Chapter 0534 - Giant Thunderbird, Lightning Fire Phoenix!!

"Kaede, that thing is right above our heads!"

Thor glanced up, as if he felt that the energy shield was a little distracting from his vision.

Then with a gentle wave of his hand, a gust of wind blew in.

"Sister Thor don't want it, I'm still a normal person!"

Haibara let out an exclamation, and the cry immediately stopped abruptly, and it turned out to be a sharp breath of wind.

On the ground, a soft light tightly wrapped around Haihara, and she felt a little better.

Akemi Miyano sighed and said, "Miss Thor, Xiao Wei can't stand the weather here." "

Thor smiled awkwardly: "Sorry, suddenly forgot that there is an ordinary person among us? "

You're ordinary!

Miss Ben is obviously a young and beautiful girl who combines wisdom and beauty, where is it ordinary?

Haibara complained madly in his heart, but he only dared to think about it in his heart. I didn't see my pet sister Mad Demon Mingmei, and I didn't dare to question it loudly just now.

A dragon who has killed gods in another world and challenged Thor.

Although he failed in the end, his strength was definitely stronger than Akemi Miyano, an angel who became a monk halfway.

Another gust of wind hit, a little more violent than before.

Even the vines sticking out from the side were shattered under the hurricane.

"A little courage, actually dared to take the initiative to appear in front of us."

Chu Feng looked up at the sky.

Muttered to himself.

A sword light swung upwards. In an instant, the dark clouds were broken.


Thunder, rainstorms, strong winds... It all came to an abrupt end.

A little golden light appeared in front of everyone.

Like a brilliant golden light, a huge thunderbird with a body size of more than 20 meters floated horizontally in the sky.

【Name】: Lightning Fire Phoenix.

Capture level: 75.

[Habitat]: Cumulonimbus clouds over huge vines.

【Body length】: 25m.

【Weight】: 5t.

【Price】: 100g/65 million, 1 feather/380,000.

[The legendary ptarmigan living in cumulonimbus clouds is not only delicious, but also feels like electricity passing through the mouth when eaten, and is said to be one of the ingredients that can make gourmet cells evolve rapidly. Because he has been with lightning all his life, Haju has evolved into a material that can nullify lightning damage..."

That's right!

What appeared in front of Chu Feng and the others was the Lightning Fire Phoenix.

Capture monsters with a level up to 75.

This level ~

It was definitely the highest level of fantasy creatures that Chu Feng had ever seen alive.

Of course, you can exchange higher level fantasy creatures in the points mall, as long as there are enough points, but Boss Chu has always felt that it is not necessary.

"Big guy, come be my pet."

Looking directly at the lightning fire phoenix that was covered in golden light and its huge body completely covered the vision above, Chu Feng said lightly.

The Lightning Fire Phoenix, who was standing still in the air, heard this, lowered its proud head, and vigilantly stared at the several extremely small 'creatures' below.

In this group of creatures.

It clearly sensed several extremely terrifying strands of energy.

It was a terrifying existence that had not been seen in countless years in this area.

This moment~

For the first time in his life, the arrogant and domineering Lightning Fire Phoenix has no intention of fighting the enemy, and even just wants to spread his wings and run.


Three or four vague qi machines locked it firmly.

Once he makes a move, I am afraid that the other party will immediately launch an offensive.

The lightning fire phoenix with a limited IQ froze in place for a while, entering or fleeing, and the cyan pupils were at a loss.


The instinct of a creature is still to let it flap its wings.

Violent winds once again filled the space.

In an instant of golden light, the lightning fire phoenix disappeared in place.

Even if there is no intelligence comparable to human beings.

But Lightning Fire Phoenix still chose to escape at the first time! In the face of an invincible presence, escape is the only option.


"Can you escape?"

Chu Feng chuckled, just like the villain in the movie, just looking at the distant golden mang like a cat and mouse.

Qiandi ~ Boss Chu disappeared in place.

The Walkstep is great for tracking down 'known' enemies.

Next second~

Chu Feng's figure was reflected in the cyan pupils of the Lightning Fire Phoenix.

It chirped, its voice high and hoarse.

It seemed to be with great panic, and a trace of doubt.

The Lightning Fire Phoenix with limited IQ really can't figure it out.

Why this extremely small creature in front of him is faster than himself~

Cumulonimbus clouds are also home to countless birds and beasts.

But none can match it.

With such innate advantages, coupled with incomparably strong strength.

The Lightning Fire Phoenix can become the only overlord here...

But today~

It has met a terrible group of opponents.

The opponent, regardless of strength or speed, completely crushed it.


The screams of the stone broke through the sky.

As a generation of hegemons, running away is already the greatest shame.

But since he couldn't escape, Lightning Fire Phoenix chose to fight to the death.

The huge body turned into a golden arrow, and the tail wing burst into golden electric rays...

The Lightning Fire Phoenix turned into an extremely fast golden giant arrow at this moment, rushing straight towards the small creature below.

This kind of creature it has encountered before, but it is all weak and pitiful, and it is not even interested in reasoning.

But I didn't expect to encounter this creature again, but one by one, it was terrifyingly strong, and it didn't even have the courage to start a war directly.

This dive not only carried the strongest blow of the Lightning Fire Phoenix, but also the courage that was lost just now.

Facing the menacing lightning fire phoenix, Chu Feng looked calm, and simply threw a punch.

Cosmic Phantom!

Ralph's special move in The King of Fighters.

It's just a special secret skill, not a good move, and it is just right to deal with the Lightning Fire Phoenix.

The main fear is to use too strong tricks and accidentally beat the other party to death.

After all, it is his 'pet' that he has finally fallen into, and Chu Feng will definitely catch it alive... Every.

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