Chapter 0592 - Chambord Roast Lamb!!

The different decoration styles made the yellow ape's eyes shine.

It was a style he had never seen before.

But the elegance reveals the grandeur of the decoration.

He knew it was a great place to eat.

I still have time to take a closer look at the unfamiliar restaurant.

A handsome young man approached him.

The yellow ape looked at each other.

Make sure you don't look as good as the other person.

But with a height of more than three meters, he is still very confident.

Chu Feng looked at the first guest after coming to the pirate world indifferently.

Admiral Yellow Ape, Borusalino!

A yellow suit that remains unchanged all year round shows the character of the other party's salted fish from top to bottom.

The lazy to the extreme and salted fish flavor is particularly obvious.

"Welcome to Forgetful Island, as you can see, this is Maple Leaf Pavilion, a newly opened restaurant."

Chu Feng said with a smile.

When doing business, he has always been polite.

"Forgetful Island?"

Borusalino was slightly stunned.

Isn't this place an unnamed island?

However, he quickly reacted, it should be the other party's new name.

Forget your worries, forget your worries, isn't there any deep meaning?

Can anyone who comes here forget their worries and troubles?

Borusalino was a little unconvinced.

He has never eaten anything in his life.

Although some things can be temporarily ignored, it is impossible to completely forget the worries.

He felt that the other party was exaggerating a little.

However, as a qualified foodie, the crusher among the molded fish.

Borusalino decided to give it a try.

Just by coincidence, the other party just opened, what is this called, this is called fate!

"Shop owner, what do you have here!?"

Borusalino wondered.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "You can eat whatever you want." "

"Chambord roast lamb?"

Borusalino tentatively said, slightly more difficult.

The Chambord Islands, the junction of the New World and the Great Seaways, are home to most of the world's culinary delights, and roast lamb is one of them.

It is not ordinary roast lamb, but red clay black goat, a very rare breed, its meat is extraordinary, and there is no natural smell of lamb, but a seafood-like sweetness.

As for why you chose this dish on a whim?

Borusalino said who called Sengoku to give him a tricky task?

Sengoku's favorite pet is a goat, which has been kept for a long time.

Don't you dare to touch his beloved, can't you order a roast lamb?

Rounding up, he can also be regarded as tearing a mouthful of Warring States' heart.

Borusalino immediately praised his wit.

Since the guest had a request, Chu Feng naturally would not refuse.

Although I haven't seen roast lamb in the Chambord Islands.

But fortunately, there is a universal system, and it quickly knows the ingredients of this dish and chooses to buy it.

However, the dishes were not cooked according to the recipe for roast lamb in Chambord.

The level of cuisine in Pirate World is indeed not great.

At least Chu Feng couldn't see it at all.

After buying red clay black goat meat, of course, he is free to play.

In the kitchen, a roaring flame rises out of thin air, and a leg of lamb about half a meter in length floats in the flames, and the burning sound of 'nourishment' is endless.

"Nature Department ability?"

Borusalino squinted slightly.

Through the window, you can clearly see the movement in the kitchen.

But soon he realized something was wrong.

The Devil Fruit associated with the flame seems to be only the Burning Fruit and its superior Magma Fruit.

According to the characteristics of the devil fruit, there is only one owner of each fruit, and only after the death of the owner, the sea will give birth to new fruits.

All in all, the same fruit ability cannot appear at the same time.

Borusalino stared straight at the flame wrapped in a leg of lamb, clearly feeling the temperature contained in it.

After careful screening, he had a faint feeling... The strength of this flame is even stronger than that of the red dog Sakaski?

How can it be?

Sakaski is a person who has developed the ability of magma fruit to the extreme, how can there be someone in the world who is better at flames than him?

Borusalino was shocked in his heart, feeling that things were getting stranger and strange.

But soon, the seductive smell of shields diverted his attention.

There is a faint fragrance in the air, and there is an incomparable sweetness in it.

It was obviously a very light taste, but after sniffling and sniffing it, it felt extremely rich.

Borusalino couldn't describe the feeling.

It's like seeing a girl dressed conservatively, but unconsciously attracted by the perfect body outlined by the other party.

He feels this way now, subconsciously like approaching the window to see clearly and smell carefully.

But remembering that he is one of the three famous generals of the sea.

Borusalino sat in his chair like wax, and finally did not move his butt.

He decided to continue waiting for the delicious food that was coming.

It's just that this itchy feeling is really not very comfortable.

The owner of the restaurant seems to know how to run the business, which simply whets his appetite.

It wasn't until Borusalino almost couldn't help but ask that the other party came out of the kitchen with a dish.

The meat on the roast lamb shank has been completely removed, and the golden skin is wrapped in oily meat, which makes people drool.

Borusalino hadn't seen good things, but it was really the first time he had seen such good-looking meat.

The bright color and the fragrant taste to the extreme are like a ripe beauty.

Borusalino has realized that the young boss and chef in front of him is definitely not a simple figure.

But now, tasting this 'Chambord roast lamb' is the point...

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