't have the guts to ask a distinguished professor to cook for them.

A little episode.

It didn't cause any trouble to Chu Feng.

It's just that luck doesn't seem to be very good today.

Not a single skill was brushed out.

The mood is a little melancholy.

And then....

Chu Feng saw a woman wearing a hat and mask and sunglasses, fully armed, sneakily approaching the food truck.


Uh~ who is this guy?

A question mark suddenly appeared in Chu Feng's mind.

The figure looks a little familiar

I just couldn't remember who it was for a while.

"Boss Chu, quickly give me a bowl of donburi."

A woman's urgent voice sounded in his ears, and seeing the tuft of purple hair under the brim of his hat, Chu Feng finally recognized the other party.

"Junzi, don't go to school now and run away to be a thief?"

Chu Feng, who rarely joked, made a rare joke.

Mainly because the current appearance of Poison Island Junzi is a bit funny.

Near summer, he was still wrapped in a trench coat, and the whole person was tightly covered.

I'm afraid that her father will not recognize her when he comes.

"Boss Chu, it is thanks to you, now I can only get rid of the Heavenly Feather Slash in this way."

Poison Island Tsuko took off her hat and sunglasses, her long purple hair scattered like a waterfall, and she sat elegantly on a stool waiting for the meal.

"Oh... Tianyu slashed to find you, what does it have to do with me Chu Feng? "

The smile instantly stiffened, and Boss Chu quickly returned to a serious appearance.


PS: Collection, flowers, evaluation tickets!!

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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