In this world, Maple Leaf Pavilion!

Walking down from the third floor was a stylishly dressed woman.

The black vest and black leather shorts look heroic.

The royal sister-like figure and cold temperament show a high-cold aura.

Heavenly feathers slash!

Since being with Chu Feng.

She seems to have a soft spot for dark colors.

I also pay more attention to Pose and show my charm.

Sensing Chu Feng's return, Tianyu changed into a newly bought set of clothes for the first time, dressed up and went downstairs, and when he saw the other party, a smile suddenly appeared on the face of the perennial frost.

Black hair like clouds, face like coagulation, white skin over snow, vermilion lips dripping...

In the flow of Gu Pan, every place is beautiful.

Sojin Kohei: (⊙o⊙)...

Teruki Kume: (⊙⊙)?

Akane Kubo: (⊙⊙)?

The three people who remained in the present world were immediately dumbfounded.

During this time, Tianyu Chopper has been living in Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Although she usually doesn't go to school as long as she doesn't go to school, Tianyu spends most of her time on the third floor, and except for occasionally going downstairs to eat, everyone rarely sees her.

But every time I saw her, this woman had a straight face, and the whole body released a signal that no one should enter.

Kohei Sojin once thought that this was a woman who could not laugh, and was super fierce, as if she would kill someone if she didn't agree with each other.

Who would have thought that Tianyu Chopping also has a time to laugh, and it is very beautiful to laugh.

"Kaede, welcome back."

At this moment, Tianyu slashed only Chu Feng in his eyes.

In fact, she didn't take most people seriously in the past.

For example, Kohei Sojin, Kume Teruki.

Although usually the two have a sister-in-law.

But apart from a little joy at the beginning, Tianyu Chopping didn't feel anything after a long time.

The education method of the upper stream is different from that of ordinary people, and the law of the jungle is the right principle.

Even if Teruki and Kohei Sojin have eaten a lot of fantastic ingredients for a long time, their physiques are already much stronger than ordinary people, but they are still weak chickens in the eyes of Tianyu Chopper.

"Tianyu, didn't go to school today'?"

Chu Feng put his arm around the woman's thin waist and asked casually.

"I didn't go, anyway, the stupid woman of the famous sword stream is not there, and the rest are a group of weak chickens, which is not interesting at all."

Tianyu slashed against Chu Feng's chest, and he didn't care about the occasional gaze cast by the apprentices, let alone what kind of critical blow this action caused to the single dogs.

Kohei Sojin: Boss Chu is really awesome, and this kind of woman can also conquer.

Teruki Kume: It is clear that you can be so gentle, why treat us coldly, do you want to treat us so differently!

The two single dogs only dare to complain in their hearts, which one of the men and women who hugged each other, strangling them is as easy as pinching an ant.

Chu Feng ignored this group of guys and went up to the third floor with Tianyu Chopper.

After a long absence, he found that Tianyu Slash was a little eager to talk today, as if he had something to say.

"What's wrong?" Chu Feng said curiously.

Tianyu pondered for a moment, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Why did Alice and they all go to the other world, and you still don't take me?" "

As she spoke, her cheeks puffed out slightly.

Perhaps because he had never had such an expression, Tianyu Chopper's appearance at this time was a bit funny.

"Huh~ So it's because of this?"

Chu Feng raised his hand and scraped the other party's nose.

I really didn't expect that the vinegar intention of Tianyu slashing was quite large.

However, he also knows that he has been busy opening branches recently, ignoring the feelings of the other party.

Tianyu Slash itself is a very possessive person. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although this idea was later abandoned.

But it doesn't mean that she is very comfortable in her heart.

However, Chu Feng quickly considered another problem.

With the character of Tianyu Slash, whether you go to the pirate world or the world of Limulu, it is a little unsafe.

This Nizi's character is too strong, running to a world full of strong people, honestly it is strange.

It was impossible for Chu Feng to look at her at any time, in case she was hurt, it would not be good.

Although the Heavenly Feather Slash is now enough to deal with level twenty or thirty fantasy creatures.

But if others don't say it, just one Joe Ellie Bonnie, she may not be able to deal with it.

If you encounter a general-level, it is unlikely that the Tianyu Slash will survive.

Although Chu Feng could go back in time at any time to revive her.

But he didn't want his woman to experience the pain before death.

Alas, it should also be given Tianyu a boost in strength.

It's just that this question is a bit tricky.

After all, his entire strength comes from the system.

Some skills can teach Tianyu to slash.

But the more advanced the skill, the harder it is to learn.

The breath of the sun, for example, is not so easy to learn.

In addition to talent, there are also certain requirements for bloodlines.

And the martial arts in this world are also relatively rough, and many skills have disappeared into history.

Shangdi Liu was already a relatively famous genre, and there were no more ways to cultivate than it.

It seems that you can only start with other worlds.

The first thing that Chu Feng thought of was the world of god killers.

At present, among the guests from the other world, only one person meets his requirements.

Five Prisons Sect Master - Luo Hao!

This oriental martial arts overlord has collected countless martial arts cheats in his life, and there is always one suitable for the Heavenly Feather Slash.

But the problem was that the spatial anchor of the God Killer World was not stable, Luo Hao did not often patronize the Maple Leaf Pavilion, and Chu Feng could not contact the other party.

To be honest, Luo Hao was definitely the purest martial idiot he had ever seen, and he was in retreat most of the time.

Even though he already knew that his cuisine had a certain chance of receiving gifts, Luo Hao was still accustomed to his own penance, and only came once when he was really hungry, and his will was firm enough to resist the temptation of Maple Leaf Pavilion food.

Chu Feng also had no way to do this (Wang Li Zhao), so he had to wait for the other party to come next time.

Anyway, he still has a lot of good things in his hands, and he should be able to trade satisfactory cheats.

After comforting Tianyu Slash, Chu Feng repeatedly promised that after Tianyu's slashing strength improved, he would take her to play in another world.

Don't ask why Megumi Tassho, Alice, and Kobayashi Gentian are so weak that they can go to other worlds.

People are going to work, not to play, and they will not inexplicably find someone to fight.

Moreover, there are also Thor and Xiaoguang to protect them, and there is no problem in terms of safety, otherwise Chu Feng would not be able to come back and steal leisure.

After appeasing the Tianyu slash, Chu Feng was ready to stay in this world for two days.

Anyway, both Pirate World and Limulu's World have people watching the body.

The system will also feedback the critical hit reward in real time.

Chu Feng, who was relatively busy during this time, rarely had a leisurely time.

He decided to recharge his strength and began to seriously entertain visitors from another world this evening.

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