World Economic News.

Morgans received a phone call.

"What? Red dog died? Are you sure? Is that Sakaski? "

Morgans' voice was filled with shock, as well as incredulity.


Admiral on high.

Just died?

I always feel that my subordinates are joking with themselves.

But the phone worm with a unique pattern in front of him is his special phone ~ worm.

If there is nothing particularly urgent, - usually it does not ring at all.

Moreover, it was the first reporter who followed him to report the news, and it was impossible to deceive him.

Morgans' fat face was already full of surprise, and it was immediately replaced by a wave of ecstasy.

The fall of the admiral was big news for him.

If done properly, the prestige of the World News newspaper will reach unprecedented levels.

And this news must also cause monstrous waves on this sea.

"Forget about the island! Maple Leaf Pavilion! Chu Feng! One move to kill the red dog! ......"

"Contact the Ministry of Information immediately, find someone with the best writing, and write me a few news articles that are sensational enough to cause a sensation in the world, and I have already thought of the title..."

"Who is the mysterious boss on the uninhabited island?"

"Shock! Can cooking improve strength? Is it true or false? "

"The corpse of the Navy falling from the sky, who is he?"

"One hit kills! How strong is the mysterious boss of Maple Leaf Pavilion on Forgetful Island? "

Morgans is a journalist.

After a brief shock, he immediately regained his characteristic sense of smell and took out attractive headlines that were much beyond the era.

"Haha, this time, I believe it will shock the jaws of many people."

Morgan turned off the phone worm and couldn't help but laugh.


The other side.

The warship of the red dog returned to Marin Fandor as quickly as possible.

The Warring States learned of the death of the red dog for the first time, and the whole person was not good.

Sakaski has only been out to sea for a long time, less than a day after the full fight, and now the bodies are almost back.

Forgetful Island is not far from Marin Fandor, and at the speed of the Navy's largest output ship, it can be reached in three hours.

The time it takes to queue up to get back and forth, that is, from Sakaski landing to death, is less than an hour?

The moment the Warring States received the call, the whole person stayed in place, and did not come to his senses for a long time.

That's the Red Dog, one of the Navy's top combat powers.

Now don't say escape, you can't even hold out for just an hour?

How strong is the restaurant owner on Forgetful Island?

Sengoku is clear.

From the time the two clashed to the end of the battle, it must have been much less than an hour.

Otherwise, with Sakaski's strength, if he can fight with the other party for a while, he will not be able to escape.

So the most reasonable guess is that Sakaski lost in a very short time, even to the point that he did not have time to escape.

Sengoku forced himself to calm down, his eagle-like eyes had narrowed into a line, and his heart couldn't help but tremble.

It's terrifying!

If you guess speechlessly, the owner of the mysterious restaurant is unfathomable.

Sengoku conceit can defeat Akainu.

But it definitely can't be that easy.

What's more, the other party is still a natural Devil Fruit ability. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If you want to kill Sakaski, you have to pay a certain price, and it will take a lot of time.

It is absolutely impossible to do what the other side did, and end the battle in a short time.

The Sengoku face is as heavy as water.

Realizing that you agree to test the depth of the other person is definitely an extremely wrong decision.

But at this point, regret is useless, and the emergency meeting can only be called again.

And then~

Tsuru, Karp, and the yellow ape who received the mandatory notice to return to the naval headquarters all looked at the Warring States with a confused look after knowing the result.

"No, what did Sakaski do to make Boss Chu kill the killer?"

Borusalino was a little confused.

That Boss Chu, who seemed harmless to humans and animals, was so decisive in killing?

With a face, the arrogant general Akainu died like this?

Borusalino was a little unable to accept the news.

0 ask for flowers

It's not that he has a good friendship with Sakaski.

Although both of them are in the same period of the navy, they are both disciples of the iron-fisted Zefa.

But due to diametrically opposed personalities, the two have never been able to play together.

Compared with~

Yellow apes and pheasants have a lot in common.


He and Sakaski have worked together for many years, and the sudden fall of the other party is somewhat uncomfortable.

However, he also knew that most of this matter was not to blame on Chu Feng's head.

If you just honestly run to eat, it is too late for the other party to welcome it, how can you kill the guests.

Well, it must have been the red dog guy who ran to deliberately provoke something before he was killed.

Karp's idea is similar to that of Borusalino.

Although there was not much contact with Chu Feng.

But he felt that the other party was not a murderous person.

"So, what are you going to do?"

Looking at the Warring States whose face was as heavy as water, Karp said in a deep voice.

Now is not the time to pursue the causes.

When the general dies, he must give an explanation to the entire Navy.

The Warring States were silent, and it seemed that they had not thought of a good way.

At this time, the crane spoke: "It is not possible to go head-to-head with the other party, even if the demon slaughter order is issued, the number of warships alone cannot hurt the other party at all, with the strength of everyone here, I believe that there is a way to deal with the demon slaughter order, right?" "

Karp nodded slightly, Borusalino rolled his eyes, and everyone was waiting for Tsuru to continue.

"The existence of the general can be easily killed, unless the entire navy is dispatched, and there may be a possibility of eliminating the opponent by relying on the tactics of the human sea, but doing so... How many more of us can survive? "

The crane's expression was solemn, unprecedented solemnity.

Originally, she didn't pay so much attention to the mysterious person who suddenly appeared.

After all, the other party is just a cook, even if Karp feels very dangerous, it is estimated that it is not strong.

But now it seems that people who can easily kill generals are rare in the world.

And now they don't know at all whether the limit of the other party's strength is such a thousand.

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