On a huge warship, the first mate and chief of staff looked solemn.

For example, the second officer, third officer, and ordinary navy were not qualified to know the purpose of Sakaski's trip.

But as the henchmen of the general Akainu, the two know exactly what the other is going to do, and they also know how tricky the goal of this trip is.


Test a character who has never made a move, but that the naval hero fears.

It feels a bit twisted and a little outrageous, but it's true.

Although the first mate and the chief of staff are a little distrusting Karp's instincts.

After all, that naval hero is usually a little unreliable in this department.

"Are we really not going with the general?"

On the deck, looking at the top of the mountain, the chief of staff asked the old guy who had worked with him for many years with a worried face.

"Since the general said no, we don't need to follow, anyway, I am very confident in his strength."

The first mate also looked into the distance, apparently having blind faith in Sakaski.

"Alas, I hope everything goes well, there is always a bad premonition in my heart."

"You, you usually think too much, be suspicious, don't strain your nerves too tightly..."

The first mate glanced at the old guy beside him and continued to stare in the direction where the top of the mountain was.


Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Sakaski sat on the seat like a golden knife, without saying a word, his face on the floor, and looked intently at the man and woman in front of him.

Under the high-profile and pompous broken flowers with large peak collars, a part of the domineering tattoo is exposed, which invisibly gives people a very difficult feeling.

At least Xiaolin Gentian was a little frightened when he saw him for the first time, mainly because the other party was imposing, and Xiaolin Gentian, who was weak, couldn't hold it a little.

But in Chu Feng's eyes, Sakaski, who had obvious intentions to provoke trouble, was like a poor clown.

Although it is not known the true attitude of the Navy towards him, it is not clear how the Navy intends to deal with him.

But one thing is certain, the self-proclaimed righteous navy will never let the uncontrollable capabilities go unchecked.

The gift of the system, for anyone, is a very tempting cake, and the headquarters of the Navy cannot remain indifferent.

Even Chu Feng estimated that if it weren't for the fact that Mary Qiaoya, the holy place of the Draco, was a little far away from here, the five-star elder would not have received the exact news.

Maybe the people who come to the door now are CP0 people, or the so-called world aristocracy has arrived.

Strength has an irreplaceable importance in any world.

What's more, it's still a chaotic world like One Piece.

Sakaski's idea is simple, since you have this magical ability, you should join the Navy.

"You are Chu Feng?"

Sakaski grimaced, and his eagle-like gaze looked directly at the young man in a chef's suit in front of him.

At the same time, I have to admit that the other party is indeed very good-looking.

Although the other party is not as tall as him and his physique is not as good as him, he was born with a face that pleases women.

Sakaski is not ugly, but with a coffin face that has been like a dead father and mother for many years, it is completely incompatible with handsomeness.

To be honest, the moment he first saw Chu Feng, he was a little jealous.

"General Chi Inu, what's so expensive?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and then looked at the admiral in front of him with a smile.

Xiao Lin Gentian sighed in his heart, knowing that the eldest brother in front of him was going to be unlucky.

Boss Chu generally does not smile, and only two situations will such an expression appear.

One is when the business is good and the mood is good, and the other is when someone is going to be unlucky.

As Chu Feng's earliest guests, Xiaolin Gentian was still somewhat sure of his micro-expression analysis. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This admiral clearly showed that the comer was not good.

If you are here to eat, order food directly, why just sit and stare at the boss?

"I heard that your cuisine can improve your strength?"

"The probability is low."

"How low?"


"That's not low, join the Navy, I can give you the rank of brigadier general."

Sakaski is very direct and recruits An as soon as he comes up.

And brigadier general is also the highest military rank he can directly recognize.

However, in his opinion, a chef who can obtain the rank of commodore as soon as he joins the navy is already very high.

If it weren't for the three-percent probability, he would have only planned to give the other party a colonel to play.

At least Sakaski feels that the probability of improving by three percent is already very terrifying.

Just imagine, the strength of the entire navy can be improved, how much combat power can be exerted?

Taken together, it cannot be counted.

After saying this, Sakaski stopped and continued to stare at Chu Feng.

In fact, he was not sure whether the other party would agree.

After all, the person in front of him seemed to appear out of nowhere.

They simply can't find out any of each other's past experiences.

I only know that at the beginning, the other party appeared on the ship of Edward the Whitebeard.

As for before, it was completely blank.

Sakaski also couldn't touch Chu Feng's character.

But that's okay.


Just hit the other party until you are convinced.

There is nothing that a fist cannot solve.

It can't be solved, it's just because its fists aren't hard enough.

Sakaski, just have absolute confidence to buy.

This is also the most fundamental reason why he can step by step to get to today's status.

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