Kallion's thoughts, of course Chu Feng did not know.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

Anyway, there is Thor to take care of the Demon Kingdom Federation, so there is no need to worry at all.

The strength of the dragon maid is already very strong, and she eats Chu Feng's dishes every day, and all kinds of exceptionally cherished dream ingredients are constantly supplied~.

Now, once Thor breaks out with all his strength, it is estimated that it is not far from her father's final Yan-emperor.

On the side of the Demon Kingdom Federation, Chu Feng was very relieved, but he was a little headache now.

Because she woke up early in the morning and Erina knocked on her door, she wanted to study cooking here.

What kind of joke, the huge Yuanyue Academy belongs to your Yuanyue Academy, and you still can't find a place to study cooking?

Of course, Chu Feng's kitchen was definitely more advanced than anywhere.

Leaving aside the facilities that can be automatically generated, the legendary kitchenware is only available here, and it is understandable that Erina's idea is born.

Just this weekend, the reform of Yuanyue Academy is also on track, and with Crimson watching, she is finally free.

It's just, looking at Chu Feng's expression...

"How? You disagree? "

Erinai wrapped her arms around her, highlighting the two key points, staring at Chu Feng intently, with a posture that if you don't agree to me, you won't be lazy to leave.

In fact, this trick was taught by Crimson Sand, saying that as long as the skin is thick, the man will definitely not refuse.

I didn't see Alice because of her thick skin, and now she has become a quarter of the proprietress of Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Well, because Akemi Miyano also lives in the Maple Leaf Pavilion, Crimson subconsciously regards the other party as Chu Feng's woman.

The proud Erina, who was still unable to let go, but as the gap between her and Alice grew, she was also a little anxious.

Last time Alice came home and showed off to her that she was one step ahead of the special chef, how could Erina, who was strong in her life, stand it?

Compared to face, it must be the competitive side that has the upper hand, so after just thinking for a moment, she came knocking on the door.

Facing the aggressive Erinai who held his head high, Chu Feng smiled dumbly and did not refuse the other party.

After all, because of Alice's relationship, he is now half of the Qiqi family, and he can't turn the other party away.

"By the way, why did you suddenly become diligent?"

Seeing Erinai enter the kitchen, Chu Feng was curious.

"I'm going to take the Special Chef Exam in two days, and the facilities in Yuanyue can't meet my needs, so I'm going to stay here for two days." Erina turned around and said, "Please, I plan to devote myself to cooking in the past two days, and I will give you the ingredients and rental fees at the market price." "

Erinai is sometimes more old-fashioned and does not like to take advantage of others, even if the relationship is good, the money that should be given is not ambiguous.

"Forget about the money, I don't lack it now, but you will be in charge of the kitchen in the next two days." Chu Feng would not let go of the labor sent to the door.

"No problem." Erinai promised crisply.


Erina, with her blond hair tied up, began to cook.

Chu Feng was idle, got up, and simply watched from the sidelines. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Have to say ~

Erina, who is already in a super good shape, changes into a chef's suit, and the tight lines are not tired of any time you look at it, and there is an indescribable beauty when you appreciate it.

Basically, after opening the gate of the other world, the first round of Maple Leaf Pavilion is open at noon, the time is still early, and it is also very interesting to watch beautiful women cook.

Erinai didn't use dream ingredients right away, and although she knew that Chu Feng had everything here, she didn't like to waste them.

It was ordinary river shrimp, shelled shrimp sliced, it seemed that it should be made of sushi, because Chu Feng saw that she took a steaming grid, covered with a layer of wet white cloth, and poured the overnight rice on it, turning on a high fire to steam.

0 ask for flowers

The very conventional method of sushi rice balls does not see any new meaning for the time being.

However, it can be seen that Erina's cooking techniques have become more and more proficient.

Simple dishes such as sushi, which I used to look down on, are now readily available.

Not only that, the control and use of the kitchen heart is also handy, and it can be seen that a lot of effort has been put into it recently.

Since awakening the Thorn King, Chu Feng had never seen Erinai cooking.

After all, after the halberd of the wing, the other party was busy with the affairs of the Far Moon Academy, and it was rare to take some time to come over for a meal.

In fact, Erina's background is enough, coupled with the addition of God's Tongue, after awakening the cooking heart, cooking skills have improved by leaps and bounds.

It stands to reason that coping with the assessment of a grand chef should not be a problem.

However, Chu Feng heard that the audit mechanism of IGO is recently being reformed.

With the large-scale opening of the gastronomic world, it is estimated that IGO will increase the difficulty of the assessment to select better chefs.

Erinai probably also thought about this, so he was a little uneasy, and he was ready to sharpen his gun in order to be more stable.

Shōjo slowly prepares the dishes, and Erina does not pursue speed, but carefully strives for excellence.

Perhaps it was a habit she developed during the special training of Maple Leaf Pavilion, or she didn't want to be underestimated by Chu Feng, she always pursued perfection as much as possible when she cooked here.

The integration process of the chef's heart is perfect, and ordinary chefs can't see it with the naked eye, but it is not difficult for Chu Feng, and he can even sense the fluctuations generated when the chef's heart is integrated into the dish.

Nodded without a trace, Erina's culinary talent is indeed very high.

Without the devil special training that was crammed during the training of Maple Leaf Pavilion staff, the other party's progress speed was not weaker than that of Kohei Sojin and others.

Obviously, Erinai has now had the strength of a special chef for a long time.

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