Chapter 0590: Naval Headquarters, Sengoku and Karp!!

Mallinford, Naval Headquarters.

Marshal Sengoku wore a military hat and stared strangely at the report in his hand.

With a tuft of goatee, he has the majesty of a long high position.

It's just that the report received suddenly made the wise marshal a little scratching his head.

"Did that guy with a white beard have a broken brain, just killed his son with his own hands, and it didn't take long to start holding a banquet?"

Monchi with scars at the corners of his eyes · D. Karp also received the report, and after reading it for a while, he slapped the table and laughed.

The main thing is to see that everyone does not speak, he appropriately adjusts the atmosphere, who knows that it will attract a burst of anger from the Warring States.

He really can't help this old fellow, the other party has no discipline as a navy at all, and sitting in the same row with Karp is a woman, Tsuru, the best thinker in the naval headquarters.

In the row opposite the two, there were three men with different attitudes.

Pheasant, yellow ape, red dog.

He is the three great generals who shook the new world.

The green pheasant leaned back on the seat, looking serious, and seemed to be thinking about the meaning represented behind this information.

The yellow ape looked like a hanger, and the whole person seemed to be paralyzed on the seat, not caring at all why the whitebeard suddenly held a banquet.

People have just died their son, what's wrong with holding a banquet to celebrate, what is there to care about?

Anyway, he Yellow Ape is a bastard who is paid to fish, and he is too lazy to bother with this kind of thing.

The red dog did not squint, and was also thinking about Whitebeard's motives.

Could it be that the secret contact between CP9 and Tichy was known by Whitebeard?

Red Dog has always been close to the World Government Five-Star Elder, and naturally knows some unknown secrets.

The spy agency CP9 under the name of Five-Star Old has contacted Blackbeard Titch more than once, and seems to have been plotting something.

It's just that I didn't expect the other party to be so unreliable and be killed by Whitebeard so quickly

"Tell me, what do you think?"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Sengoku spoke again.

Although naval intelligence is not as good as the CP agency.

But Whitebeard suddenly summoned all the captains for a banquet.

How could such a big thing be concealed from the eyes of the Navy.

It's just that the interior of the banquet is extremely exposed.

The report only said that the Moby Dick was partying all night long, but it was not clear about the specific content, the Warring States were worried, and they always felt that things were strange, but they couldn't tell where the strangeness was.

It was Karp who was the first to speak: "What is there to say, as long as Whitebeard is honest on his own territory and does not come out to cause trouble, besides, with the character of that guy, it is unlikely to come out to cause trouble." "

The yellow ape nodded in deep agreement: "Lieutenant General Karp is reasonable, this matter has nothing to do with us." "

For the naval hero Karp, the yellow ape still has great respect.

Don't look at the other party is just a lieutenant general, one level shorter than him in rank.

But the yellow ape knows very well that if it weren't for Karp's temper being too strong, not accustomed to the virtues of the world government ruler Draco, plus his own background was a little problematic, people would have become generals long ago.

Well, Karp's family lineage is very problematic.

The son is the leader of the revolutionary army, and the two grandsons also ran away to become pirates.

In terms of education, it is very problematic!

Chi Inu swept a salted fish-like yellow ape dissatisfiedly, and said in a deep voice: "This is not a question of whether it has anything to do with our navy, Whitebeard, as one of the four emperors, any abnormal behavior of him should not be taken lightly." "

Akainu is a serious and serious person who believes in complete justice, and in his opinion, the pirates must be completely eliminated in order for the world to be peaceful.

If it weren't for the gap in strength, he would want to rush directly into Whitebeard's territory.

What is it to build a harmonious and happy sea family?

Akainu believes that this is the excuse that Whitebeard is looking for to expand his power.

He didn't believe that this group of guys could shrink on their own territory and not come out to stir up trouble.

Glancing at the crowd with different attitudes.

Sengoku only felt that this marshal was tired.

No wonder the previous marshal stepped down in the prime of life.

"Recently, I have been paying close attention to the movements of the Whitebeard Pirates, now let's talk about the Straw Hat Pirates who appeared in Alabastan, if I'm not mistaken, Captain Luffy, is the grandson of Vice Admiral Karp?"

Karp is very heartfelt, and both grandchildren run to be pirates.

What can he do?

Lieutenant General Karp expressed helplessness.

Silently nodded.

He is not in the mood to talk to Sengoku now.

"He has caused a lot of riots in the country of Alabastan, pheasant, you can take a trip."

Seeing that Karp was silent, the Warring States immediately issued an order.

After all, Alabastan belongs to one of the Union states.

Now that the Straw Hat Pirates are causing a big mess over there, the Navy headquarters cannot sit idly by.

Even if it's just a show, Luffy and the others must be 'arrested'.

Yes, literally.

Warring States still miss the old feelings a lot of times.

He didn't want to do anything to his old friend's grandson.

He just planned to capture the person first and slowly reform, maybe he could lead back to the right path, so he left this matter to the green pheasant with a gentle style.

If you give it to the red dog, you may receive bad news from Karp's grandson next time.

Naval meetings, almost a daily routine at headquarters.

After talking for a while, after making a general deployment, everyone immediately dispersed.

The pheasant rushed to the country of Alabastan.

Akainu threw himself straight into his work.

Only the yellow ape wanders around with nothing to do.

It is impossible to go to work seriously.

Only 0.9 can feel some happiness by touching the fish.

But before he could hang out for long, he was called into the office by Sengoku and told him to go to Whitebeard's territory to observe.

Well, thinking about it, the Warring States still don't worry about a Four Emperors who behaved abnormally.


The yellow ape was instantly dumbfounded.

That's the famous white-bearded eh.

Known as the strongest man in the world.

You asked me to spy on him?

Are you sure you don't want me to die?

The Warring States very intimately found a reason for the yellow ape.

The owner of the Sparkling Fruit ability, when it comes to running, no one in the world can compare.

The yellow ape, who wanted to touch the fish, could no longer find an excuse, so he had no choice but to take this task...

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