Chapter 0538 - The Surprise Attack of the Food Party, Chef Kulomad!!

Break open the young leaves of ozone grass with your bare hands.

Not a single drop of juice came out at all.

All are locked within the mesophyll.

In the face of such natural ingredients.

The gourmet cells in Gray Plain and Merisman's bodies have begun to move.

Chu Feng, Thor, Connor and Akemi Miyano didn't feel anything.

It's like looking at an ordinary ingredient, at most curious about the taste of ozone grass.

It's not that gourmet cells aren't as good as the bloodlines of dragons or angels.

It's just that compared to their strength, the little gourmet cells in the body are not enough, and there is no way to affect their emotions.

Each person was given a piece of ozone grass, and everyone was not pretentious and immediately ate it.

With a light bite, Thor and Akemi Miyano's eyes lit up.

"It's so elastic, and there is an inexplicable chewiness!"

"There was a slow tremor in the upper and lower jaws, which was really a pleasant feeling of chewing."

"The refreshing deliciousness that suddenly exploded, and the just right amount of bitterness that can be addicted to in just one bite, the taste of this grass was really beyond my expectations."

The last sentence came from the mouth of Haibara mourning.

She didn't want to taste ozone grass after smelling the fragrance, he did not escape the law of true fragrance.

Ozone grass has a crisp taste, with thick fresh juice, fine leaf fibers and exploding sweet juice 990, giving people the illusion that the whole bath is in bright sunlight.

After eating, there is an inexplicable feeling of coolness, which is simply addictive.

Even Thor and Connor, who had always been accustomed to eating Chu Feng's cuisine, were full of praise for this

Since Thor and the others like to eat, Chu Feng is ready to pick more ozone grass, and deliberately get a few leaves to turn into seeds, ready to bring them back to see if they can be cultivated successfully.

Of course, the cultivation work is left to Xiao Wei, and he only needs to pay for the materials

Just as Chu Feng was picking up, a tall man with a figure-eight beard appeared in his field of vision.

The chef's hat that is more than three meters tall on the head of the main opponent is too conspicuous.

Isn't it tiring to carry such a tall hat?


One of the three culinary leaders of the gourmet club.

Chu Feng originally didn't remember this character.

Just often visit the IGO intranet, and I know more or less the appearance of the high-level of more than ten food clubs.

"Kulomad, what are you doing here?"

The appearance of one of the culinary directors immediately made Merisman nervous.

In terms of combat effectiveness alone, she is definitely not comparable to Kulomad.

Glanced at Chu Feng's group.

Merisman immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"So it's Meili, why can't I come here?"

Kulomad affectionately called Merismann by his name.

"Don't call me Meili, this time the food industry expands, we IGO have already made concessions and allowed you to explore the Imperial Plateau, why do you come to the vegetable sky?"

Merris asked again.

The territory of the gastronomic world is very large this time, and after consultation, several major forces have long divided their respective exploration areas.

And the food festival should now be on the newly emerging plateau in the south.

When Kulomard heard this, he couldn't help but laugh: "You IGO have a good calculation, leaving us the place where many high-level fantasy creatures grow, it seems that you have already made preliminary explorations of the various regions long before the division..."

"Imperial Plateau! You will choose a name, and that place is not only the Ligaru mammoth with the flesh of gems in its body, but also the level 72 Hell Polos and the level 92 Salamandas Sphinx... Hehe...... Meili, you may not know, that place is now called the habitat of demons by our people! "

The more Kulomad spoke, the more angry he became, and the smile at the corner of his mouth gradually converged, becoming extremely cold.

This culinary experience explored a new area, and their food will be fatal.

And all this is intentional by IGO, although the food will also gain a lot, but it is completely disproportionate to the effort.

So Kulomad came secretly, ready to rob the ownership of the vegetable sky.

Merismann was speechless for a while, after all, the IGO headquarters did intend to weaken the strength of the gourmet club this time.

However, in the face of the unkind Kulomad, she could not back down, and sneered: "Can't continue to explore, that's your own strength is not good, there is actually a face to blame us IGO, your food club is this virtue?" "

"Haha, who said we can't continue? To tell you the truth, the elders will personally intervene, we have completely conquered the Imperial Plateau and established a new base there, and now... Vegetable sky I want too! "

Kulomad suddenly burst out laughing, and a few strangely dressed people emerged behind him

Domilot with a pink mushroom head.

Sedoru covered in bandages.

Balikamon, who is more than two meters tall and has muscles all over his body...

"Deputy Chef of the Gourmet Club, Fourth Branch, Sixth Branch... Do you really want to go to war with us? "

Staring at the figures that appeared one after another, Merisman couldn't help but tremble

In addition to several high-level gourmet parties, there are many people who take to the vegetable sky by other means.

Kulomad said disdainfully: "It's just a vegetable sky, it's not a full-scale war, or rather, do you dare?" "

The food club is basically a bunch of lawless people who don't care about all-out war, even if they turn the food world and the world upside down.

But IGO is different, they have always hoped for stable development, and they definitely do not want to break the peace of the world.

Kulomad also saw this, so he dared to ignore the agreement of food experience and brazenly launched a surprise attack.


A faint glance at Chu Feng's group who was sitting in the place eating melons.

Kulomad's mood is not very wonderful.

He really didn't expect that this mysterious and very tricky man was also here, and it seemed that he had a good relationship with Merisman.

Kulomad's eyes were a little wandering, and he seemed to be thinking about how to let Chu Feng not involve himself.

However, before he could think about it, Chu Feng had already taken the lead in speaking.

"Hey, that mushroom head over there, yes, it's you, the guy with wings and no nose, you sent someone to trouble me last time, right?"

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