【Ding! Congratulations on getting a skill draw...].

[Hand knife, avatar knife, automatic counterattack, build the thunder god...].

[Skill is being extracted...].

And also???

Is this the so-called bad luck that comes to good luck?

At this moment, Chu Feng admitted that he was a little distracted.

However, continuous drawing skills are not unencountered.

Last time in the symbiosis school, didn't I burst out of the breath of the sun and take the white blade empty-handed.

Calm ~

Don't be alarmed~

Chu Feng's face did not change color.

Staring dead at the roulette wheel in the void in front of him.

The pointer starts turning.

Finally, it stopped at the 'automatic counterattack' column.

[Trigger a tenfold critical return ...].

[Congratulations on obtaining the secret skill: automatic multiplication! ] 】


That's it?

Chu Feng's excited mood instantly cooled down.

The magnification is a little low, and the air is happy.

His gaze fell on the column of the secret technique introduction.

[Special Secret Skill: Auto Multiply].

[Absorb all malicious attacks, double and automatically return to the other party.] 】


As long as the attack suffered did not exceed Chu Feng's tolerance limit

will be automatically absorbed by his body and give a double counterattack.

To put it bluntly~

This thing is an upgraded version of 'Auto Counterattack'.

But Chu Feng soon realized.

Don't look at the low level of this secret skill, it also depends on who the user is.

As long as you are strong enough, you can rebound all damage.


"Ha ~ Boss Chu's cuisine is still as delicious as ever~"

"I really want to eat another bowl, but unfortunately my stomach can't fit it anymore~"

Poison Island Rinko turned crimson, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his cheeks and forehead.

Gently rub your stomach with your hands under the board

The intoxicated expression on his face was like he had just finished a sweat steam.

Slightly squinted eyes, lazy expression, crimson face...

At this moment, Poison Island Junzi seemed to have forgotten the shame and indignation just now.

Tianyu's slashing appearance was no better than her.

It was just that the gaze that looked at Chu Feng became more obsessed.

"Sure enough, it's the man I fancy, it's so delicious, I'll come back tomorrow."

Putting down the money, Tianyu walked away dashingly.

Continuing to stay, she was afraid that she would not be able to restrain herself.

Whether facing Chu Feng or Thor.

She can't help but think of doing it.

Just treat different people.

The meaning of hands-on is not the same.

It is estimated that he may really not be able to defeat Thor, and Tianyu can only withdraw first, and then make plans later.

It didn't take long.

Poison Island Tsuko also walked away with a broken white oak knife.

It was strange that the direction of leaving happened to coincide with the Tianyu slash.

"It seems that she still remembers the previous incident, I'm afraid that Tianyu Slash will be unlucky this time."

Chu Feng remembered that Poison Island Jizi's sword pulling technique had just added four points.

Although I don't know exactly how much it has improved,

But the speed of drawing knives is definitely faster than before.

No matter how powerful the incarnation knife of the Heavenly Feather Slash is, there is a limit after all.

As long as the same part is hit continuously, even the strongest defense must be broken.

"It's better to make that guy suffer a little and save yourself from running around and annoying me all day."

Chu Feng muttered a few words in his mouth, and began to read the boring light novel again.

He didn't know what was good about the book, but he always wanted to find something to do.

Thor leaned over and stared at the lines of small print for a while, only to feel that his eyes were dizzy, and he simply stared out the window in a daze.

The time was approaching eight o'clock.

Food trucks are still unattended.

Chu Feng didn't care.

Anyway, he doesn't do business entirely by quantity.

Put away your phone.

Chu Feng stood in front of the kitchen counter again.

Thor thought he was going to close the stall and was about to help, but saw him blow up chicken nuggets again.

"Boss, are there any guests coming?"

"There should be none, so let's go home after eating."

"Uh-huh, I'll go serve two bowls of rice."

A meal can be eaten when you listen to it.

The dragon maid's action power at this moment was brought to the extreme.

Today's breakfast and lunch were all made by Chu Feng.

Thor was directly shocked after eating it.

Don't dare to show off with your tail anymore.

For the first time in her life, she knew.

It turns out that food can be so delicious.


Thor had long wanted to try this chicken nugget tempura bowl.

When those people ate before, they could spoil her.

If it is not forcibly held, the dragon saliva will have to flow all over the place.

It's just that Chu Feng hasn't mentioned dinner all the time, and she is embarrassed to speak.

Now that he was about to get what he wanted, Thor was simply excited.

Those golden eyes stared straight at the golden-colored fried chicken nuggets.

The heart is restless, the throat is surging, and the accumulated appetite completely bursts out at this moment.

It's good to follow Chu Feng out of the stall, but there is one point that Long can't stand it.

Spend two hours inside a cramped food truck wrapped in a tantalizing scent.

For her, who smells and can't eat, every minute and second is an ordeal.

Thor is now a little impressed with himself, and actually survived...

But after Chu Feng made the rice bowl, he just let it be placed on the kitchen counter.

Neither moved, nor spoke, did not know what was thinking.

Seeing that Thor was anxious for a while, but it was difficult to start directly.

She now had a faint urge to shout 'Master I want'.

But ~

We are arrogant dragons, and we can't lose our reservedness as dragons for the sake of stuttering.

Long time~

Thor, who was looking forward, finally saw Chu Feng move.

I saw that he opened the cabinet under the kitchen counter, took out two bills from it, and then stuffed them directly into his hands.

"It's not ~ Boss, why did you suddenly give me money? Is it salary? But I obviously didn't do anything? "

Thor was stunned, and the whole person stayed in place.

Looking at the money in his hand, he suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

Woo hoo~~

Boss Chu is really good to himself.

Eat and stay, go to work, and pay salaries.

For a while~

Thor was impressed.

The two eyes were watery, as if they might cry at any moment.

Who knows~

"What do you think? That's money for your meal, whoever eats here has to give money, that's the rule! "

Chu Feng's tone was very serious, not like a joke at all.


Thor's whole person was stupid, and he almost doubted Long Sheng.

At this moment, she was completely confused by the mysterious operation of Big Boss Chu.

It's like soaking in a hot spring in magma when an iceberg falls head-on.

Although it couldn't hurt her, the emotion just now became incomplete.

A little moved, as if I couldn't be moved.

In addition~ give me the meal money first, and then take it back, are you sure it is not redundant?

Now Thor was full of question marks, and his eyes looked at Chu Feng with a hint of strangeness.

However, in order to eat the fragrant hot donburi, she gave the money to the other party without hesitation.

In fact, Thor didn't care if he was paid or not, and he never even thought about it.

Previously, Chu Feng was willing to take her in, and she was already very satisfied.

What's more, there are delicious and delicious dishes every day.

This day is much better than her previous life.


PS: Collection, flowers, evaluation tickets!!

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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