Chapter 0571 - Demon Revamped Original God Recipe, the Ultimate Milk Dessert!!

【Name】: Milk whale

Capture level: 21

[Habitat]: In the middle of the vast sea

【Body length】: 40m

【Weight】: 120t

【Price】: 100g/1 credit

【Whales that spew out a lot of milk, are close to blue whales, have delicate and silky meat, and milk whales' milk is very delicious for any dish. 】

The reason why I chose this ingredient is that I caught two ends at the beach not long ago.

As for the dishes that Chu Feng was going to make for Shizaki Madsan and the others, he actually made it according to the recipe 'Sweet Flower Stuffed Chicken' in the Genshin game.

The delicious sweet and sweet stuffed chicken, the roasted chicken after honey brewing, is as sweet and soft as flowing honey, making people want to suck every bone clean.

The essence of this dish is that the surface of the meat is evenly spread with a honey sauce, no matter which way it is grilled, as long as it is done properly, it can be made very delicious.

If you don't have trouble, you can also use the method called flower chicken.

Chu Feng naturally won't be so troublesome, he has an oven.

When the golden roast is served.

Shiito's eyes widened.

She had never seen such a good-looking dish.

The golden flesh seemed to shimmer with a dazzling light.


This flesh is already glowing!

Shitono rubbed his eyes to make sure he was right.

"Shitono, his dishes are glowing???

The rabbit doll spoke at the right time, and his tone was extremely surprised.

Glowing dishes?

Don't say it, they haven't even heard it.

"It's amazing."

Shiitono nodded sympathetically, feeling a little incredible.

But as elves with the existence of angel suits, the four families know that there are many incredible abilities in the world.

It doesn't seem like an incredible thing that someone can make a dish shine.

Thinking like this, Shitono calmed down a little, and was not so surprised.

"Try it, it looks delicious."

Shiitona said impatiently.

Although it can't eat, it shares its senses with Shitono.

Shitono tasted it, which is equivalent to eating it too.

Seeing that the little girl looked a little impatient, Shizaki laughed.

"Anla, let's start, Boss Chu's things, it's best to eat while it's hot."

Tokisaki Crazy San is not polite, especially in the Maple Leaf Pavilion, she has no ladylike baggage at all.

He immediately picked up a knife and cut a piece of meat from the meat on the large plate.

The dinner knife provided by Chu Feng was itself very sharp, and he couldn't even feel the slightest resistance when cutting on the meat, and the feeling of slippery silk almost made Shizaki think that he hadn't started yet, if it weren't for the extra piece of meat on the fork.

Toka and Shitono have a model, and each has a piece of meat.

The whole piece of meat is filled with fatty juices, crystal clear as if shining with fluorescence.

It was like fireflies, blinking at everyone.

Of course, Mad San will not live up to the 'enthusiasm' of the ingredients, and immediately cut a small piece and stuff it in his mouth.


The creamy aroma swept through the mouth.

Sweet, sticky, silky and smooth as if flowing honey.

It is different from the spicy and fresh aroma of the two Sichuan dishes last time.

Sweet Flower Stuffed Whale highlights only one important point.

Sweet but not greasy.

The aroma of milk is just right.

The sweet feeling is very abrupt.

In just an instant, it is as if it is integrated into the ocean formed by fresh milk.

It's not that Tokisaki hasn't eaten sweets.

But Chu Feng's dish gave her a completely different experience.

It's not so much a dish as a one-of-a-kind dessert.

Even for a moment, she even forgot her unforgettable hatred and tasted this dish with a happy mood.

"It's delicious."

Shitona did not have a yin and yang strange aura this time, but praised it from the bottom of her heart.

It does think that this dish is delicious.

"Cut, you can't eat it again."

Tokisaki glanced at the rabbit doll and couldn't help but complain.

"You know what, if Shitono eats it, it means that I also eat it."

Not to be outdone, Shiitona spoke in a rather regretful tone.

If it can, it also wants to taste the delicacy in front of it.

But as a 'doll', it can't eat it.

Juka didn't care about the two companions' quarrel at all.

In fact, since cutting off a piece of meat.

Her eyes never left the plate.

Not only that, but the movements of the hands have not stopped.


It became the main theme of Juka at this time.

What's more important than the food in front of you? Anyway, I ate the first bite of 'Sweet Flower Stuffed Whale'.

She was already completely immersed in the taste of the wonderful 897.

So much so that I didn't notice the change in the nature of life at all.

【Life Source +3】

【Life Source Quality+2】

【Life Source Quality+5】

I don't know what's going on.

It seems that the elves come to eat on their side, and what rises is the source of life.

However, this is a good thing for Mad San and others, as long as it continues to grow, one day it will get rid of the shackles of the initial elves.

At that time, the elves will be regarded as independent individuals, a whole new race.

The sweet flowers stuffed whales are full of portions, and Chu Feng is not stingy with the ingredients.

After all, a milk whale weighs more than a hundred tons.

Grilled meat is a little larger and can also make guests enjoyable.

Since the ingredients caught outside can also be returned with critical hits.

Chu Feng cooked a lot more generously, and the guests no longer had to worry about not eating enough.

Except, of course, big stomach kings such as Limulu.

Chu Feng had no doubt that even if he gave him a whole milk whale, the other party would be able to swallow it.

Looking at the three elves who were eating happily, Boss Chu showed a satisfied smile.

Watching beautiful women eat is much more interesting than the Demon King Brave, he doesn't mind watching more............

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