
Killing the gods usurped power.

For more than two hundred years.

Luo Hao had already hunted more than one god.

Mighty Vajra Divine Skill: Defeat the power usurped by the two Vajra Lux Secret Vajra Lux and the Narayan Solid King, amazing strange power, and can summon two Vajra Lux to fight.

Dragon Chanting Tiger Roaring Dafa: Defeating the power usurped by the Indian goddess Gaya Tri, accompanied by the shockwave of the song, has a terrible power, and if it reaches its maximum power, it is comparable to a typhoon.

Huang Liang's dream: defeating the power usurped by Saturnus, the power to make the surrounding human civilization and technology develop rapidly, but because Luo Hao hates modern technology and hides deep in the mountains, he has no performance.

The power to bloom on a large scale is not limited to land, but can even produce flowers on concrete and metal, and can also produce man-eating flowers and poisonous flowers.

It is precisely because of the existence of many powers that Luo Hao can surpass the world with the True Yuan Realm, almost invincible in the world, and only the oldest Marquis of Vauban among the god killers can match it.

However, now ~

Eating food can loosen your bottleneck.

At this moment, even Luo Hao, who was determined, felt a little like a dream.

If cultivation could be that simple.

What is the point of my repeated retreats for many years?

Sect Master Luo was slightly confused, his face changed slightly, but he quickly returned to his original state.

After all, cultivation has become a daily routine of her life, and even if Chu Feng's cooking can make her go further, her habits will not change.

Besides, it is not her first time to come to Maple Leaf Pavilion, and the other party's cuisine is obviously not always improved, it all depends on luck.

Luo Hao very simply exerted his power Huang Liang and dreamed, and one painting after another appeared in front of Chu Feng, which was the cultivation method of the Tai Xuan Jing.

The strength is so strong that Chu Feng's level is not forgotten, and he has only memorized it once.

Tianyu slashed slightly closely, and only remembered seventy percent.

A Tai Xuan Sutra that he couldn't use, Luo Hao didn't feel distressed at all when he took it out.

If you can use this thing to befriend Chu Feng, normal people will not refuse.

Although Luo Hao does not like to rely on foreign objects to become stronger, there are shortcuts to take and he will not miss it.

And in her opinion, Chu Feng was too mysterious.

Mysterious means to connect different worlds, unfathomable strength, incredible cuisine...

All indications are that the other party's rank is obviously far more than the remnant gods in her world who have been lost in the river of time.

Perhaps, this is worthy of being called a true god!?

Those gods who are easily usurped by others are also worthy of being called gods?

Anyway, Luo Hao scoffed.

She couldn't determine Chu Feng's identity.

But it didn't stop her from falling in love with the food.

After showing the Tai Xuan Sutra to Chu Feng, Luo Hao continued to taste the spicy fish belly.

"Haw, haw~~~"

The sound of biting off the crisp belly suddenly sounded.

Luo Hao has always been eclectic, and his appearance is not elegant.

With a bold personality, she rarely cares about the eyes of others.

The amazingly tender fish belly, at the moment when it was squeezed in half by the teeth, the amazing elasticity plus the juice after being integrated into the chili oil burst out, which once again made Luo Hao can't help but snort.

Why didn't you find Sichuan food so delicious before?

Such a thought suddenly popped up in Luo Hao's mind.

But he quickly shook his head self-deprecatingly.

It's not that Sichuan cuisine is better than other cuisines. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It's that Chu Feng, this guy is too delicious.

It is estimated that in other cuisines, this guy can also make this level.

Luo Hao thought to himself secretly, and decided to come over in the future and simply taste the eight major cuisines first.


After writing down the Tai Xuan Sutra, Chu Feng was ready to close his business and teach it to Tianyu to slash.

However, the system prompt sounded again, glanced into the void, and the golden text appeared again.

[Congratulations on winning the skill: Huang Liang Yi Cooking Dream! ] 】

[Trigger a hundredfold critical hit...]

[Congratulations on obtaining the god-level secret technique - Huang Liang Yimeng! ] 】

[Huangli a dream: all things in the world, life, civilization, technology have infinite possibilities, through dreams can change the cognition of a single individual or group, progress or regression, all in one thought...]

After co-authoring a hundredfold critical hit, the skill name is only one word missing?

Chu Feng secretly complained, feeling that the system was becoming more and more lazy.

However, the skills after the critical attack are obviously more comprehensive than Luo Hao's Huangli Dream.

At most, Sect Master Luo can only let human civilization and science and technology develop at a high speed, and there are great advantages and disadvantages.

After all, the rapid development of everything beyond the norm will have many problems at the foundation.

But Huang Liang's dream fundamentally solved this problem.

In theory, any creature can dream.

As long as it is within the influence of Huangli Yimeng, the subconscious mind of all living beings will enter a state of high concentration, and learning will be more effective with half the effort.

Conversely, it is easy to let a civilization degenerate (and take a good job).

Of course, this skill is not completely without flaws, it is linked to mental strength.

How strong the spiritual power is, the scope of influence is great.

For example, Chu Feng can easily include the entire Weijing in the sphere of influence now.

If it is used on a single individual, the effect is even more terrifying.

Take the simplest example...

A three-star chef, Chu Feng now only needs a night to train the other party into a special chef.

This skill is quite useful. machine

I remember the process of teaching Tashoe and Kobayashi Gentian and others.

If there was a dream of yellow millet at that time, where would it be so troublesome.

No matter how many of them came, Big Boss Chu could settle down in an overnight and ensure that he would teach them everything.

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