Chapter 0540 - Maosong VS Kulomad!!

There is never a shortage of warriors in the food club!

At least Kulomad thinks so.

I didn't feel like I was persecuting Domilot at all.

At this time, everyone stared at Domilot strangely.

They all seem to want to see his courage to challenge Chef Lin. But only Domilot knew his suffering.

He didn't want to be confronted with Chu Feng at all.

I didn't know how terrible this guy was before.

But as the IGO explored the ice hell, the news spread unconsciously.

The high-ranking officials of the major forces in the culinary world know the strength of Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Even the cute white-haired little loli beside Chu Feng has the strength to beat the ice field dragon.

Domilot can also take out an icefield dragon with all his might, but it is definitely not so easy.

So if possible~

He really didn't want to face Chu Feng's group.

This moment~

Domilot couldn't help but regret provoking Chu Feng in the first place.

But at that time, the other party did not show super combat power.

God knows that in addition to his own strong strength, there are frequent masters around him.


There is no such thing as a regret pill.

Domilot regretted it, and now he had to bite the bullet, otherwise Kulomad would not spare him.


The fighter planes floating above also opened the hatches.

A tall figure jumped down, and several people followed.

The visitors had capes on their backs, and the white cloaks whistled in the strong wind, and the appearance was imposing.

This person has black hair and beards, and there is a tuft of gray hair above his forehead, and although his left eye is closed, it does not affect his majesty at all.

Vice President of IGO, Shigematsu!

"Kulomad, long time no see!"

As soon as he landed, Mao Song greeted the enemy warmly, and then turned his head to look at Chu Feng's side, and laughed: "Boss Chu has long admired the great name, and the cuisine of the Maple Leaf Pavilion is rumored to be itchy." "

In the face of this kind of heroic and unrestrained man, what else could Chu Feng say, he could only smile and nod to show politeness.

Instead, Thor muttered: "I want to eat our Maple Leaf Pavilion's cuisine, why haven't I seen you coming?" "

The dragon maid is originally a rectum, what to say, completely unaware of implicitness.

Mao Song was slightly embarrassed: "There have been too many things recently, especially many bed bugs have come out of the gutter, and they really can't get out of the bottom." "

When explaining, he did not forget to glare at the people at the food club, and everyone with a clear eye knew what he meant.

"Who do you say bed bugs? Vice President of IGO, does the mouth stink so much? "

Cedoru, who was covered in bandages, let out a strange laugh from his mouth and stared at IGO's reinforcements very unpleasantly.

Momatsu glanced at Sedoru nonchalantly and chuckled, "You still have self-knowledge." "

Kulomad looked solemn and looked directly at Maosong with a straight face.

"I didn't expect you to come here."

Mao Song still closed his left eye and sneered: "This should be what I want to say, you don't stay well in the imperial plateau, what are you doing in the vegetable sky?" "

"What else can you do? Of course, it's a land grab! "

"Just because you're a chef? And the group of shrimp soldiers and crabs behind you? "

"Hmph! Whether you can do it or not, try it and you will know! "

Kulomad snorted coldly, even in the face of the vice president of the IGO, he would not give in.

He and Maosong have already dealt with each other more than once, and the strength of the two is half a pound and eight taels, and no one can help each other if they really want to fight.

But the people he brought this time, even if they remove Domilot, they are not afraid of IGO's people at all.

The only thing Kulomad was worried about was that Chu Feng and his group would make a move.

However, looking at the meaning of the other party, he took Domilot directly to the other side of the cloud, and it seemed that he did not want to mix things on this side at all.

But think about it, according to intelligence analysis, Chu Feng has always wandered outside the culinary world, sweeping the snow in front of the door in everything, and he doesn't like trouble.

Fortunately, sacrificing a Domilot, his side has a few more chances of victory.

In an instant, the air gradually solidified, the atmosphere became extraordinarily thick, and the battle seemed to be on the verge of breaking out...

Shigematsu took off his cloak and threw it back, then opened his closed left eye, revealing the blood-red pupils in it, obviously entering a combat state.

"It's really creepy, no matter how many times you look at this eye, you can't get used to it."

Kulomad complained while sighing.

"Your tall hat, I don't look good either. Obviously not a chef, but you want a chef hat that is more than three meters high, as if the higher the hat, the better the cooking skills, but the problem is, you can't cook. "

Maomatsu pouted and shot back unceremoniously.

Kulomad was speechless for a moment. Maomatsu is right.

He really doesn't know much about cooking.

At most, it is the level of fried ordinary egg fried rice.

But as the chef of the gourmet club.

He wants to pretend to know how to cook.

Really wear a top hat!

"So I'm very reluctant to deal with you, your mouth is so smelly." Kulomad looked helpless, and his tone was also distressed. "

Mao Song smiled and said, "If you don't want to be an enemy of me, you can take people away now." "


"That's not okay, I'm also the chef of the food club, if I am scared away by your words, it is not easy to go back and make 3.3 generations."

"So, why are you talking so much nonsense."

Maosong grinned, took a step forward, and came to Kulomad in an instant.

Kulomad did not dare to show weakness, and at the moment when Maosong punched, he also punched out.

Two casserole-sized fists met in mid-air, and instantly burst out a huge roar, and the strong wind that broke out in an instant blew the slightly weaker people to the top.

After the two fisted, neither of them took half a step back, and began the most primitive attack and defense in place.

You punch me and I punch, it seems to be disorganized, but it is powerful.

Regardless of whether the gourmet meeting or the IGO people ↓ did not dare to approach at this time...

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