Banana toast roll, broccoli yogurt salad, miso Japanese fried salmon.

These three dishes are dishes ordered by Shikino, Tokisaki Madzo, and Yosaber God Juka.

Before that, when the dishes were served the first time, Mad San had already picked up the tableware.

But today, she uncharacteristically asked who Boss Chu went to, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared at the window.

Chu Feng, who was facing the window sideways, seemed to have sensed something, looked back at Shi Qi Crazy three times, and said speechlessly: "Don't call, I will go to your side to open a branch in the morning." "

Sansan has many advantages, beautiful knowledge, can be coquettish and cute, that is, as long as the matter involves the initial elf, the mentality is unstable.

Of course, Chu Feng knew Shizaki Mad San's thoughts, but he had no plans to go to the war world for the time being.

Now there are enough people, but the strength and cooking skills of the clerks are still poor.

The two branches have already made Chu Feng, who has been running all day, a little busy~ come.

Open another one?

Forget it!

He didn't want to make himself so tired.


Opening a branch is still a bit rushed.

Big Boss Chu gradually realized his mistake.

But there is no way~

Since it is open, it must be done well.

Ignoring Tokisaki Kozo, who was not in a good mood.

Chu Feng continued to make dishes.

I believe that after the other party tastes the delicious miso Japanese fried salmon, they will naturally feel better.

Today, the three elves ordered ordinary dishes.

There is no requirement to use fantasy ingredients.

Miso Japanese fried salmon is made with the main ingredients such as salmon, miso sauce, neon rice wine, and refined white sugar.

The method is simple and rough, put miso sauce, neon rice wine and fine white sand in an insulated bowl, put the bowl in hot water and cook for a while, wait for cooling and then put the marinated salmon into the sauce to make it completely flavorful, and finally the surface of the fried fish is slightly rolled up, and a few pieces of green vegetables are finished for decoration.

And banana toast rolls and broccoli yogurt salad are not complicated dishes, many chefs will make them, at most it is just a gap in taste.

Seeing Chu Feng's reply, she turned her head and was busy cooking, and Shiqi was depressed for a while, but then the aroma of fried meat spread to the tip of her nose, which immediately made her intoxicated.

Although it was not the first time to taste Chu Feng's dishes, every time it gave her an incomparably wonderful taste impact.

For example, this miso Japanese fried salmon is just a little not pungent miso sauce, and the taste of the salmon itself after it is fried can be so mellow.

The green vegetables dotted around the salmon present a visual beauty that makes people can't stop their appetite.

Putting aside what had just happened for a moment, Tokisaki picked up the cutlery and began to taste this salmon dish.

The tender fish meat is accompanied by a slightly light sauce, and as soon as it touches the tip of the tongue, it seems that something has melted on the tongue, and you can instantly feel the unique taste from the sea fish.

At this moment, Tokisaki temporarily forgot his troubles, let go of hatred, and the whole person was like being in the sea, and his body and mind were completely washed.


For a long time, Mad San took a long breath and sighed: "It's really contradictory, every time I come to eat Boss Chu's cooking, I feel that my heart has softened a little again, ahhh "

He pouted dissatisfiedly, but the expression on Tokisaki's face and eyes seemed extremely enjoyable and satisfied.

This kind of strange expression is estimated to be only visible in the Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Obviously very distressed, but inexplicably happy.

Mad San himself felt a little crying and laughing.

No way.

The effect of putting harmony above the grain is so outstanding.

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As Chu Feng's strength and cooking skills became stronger and stronger.

The role of putting harmony above the grain is also increasing.

If you are not careful, diners will completely calm down and even briefly forget their deep hatred.

Of course, Chu Feng would not deliberately aggravate this effect.

After all, he is not an ambassador of peace, and he wants a world without contradictions.

Some people, once they don't have hate, life always seems like something is missing.

What's more, they may even lose motivation to live.

Time to enjoy a good meal always passes quickly.

The three cute elf beautiful girls hurriedly left after paying the bill, and they didn't know what was urgent.

Chu Feng didn't ask much, as an excellent boss, he would never take the initiative to ask about the privacy of customers.

The same was true of the Ghost Destroying Four, as if coming to the Maple Leaf Pavilion to eat was just a routine.

It's done.

Nature wants to return to its own world.

After all, there is no end to the mission of the Ghost Killer Team.

Tanjiro and his party are either killing ghosts or on the way to killing ghosts.

It's already rare to be able to find time to come over for a meal.

A group of guests left, and Chu Feng was idle.

But it didn't take long...


The back door of the restaurant lit up again.

The door opens!

The familiar Hanfu comes into view.

Chu Feng, who was already sitting on the chair and dozing, suddenly came to his senses.

God killer Luo Hao, here!

He hadn't forgotten that he wanted to find martial arts secrets for Tianyu Slash.


How do I mention this to the other party?

The two were not acquainted, they had only had a two-sided relationship, and Chu Feng did not know if the Five Prisons Saint Sect had any rules that the exercises could not be passed on.

Forget it, just ask after Luo Hao finishes eating.

Chu Feng got up and greeted Nai with a smile.

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