For a long time, Chu Feng thought that it was just because of the collision between the food world and the present world that many characters had a very high degree of similarity with the original work of the food captive.

But it's just similar.

After all, the overall strength of IGO, as well as the strength of Yilong, Ayu and others, are not small gaps with the original.

And the world of gastronomy is more like a new world, everything is unfamiliar to everyone, and it needs to be constantly explored and developed.

Now that Sanhu suddenly said the thunder king snake named after the system, Chu Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, feeling that something was a little wrong.

The system's exploration function has never gone wrong, the name characteristics of each fantasy creature are accurate, and he does not believe that Sanhu has a similar goldfinger.

So the question is, how did he know so much about the newly discovered ingredients?

As if seeing Chu Feng's confusion, the expression on Sanhu's face became strange, and he said with a smile: "Don't pretend, aren't you the same as me?" I just don't know, which old acquaintance are you reincarnated? "

Old acquaintance? Reincarnation?

When Chu Feng heard this, his expression became strange, and a not very mature idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

The guys with the same names in this world and food 207 captives in the original book won't all be reincarnated and reborn, right?

Otherwise, how to explain the high similarity between them?

It's just that Ayu, Xiaosong and the others who are familiar with Chu Feng don't seem to have memories of their previous lives.

And Jiro and Jino mother-in-law never mentioned this in front of him, and whether they retained the memories of their past lives, Chu Feng could not judge.

But Sanhu, apparently remembered well.

It is estimated that the IGO president of the same name, Ichiryu, is also the same.


Things got interesting.

Chu Feng suddenly became a little curious about the former food world.

If this group of people is really all reincarnated and reborn.

So, what happened in the once gastronomic world that caused the mass extinction of mankind, and even legendary figures such as one dragon and three tigers were forced to reincarnate?

You know, the three tigers in the original work are top masters with a capture level of more than 30,000.

(babf) And his current combat strength, it is estimated that hundreds or thousands of levels will reach the sky, and the gap is not ordinarily large.

However, looking at the appearance of the other party, it is estimated that he is also regarded as a person with the same experience, so he will make such a polite request for a transaction.

Otherwise, with the contradiction between himself and the food club, the probability of Sanhu directly starting to grab it is greater.

It's just, what does this guy fancy about the king snake, so much want to get the corpse of the king snake?

With the strength of the three tigers, a level 200 fantasy creature should not be difficult to kill.

As Chu Feng thought, Sanhu did regard Chu Feng as an acquaintance he once knew, but the other party had changed his appearance more thoroughly, plus his cooking skills and food skills were relatively unfamiliar, and he couldn't judge his identity for a while.

Zeus, Guangcai, Blanche, Flozer...

He even suspected for a while that the other party was the food god Acacia.

It's just that as the youngest disciple of Acacia, Sanhu knows the other party's character very well, never disdains to hide his identity, and it is impossible to let go of the pride of the food god.

So the question is, who is Chu Feng?

Sanhu had no answer in his heart, so he was jealous, and even if Demon Bach and Domilot fell one after another, he didn't say anything.

Today, his strength is still too weak compared to his previous life.

Not only did the present world limit his ascension, but the regional expansion of the gastronomic world was too slow.

Improving strength is just a fluttering sentence, but for anyone who takes food as their main means of progress, it is difficult to climb to the sky.

For their level, every step of their strength needs a huge amount of deliciousness, not to mention breaking through the shackles, but also need top-quality ingredients.

The collision of the two worlds, the area gradually expanding out of the food industry, the top food is so little, so many masters are vying, even if the three tigers re-establish the food club, what can be grabbed is very limited.

Being able to recover to the current level is also the result of his efforts to squeeze the resources of his members.

But it wasn't enough, far from enough, he needed more top-quality ingredients.

The thunder king snake in front of him is the key to the three tigers breaking through the barrier. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The bloodline of the mother king snake, even a very faint hint, may allow him to break through the current bottleneck.

Therefore, the three tigers are bound to win.

But soon~

He saw Chu Feng shaking his head.

Apparently unwilling to trade.

I think it is also, everyone is originally a person in the food industry, and they know the origin of the mother king snake very well.

One of the strongest eight kings in the world of gastronomy.

Its bloodline has a very miraculous effect.

The newly born female king snake is as high as 6310 level, and when it is an adult, the capture level is as high as 20,000.

In your prime, you can kill with a little effort, but now...

Even if they encounter the newborn mother king snake, Sanhu will definitely turn around and run as far as he wants.

However, now he can't take the mother king snake, and he is still sure of his bloodline descendants.

It's a pity that when he found the Thunder King Snake, he had already been killed by Chu Feng.

Seeing that the other party refused to trade, Sanhu's face froze, ready to start snatching.

The bloodline descendants of the eight kings of the food world are rare in today's withering food world.

It was hard to meet one, and Sanhu was unwilling to give up.

Moreover, he also wanted to take the opportunity to test Chu Feng's true identity.

The big war, on the verge of breaking out!.

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