Chapter 0551 - Garlic Bird Bliss Rice Hand Roll!!

Black Bone Chicken Black Rice Hand Roll is a famous dish in Osaka.

It is mainly made of a mixture of black bone chicken and black rice.

Black rice is rich in minerals, which has the effect of lowering blood pressure and inhibiting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

There were suitable dream ingredients, and Chu Feng did not choose traditional methods.

Prepare garlic bird and Bliss rice instead of the main material of the hand-roll.

Garlic bird's legs are boned and chopped into small pieces, marinated with salt, pepper and cooking wine.

Finely chop the purple onion, shred the purple cabbage, and shredded the seaweed.

Vegetables are just garnishes, meat and rice are the main meal.

Compared to mineral-rich black rice, Bliss rice is obviously more than one notch higher

Or rather, the two are not in the same dimension at all.

[Name]: Bliss [Capture Level]: 40.

【Habitat】: Nutrient-rich land with high altitude [Price] 100 grams / 20 points.

[This is a dream rice that can only harvest 1 grain of rice from all the rice grown from a 1 hectare field in a growing season. It is named because if you eat one grain, it is like ascending the taste of Pure Land of Bliss 03. Bliss Rice is traded at the same weight of gold, and it is a super high-quality ingredient that you may not even taste in food towns. 】

The points mall is much cheaper to exchange ingredients than the market.

Chu Feng checked on the IGO official website, and there were 100 grams of bliss on the market, and the price fluctuated between 300,000 and 400,000 yen.

It can be seen that the handscroll made from this rice is many times more delicious than the original.

As for the price, Boss Chu only charged two copies of 120 points at a cost price that was a little higher than the cost price.

Lisuda didn't care about the price, she had no concept of points.

He casually took out some objects from the Divine Realm and exchanged them for a full two hundred points, which was completely enough to pay for this meal.

She is only curious now, the big man who can connect to the unified god realm is really a cook?

Having been staring at Chu Feng, who was processing the ingredients in the kitchen, Lisi Dai was a little confused.

The skillful technique, the skillful knife work, the serious expression of focused cooking... From every point of view, the other party is a qualified chef, not a god.

Being able to be discovered by any god opened the door to the space of the unified god realm.

Such an existence is at least a superior god...

No, the rank should be higher than that of the upper god! Lisuda felt that her guess was correct.

But what she saw in front of her was very different from her guess.

This Nima is really a cook!?

Lisuda felt a little unable to manage her expression.

A small mouth slowly spreads, and then slowly grows larger.

But soon, she was attracted by the scent wafting from the window.

Chu Feng was simmering fragrant onion in the pot with oil, and casually added bird meat to stir-fry.

Mixed with the spicy aroma of garlic, the taste is even more prominent under the stimulation of onions.

Lisida Dai sniffled lightly, and was immediately attracted by this meaty aroma, and subconsciously praised: "The big goddess is on top, this smell is really fragrant..."

In fact, she has also eaten a lot of good things in the Unified God Realm, among which the dishes of the sealing goddess Alia Doya are the most delicious.

But Lisuda felt that Aria Doya's cooking level could not catch up with the owner of this restaurant, although she had not yet eaten the other party's cuisine.

After stir-frying the bird meat, put an appropriate amount of water in the pot and cook it slightly, and simmer a little on high heat for a few points. "

Put in the black rice simmered in advance and mix well, pour the tempeh, salt, soy sauce and seaweed into the juice, mix well and cook for about 2 minutes, put on a plate and let cool.

After cooling, roll up the seaweed rolls and leaves, add rice, etc., and then sprinkle some shredded purple cabbage and black sesame seeds on the opening of the handroll.

Garlic Bird Bliss Rice Hand Roll, complete!

Lisuda stared curiously at the strange food in front of her.

Those were two strange foods shaped like awls.

From the opening, you can see that the white rice is garnished with seaweed just right.

The indescribable aroma continues to permeate outward with the opening.

Let this goddess from the unified goddess breathe selflessly.

Even trying to inhale a little more tempting aroma regardless of the image.

"Holy Oh, what the hell is this place? Why is his stuff so fragrant? Is he a chef god? Wrong! I have seen the Chef God of the Unified God Realm, but it is not him, and the level is probably not as high as him..."

Lisdade pointed to the hand-wrapped on the table, almost dancing exaggeratedly

Although she hadn't eaten it in her mouth, she could already imagine the taste of this hand-wrapped dish.

The Dragon Palace Courtyard Shengya shook his head expressionlessly: "Don't ask me, I just know that this is another world, Boss Chu is the boss here, and the things he makes are delicious and useful." "

"Usefulness is the point, right?"

"Lisdai complained in her heart."

She didn't know what Dragon Palace Saint was so hungry for strength for.

But I know it's not just about saving the world.

It seems that only by constantly getting stronger can we bring a sense of security to the Dragon Palace Courtyard Shengya.

Lisuda shook her head and stopped thinking about them.

The food in front of you is the focus at this time.

Picking up the garlic bird bliss rice hand roll, Lisita took a light bite.

The moment raw seaweed and rice are eaten, there is a soft glutinous aroma that far exceeds that of glutinous rice, as if it can present a great taste no matter what ingredients are paired with.

Combined with the garlic-flavored bird meat, the spicy and slightly sweet aroma of 437 and onions, the whole dish gives the feeling of being in the sky above a field.

That's right!

Not in the field, but floating above overlooking the entire field, as if a sweet breeze blows on the cheeks, refreshing and peaceful.

Originally because of the task of saving the world, coupled with the strange character of Sheng Zai, Lisdai, who had long been troubled, instantly calmed down her entire heart.

True cuisine can bring unprecedented satisfaction and calm.

This is the mantra of the Chef God who unifies the divine realm.

It's just that the chef can't guarantee that he will make such a dish every time.

After all, the customers facing the chef god are the gods, and it is not an easy task to make a dish that completely satisfies the gods.

But now, Lisdade feels like she has met a chef who is better than the chef.

Because the time it took the other party to make the 'Garlic Bird Bliss Rice Hand Roll' was too short.

It takes about ten minutes before and after, which is not counting the time it takes to stew meat.

Although it looks serious, the production process is really simple and speechless.


The dishes made so simply gave her an unprecedented taste experience.

Lisuda felt as if she had fallen in love with the food here...

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