"Hmph, who else but that guy can do such a thing."

Unlike Tian Sohui, Erina was extremely sure that the person who robbed the guests outside was Chu Feng, although she did not see it with her own eyes.

After a busy day, she now just wants to finish her task early and go back to the shower and rest.

So from the beginning, Erinai sped up.

Now he has made twenty steak sets, which is definitely the fastest one among many students in Yuanyue.

Who knows~ but it turns out like this~~

"That guy won't intercept members of other societies, will he?"

Suddenly, Erina's face was full of worry.

As a member of the Ten Masters, she definitely knows more things than ordinary students.

In addition to members of bodybuilding clubs, there are clubs such as rugby teams and wrestling teams.

If these people are attracted to the food of the fast food truck...

Erinai couldn't imagine it.

Tonight's accommodation study will definitely end in failure.

There are no diners, who are they steaking for?

No doubt.

Chu Feng definitely had that ability.


Hearing Erina's sigh, the girl with short white hair closest to her said curiously: "That surnamed Chu is the fast food truck owner you often say?" "

The girl is about one meter six or five meters tall.

He has a beautiful face and a bursting figure.

A tuft of white hair drooping obliquely on his forehead, covering half of his eyes, and his burgundy pupils looked particularly charming.

She is good at molecular cuisine, known as the son of the god of molecular gastronomy, and is known as one of the students closest to the ten masters of the far moon.

The competitive Alice has always been not very convinced by Erina, and every time she comes back, she will find each other to compete, although she loses more and wins less...

But this time.

She lost badly!

Defeat without suspense.

There is not even a little room for resistance.

At that time, Alice was completely stunned.

Although there is still a gap between her and Erina.

But it's not that big, right?

There seemed to be a barrier between the two.

Later, she heard about the magical effects of fast food truck cooking, and even her cousin Erina.


The girl is now curious about Boss Chu in everyone's mouth.

Erinae was in a bad mood and was too lazy to take care of her cousin.

Or Tashoe kindly explained, twitter endlessly.

As long as everything involves Chu Feng, she always has endless words.

The diners who participated in the assessment did not come.

Kohei Sojin and the others also lost their motivation.

Even the desire to compete for the first place has faded a lot.

Slow down and fry the steaks one by one, waiting for the situation to develop.


When Fuyumi Mizuhara walked out of the hotel, she happened to see a group of muscular men who were stunned.

The expression on everyone's face was like a funeral Kaoya, a listless look.

Fuyumi Mizuhara was puzzled, and then she saw Dry Hinata sitting in front of the fast food truck from a distance.

This made her more curious and walked quickly to the opposite side.

"What are you doing here?"

A voice suddenly sounded in Hinatako's ears.

Look back.

I saw Fuyumi Mizuhara in a blue suit, white shirt and red tie standing behind him.

Qian Hinata shrunk her neck a little sarcastically, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Senior Sister Mizuhara, why are you here?" "

She is the second seat of the 80th Far Moon Ten Masters, while Fuyumi Suwon is the second seat of the 79th Ten Masters.

"Hehe~ After we are busy inside, you are good, and you actually eat fast food outside."

"If it is known by Senior Shinomiya and Senior Dojima, the consequences should not need me to say more."

Fuyumi Mizuhara rolled her eyes angrily.

"Senior sister, don't misunderstand, if it weren't for me, the people from Shangji University would still be eating buns here."

Kanhyuga tried to defend.

She wouldn't admit that she wanted to eat Boss Chu's buns.

"Dogs ignore buns?"

"So ~ he intercepted the diners participating in the study?"

Glancing up at the LCD screen on the food truck, Fuyumi Mizuhara's voice was a little cold.

As the chef of Italian restaurant RistoranteF, I was invited to host the accommodation study in my busy schedule, but now I encounter this incident, and I am inevitably a little angry.

In any case, Yuanyue is her alma mater.

The fast food truck stopped here, obviously not paying attention to the far moon.

This face hit her like a slap on her face.

What made her even more angry was that.

Hinata, who is also a guest lecturer.

Now he still has a meat bun in his mouth.

It's outrageous~

Is the food here really that delicious!?

Smell the fragrance close at hand. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Fuyumi Mizuwon actually has the answer.

Hinatako's cooking level is no worse than hers.

Both are eight-star chefs.

When you smell the food, you can roughly judge whether it is good or bad.

The meat buns of the fast food truck owner are definitely the best of the best.

Fuyumi Mizuhara hesitated, but in the end, the insect triumphed over reason.

"Bring me a cage."

After paying.

She sat down expressionlessly next to Hinata.

looked at each other in surprise,

Hinata had an expression on her face that I understood.

It seems that even Senior Sister Mizuhara, who has always been old-fashioned,

It is also impossible to resist the charm of dogs ignoring buns.

The meat buns soon fell into Fuyumi Mizuhara's hands.

Pick up and look at it for a moment.

The chrysanthemums formed by eighteen folds seemed to be smiling at her.


I always feel a little weird about this description.

But the fragrance mixed with the heat penetrates the tip of the nose.

Fuyumi Mizuhara had no spare time to think about other problems at the moment.

A hard bite.

Even the belt filling is eaten in the mouth.

I immediately felt an incomparably wonderful fresh fragrance.

Fresh pork, rib soup in the filling, and seasonings such as chopped green onion...

The fresh and refreshing taste immediately gives Suwon Fuyumi unparalleled enjoyment.


The sandalwood mouth opens slightly.

Let out a moan that was enough to shut up in a small dark room.

Under the influence of gastronomy.

Fuyumi Mizuhara has apparently forgotten her identity.

The second seat of the 79th session,

Today's chef at RistoranteF...

This moment is completely addicted to the beauty of the dog's ignorance.

Kanhyuga was really stunned this time.

Why didn't I find out before, Senior Sister Mizuhara is also a foodie?

This posture, this expression, seemed to enjoy it more than her.

Chu Feng was also a little surprised.

He was not impressed by the Suwon Fuyukage.

After all, there are not many appearances in anime.

It's just an older woman dressed in a neutral dress with a flushed face...

It's really hard to compliment.

If you change to dry Hinata,

It feels completely different.

Chu Feng secretly (too good) to complain.

Kanhyugako's face was full of shock.

In fact, neither of them knows.

Fuyumi Mizuwon has been studying Italian cuisine and does not know much about Chinese cuisine.

Meng Buding tastes the authentic dog and ignores the buns, and gaffes are inevitable.

After all, dogs ignore it, and they are extremely famous meals in the Dragon Kingdom.

What's more, the buns made by Chu Feng are also integrated into the chef's heart and value peace.

Under the multiple combinations, now Fuyumi Mizuhara has completely forgotten her intentions.

Even the little dissatisfaction with the food truck disappeared in this delicacy.

Right now~

She just wants another cage of buns!

All right~

The guest lecturer of residential study has fallen to another one.

A smile suddenly appeared on Kanhyugako's face.

Someone accompanies him to torture.

Even if he was later accused by Senior Dojima and Senior Shinomiya.

There are also people who share some of the pressure.

Haha~ I'm so smart~~

It was as if a little demon was laughing wildly in the bottom of her heart.


PS: First order!!。

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