"From one star to nine stars, then special grade, Lin level, dragon level, this is the chef rating of my world, with your current degree of control over artistic conception, you have already stepped into the Lin level with one foot. "

Chu Feng's face did not show too much expression from beginning to end, and he looked extremely natural.

These are not important things, it doesn't matter if you tell Lin Wei, anyway, without gourmet cells and food righteousness, no matter how talented the other party is, he can't break through Lin Kitchen.

But for Lin Wei, these simple things were immeasurably valuable knowledge, at least allowing him to understand the hierarchy of chefs and the path to be taken in the future.

For a while, his eyes looking at Chu Feng were full of gratitude, and a little guilty.

He is really a frog at the bottom of the well, and he actually vainly tries to provoke such a superior person.

Although he didn't know what Chu Feng's cooking skills were, just the slightest hint revealed by the other party had already benefited him a lot.

More importantly, Lin Wei's ears were no problem, and he clearly heard the other party say that he was from another world.

He didn't know if there was another 973 realm.

But since there are such powerful beings as gods and god killers in the world, isn't it normal to have other worlds?

Lin Wei naturally accepted the statement of another world, after all, the hierarchy proposed by Chu Feng had never existed in his world.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Wei said gratefully: "Thank you Boss Chu for informing me frankly, I am very grateful." "

He didn't say anything in return, because Lin Wei knew that with just a few pounds and taels, he couldn't help Chu Feng at all.

After all, the young man in front of him was an equal figure with Sect Master Luo.

Don't look at the young parents of people, maybe they are the same as Sect Master Luo, an old monster who has lived for more than two hundred years, more likely, older than Luo Hao.

Thinking of this, Lin Wei's body gradually fell, his demeanor became more and more respectful, and there was no pride to speak of.

Chu Feng didn't think about the previous things anymore, the chef, it's normal to be a little arrogant, Lin Wei is not excessive, just a little emotional when cooking, don't make it difficult because of this little thing.

The reason why he wanted to see Lin Wei was just to meet the top chef in the god killer world.

But I didn't expect that there is no chef level in this world, and Lin Wei completely relied on his own blind exploration, and finally came to this step.

I have to say that this guy is also very talented.

However, Chu Feng had no idea of accepting apprentices.

It is better to accept an old man as an apprentice, it is better to accept a beautiful girl, at least look at the eyes.

And with his current level, as long as he is not stupid, he can be trained to become a special chef.

Seeing that Chu Feng had no other problems, Luo Hao waved his hand to signal Lin Wei to retreat, although the latter was reluctant, he did not dare to disobey the order of the sect leader.

In fact, Luo Hao didn't know why Chu Feng was interested in Lin Wei, and seeing that the other party also confiscated the disciple's intentions, it was difficult to think much.

She was different from others, if she changed to the leader of other forces, knowing that her subordinates had the idea of being valued by Chu Feng, it was estimated that they would have other thoughts long ago.

After all, to be able to further close the relationship with Chu Feng, it was an opportunity that could not be sought.

Luo Hao naturally understood this, but he didn't care, confident that nothing in the world could stump him, even if he encountered danger, he would not ask for help from others.

The leader of the Five Prisons Sect is peerless and independent, and does not seek anyone in his life.

One night without a word.

The next day refused, intending to continue to accompany Luo Hao, Chu Feng took the heavenly (bace) feather chop and Mujiu Zhiyuan fruit down the mountain.

And Lu Yinghua became the guide of the three.

For such an arrangement, Lu Yinghua took the order.

As long as he doesn't have to stay in the main altar, let him do anything.

Since he decided to open a branch in the God Killer World, it was naturally impossible to open it in the main altar of the Five Prisons Saint Sect.

After all, there are few people here, and Luo Hao is even more famous, and it is impossible for a slightly normal person to come here to eat.

Chu Feng wanted to walk around more and find a suitable place to open a store.

After descending the mountain, Lu Yinghua's words became more, changing his previous silent appearance.

"Boss Chu, listen to the master, you have a lot of magical ingredients over there?"

"Well, but the higher the level, the stronger the strength, ordinary people don't say capture, or even dare not eat it at all." "

"So powerful, then look at me, how many levels of ingredients can I compare?" (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Your metaphor is really... It's the first time I've heard someone compare themselves with ingredients, hehe, you are at most similar to a level forty fantasy creature, far worse than your master. "

"Level forty? That's also very high!"

"Now the latest fantasy creature, two hundred and thirty-two!"


I can't talk about it this day.

Lu Yinghua was a bit hit.

In the world of Boss Chu, the fantasy creatures of level forty who dare to love are only cannon fodder-level existences, and there are hundreds of level creatures behind.

He couldn't imagine how powerful the creatures of the other world were, but the numerical gap alone had made him daunted.

At this time, Chu Feng was curious: "Since your master even told you this, why didn't he bring you to Maple Leaf Pavilion?"

When Lu Yinghua heard this, his face froze, and he was immediately embarrassed: "Because every time the master goes, he forgets me." "

That's right, Luo Hao is not a selfish person, and he also promised Lu Yinghua that he would take him next time.

But every time Luo Hao opened the space door after leaving the customs, Lu Yinghua was no longer around, and he didn't think of this cheap apprentice at all.

Therefore, Lu Yinghua could perfectly miss the opportunity to taste the food in Maple Leaf Pavilion every time, which made him very hurt.

It's me who gets beaten, it's me who gets scolded, and it's not me every time it's good!

Chu Feng looked at the man in Zhongshan costume in front of him strangely, and he wanted to verify the psychological shadow area of Lu Yinghua.

Luo Hao, it seems that he is really not a qualified master?。

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