Chapter 0566 - Crab Pig, Roasted Meat, and Cold Pork Ears!!

There are various ways to make meat.

It is common to steam and grill it.

Since Red Pill and others ordered different methods.

Chu Feng decided to use the same kind of meat to make it.

Crab pigs!

A fantasy creature that lives in the Agim steppe, the only two below level ten, and the reason why they can survive in the grassland with many advanced creatures.

The reason is that it reproduces and grows fast.

This is a chubby boar with six legs.

Not only is the meat firm, the fat content is small, and the taste is as mellow as crab meat.

The roast meat ordered by the red pill, Chu Feng decided to use pork legs.

The cold meat of Aster uses pig ears and pig nose.

And the steamed meat of Zhucai chose three layers of fat and lean meat near the back.

As for Limulu, anyway, he didn't ask for anything else, and Chu Feng simply made one more serving of each dish.

Anyway, Limulu is not bad for money.

Not for a moment.

A total of 13 dishes for several people are served.

The meat roasted until golden brown exudes a tempting aroma.

Immediately, the eyes of Red Pill and Ziyuan straightened.

That crispy yellow and shiny rind.

It's hard to stop swallowing.

Since following Limulu.

They have also eaten a lot of novel dishes.

At least it's not like in the past, when the roast was only a handful of salt, and you know how to add some other ingredients.

But whether it is Limulu or Vermilion, no matter how much you can, you can't bake this effect in front of you.

Red Maru and Shien swallowed, their eyes staring directly at the roast in front of them, almost ignoring the other two dishes.

Zhu Cai, on the other hand, lingered between several dishes.

Every dish was yummy.

Every dish looks delicious.

Zhu Cai didn't know which dish to taste first.

I even can't bear to spoil these dishes that are works of art.

Oh, my God~

How can cooking be made like this? That's awesome...

Zhu Cai secretly glanced at Chu Feng.

I feel that the owner of the restaurant in front of me is indeed as Lord Limulu said, and his cooking skills are unfathomable.

The reaction of the three of Red Pill was not expected by Limulu.

In fact, when he first saw Chu Feng's cuisine, it was no better.

That visual and palate impact is simply beyond the scope of human cuisine

But as he came to Maple Leaf Pavilion more often, Limulu gradually forgot the fact that Chu Feng was a human being.

Anyway, he doesn't believe that humans can connect two worlds and make delicious food that makes monsters praise.

In fact, Limulu himself did not realize that the longer he was reincarnated as a slime and spent with the monsters, he gradually began to forget his past human identity.

"Look at what you guys are hungry, then what are you waiting for, let's start quickly."

Lim smiled and looked at the three right-hand men, picked up a pig leg and stuffed red pills into his mouth and nodded calmly, as the leader of the ghost race, he still had to pay attention to the image when he went out, although he just stared at the barbecue to see the pig brother-like appearance has no image at all.

The light gravy is filled with a mellow aroma that seems to be concentrated to the extreme, and with just one bite, the red pills are frozen in place.

He swore that there were absolutely no such ingredients in the Great Forest of Chula, and no one could make such a dish.

It tastes like a top-of-the-line crab, light and mellow, exceptionally firm at first bite, but extremely soft when chewed.

The strong sense of contrast almost made Red Pill bite his tongue off.

"Delicious! No wonder Lord Rimlu is extremely respectful! "

Red Pill quickly swallowed a piece of torn flesh and squinted in admiration.

Ziyuan stared at Red Ball and Limulu, who were eating barbecue, and a little regretted ordering cold meat just now.

There were only two pig legs, all of which were robbed by two smelly men, and she and Zhu Cai could only watch dryly.

After a long time, she turned her gaze to the bright red cold pig ears.

Although it is still mixed with pig nose, the ears after slices are still the majority.

The aroma of cold meat is obviously not comparable to grilled meat.

Because the flame allows the aroma of meat to escape just right.

Cold meat, on the other hand, pays more attention to the texture of the meat and the matching of seasonings.

Ziyuan picked up the chopsticks, clipped a piece of pig's ear, and slowly put it in his mouth.

The moment the pig's ear containing brittle bones touched the teeth, it suddenly made a slight clicking sound.

An indescribable delicacy emanates from the mouth of the aster.

Because of stir-frying and boiling, the flavor of the ingredients themselves is completely locked.

When you eat it in your mouth and start chewing, this taste will be accompanied by the aroma of the seasoning, and the whole burst out.

Ziyuan was also in place, and the hand holding the chopsticks was still in mid-air, and he forgot to put it down for a while.

"How come? It's just pig ears, why is it so delicious? "

There are also pigs in the Jura 157 Forest, which they recently defeated the pig-headed monster, and their captive food pigs have also captured a lot.

But Aster has never eaten such delicious pork, and it is like opening the door to a new world.


Ziyuan, who had always been cold, let out a long breath, and a faint smile hung on her face, she really liked this taste too much.

Zhu Cai also tasted the cold meat, and at the same time was surprised, and there were deep doubts under his eyes.

"Boss Chu, your previous stir-frying was to lock in the taste of the ingredients themselves?"

Zhu Cai has an extraordinary intuition about cooking.

Chu Feng nodded with a smile: "Well, but not only that, but also drain the water and add a layer of oil juice to its surface to prevent too much water from seeping in when cooking..."

"Eh" Zhu Cai was stunned for a while: "I really didn't expect that a simple stir-fry, and so much learning." "

She really didn't think so much, and suddenly had the feeling that she didn't know anything about cooking.

Just talking about this cold meat in front of her, from the production process to the seasoning matching, it feels like it is enough for her to learn for a lifetime.

With a deep glance at Chu Feng, Zhu Cai was immediately impressed.

The other party's understanding of cooking has completely exceeded her imagination...

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