Kobayashi Gentian and Megumi Tasho temporarily take over the Maple Leaf Pavilion of the Pirate World.

Chu Feng specially went to the food world and brought the Lightning Fire Phoenix over.

With Xiaoguang stationed here, even if Xiaolin Gentian encounters an enemy that cannot be dealt with, he will have time to sneak back to the present realm for help.

Kohei Sojin, Teruki Kuga and Akane Kubo Momo remain in the present world, and Chu Feng takes Thor and Alice to the world where Rimlu is.

In fact, during this time, people from different worlds have stabilized the space anchor of more than one world.

The Moe King World, the Covenant War World, the Ghost Destruction World, and the World where Shen Yong is located have all met the conditions to go.

However, Chu Feng thought about it simply, and decided to go to Limulu's world first.

Bi "360" actually has combat power, or the world where Limulu and Shen Yong are located is stronger.

But most of the gods who unify the god realm are more strange, and it is better to have less contact.

Now that the Federation of Thulat Enpest has been established, the original goblin village has become a huge city.

With the efforts of Limuru and his family, everything is thriving.

For the arrival of Chu Feng and his group, Red Pill, Zhu Cai, Ziyuan, Bai Lao and others were very welcome.

After all, they were Lord Limulu's friends, and they had heard about Chu Feng's miraculous deeds more than once.

Facing the divine chef from another world, Bai Lao and the others did not dare to snub, and prepared the highest level of welcome treatment in the federal state.

A welcome reception is an essential relief, and people from other worlds seem to love it, showing their warm and hospitable side.

The same outlier, Thor and Aster and others have a lot in common.

When he learned that Thor was also a dragon, Limulu remembered his friend Storm Dragon Virudra who stayed in his belly, and did not know when the other party would be unsealed.

Limulu learned in advance that Chu Feng was going to open a branch on his side, so he planned a piece of land in advance for the other party to use.

Originally, he also wanted to ask the other party if he needed to help himself, after all, goblins are still very efficient in building houses.

Who knew that when they came together early the next morning, an attic had appeared in the original clearing, and the layout inside was exactly the same as the Maple Leaf Pavilion in the food world.

Limulu couldn't help but sigh at Boss Chu's magical ability, although the great sage couldn't understand how this attic was conjured.

In order to thank Limulu for his support, Chu Feng, who had just opened the branch, made a hearty meal and entertained Limulu and the cadres of the Federation for free.

After all, if Bai took a piece of land, he always had to show a little gratitude.

"Sure enough, it is a dish that Lord Limlu is full of praise, and it is so delicious that I want to cry."

Ligrude, the former head of Goblin Village, raised his arm to wipe a handful of tears that suddenly welled up, and said with sincere admiration.

Under the leadership of Lord Limlu, the Goblin Village, which is equivalent to having a problem with survival, not only became part of the Federation, but also tasted the cuisine of the chef god, which is really a fantastic life.

Liggrud suddenly gave birth to a feeling of death without regret.

"Yes, I have never eaten such delicious cuisine for several years."

Bai Lao squinted his eyes, as if he was savoring the taste in his mouth, and as if he was remembering his young days.


Cang Ying, who had short dark blue hair and brown skin, couldn't stop nodding, his hands were not slow, and he ate the food on the table.

As the Minister of Intelligence of the Demon Kingdom Federation, the shadow who has always been accustomed to working secretly would not dare to be so lax at any time.

But the dishes made by Chu Feng were too delicious, and once they were eaten, their hands and mouth couldn't stop at all.

Limulu and Chu Feng looked at each other and couldn't help laughing, and the joyful atmosphere around them rendered.

Unlike the pirate world, the Demon Kingdom Federation gives a sense of harmony.

The people who stayed here were very happy, as if there was no worry. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But Chu Feng knew that all this was just calm when the storm came.0

When the Demon Kingdom Federation developed rapidly.

The surrounding nations and demon kings will not sit idly by.

On the side of the couch, you can't allow others to sleep soundly.

Chu Feng knew that a powerful guy would attack the Demon Kingdom Federation immediately.

However, looking at Limulu and the others who thought they could live a peaceful and quiet life, Chu Feng didn't say anything.

Because there is no need at all, a powerful magical force is coming towards the Great Forest of Dola.

"This is ... A strong man at the level of the Demon King? "

Ziyuan, who was nibbling on the roasted beef shank, opened his mouth exaggeratedly, and the roasted meat in his mouth fell directly into the dinner plate in front of him.

After sensing this undisguised aura, the three words of the Demon King instantly appeared in her mind.

"There is only one number of enemies, which demon king?"

Old Bai looked solemn, at this time, a demon king appeared, and it showed hostility, which was not a good thing.

Even Limulu, who has always had a cheerful personality, couldn't help but look solemn at this time.

"It actually has the blood of the dragon clan, and his strength is very strong."

Thor looked strange, although it was not the first time to see a dragon man mixed blood, but the strength was as strong as such a dragon man, she was really the first time to see it.

Generally speaking, the human bloodline is far less than the dragon race than 4.9, and if the two are mixed, the dragon bloodline will inevitably be affected, thus limiting the upper limit of strength.

But there are always exceptions, and when that person's strength reaches a very high level, his bloodline will definitely have extremely high potential.

"Dragon bloodline? Could it be the destruction of the tyrant Mirim Nava? "

Cang Ying quickly said what was known about the Eight-Star Demon King.

Mirimnava, one of the three oldest demon kings, is rumored to be the daughter of the creation god King Dragon Virudonabas and Lucia, sister of the brave Rudra.

It's just that no one understands why the rumored violent destroyer came to the Demon Kingdom Federation, but still looks menacing? .

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