In fact~

Kenji Ogawa and others were also helpless.

Change to usual~

These shiny steaks will definitely make them eat to their heart's content.

But now ~

I just tried the food truck of the fairy cuisine, and I can't eat anything else.

As soon as the fat steak was ingested, everyone was left with only one thought.


Hard to swallow!

Barely eat two or three servings.

It seems to have reached its limit.

In fact, the cooking of the students of Yuanyue is not bad.

No matter how bad it is, it is better than the chef of ordinary restaurants.

Kenji Ogawa didn't lie either.

They usually eat a lot of food.

It's just an extremely stark contrast.

Their tongues are temporarily unable to accept the steak in front of them.

Even if you are hungry, you will never have much appetite.

I saw the cannibalistic gaze of some lecturers.

Kenji Ogawa really wanted to explain, but "four, four, three" didn't know what to say.

You can't say in front of the high-level people of Yuanyue that their students' cooking is not as good as the fast food outside.

Once he did this, he had no doubt that he would definitely be beaten to death by the strong man at the head.

Shrinking his head, Kenji Ogawa forced himself to swallow two more steaks.

As a team leader, you must always have the consciousness of leading by example.


Hotel staff began to play as diners.

Dojima Silver and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although this evening's assessment is not perfect.

But it was only delayed for twenty minutes.

The level of students who can stay will not be too low.

Six days and five nights of residential study, and this is only one day.

As long as nothing else, they still have a lot of time to hone this group of children.

At this moment, Dojima Silver regained his confidence and no longer became entangled in the sudden accident of this evening.

Looking around the lobby, he suddenly thought of a question and turned his head to look at Seki Shouhei and Shinomiya Kojiro beside him.

"Suwon has been out for so long, why hasn't he come back yet?"

"By the way, where did Hinata run again?"

Dojima Silver threw out two consecutive questions.

Somehow ~

Suddenly, a very bad premonition arose.

"Hinata's words, it seems that she has not seen anyone since the end of the class, so she can only wait and ask the group of students she brought with her."

Holding the black-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose, Shinomiya Kojiro, who had pink hair, shook his head and said.

He was very dissatisfied with tonight's assessment, and his gaze towards the athletes was extremely fierce.

Shinomiya Kojiro has always been strict with others, and hates those who don't follow discipline the most.

However, Dojima Gin, who presided over the study, did not speak, and he naturally did not say much when he was invited.

"That guy from Suwon, he's not going to run for fast food, is he?"

At this moment, Guan Shouping spoke his thoughts.

What if the food in the fast food truck is really as delicious as the members of the community say?

Fuyumi Mizuhara is still squatting across the road now.

That's the gut feeling of being a qualified foodie.



Dojima Silver and Shinomiya Kojiro's faces instantly darkened.

After listening to Guan Shouping's words, the more they thought about it, the more they felt that it was possible.

If you just go out to check the situation, how can you delay for so long?

"Lecturer Chapel, I'll leave it to you first, I'll go out with the fourth palace to take a look."

Forced to endure the anger in his heart, Dojima Silver handed over the assessment task to the highly respected Roland Chapel.

"Wait, I'll go with you too."

Guan Shouping, with his hands in his sleeves, spoke again.

He wouldn't admit that he just wanted to see the fast food outside.


Just out of the hotel gate, across the road, Dojima Silver saw Dry Hinata and Fuyumi Mizuhara sitting in front of the food truck.

They each stuffed a bunch of food into their mouths with a string of food in their hands, and their faces showed a happy expression from time to time.


Lao Tzu is busy inside, you can pour well, eat outside and be happy.

Shinomiya Kojiro's face was no better.

These two women. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

One was the second seat of his class.

One is a junior sister who is one grade lower than him.

The three have always had a good relationship.

The reason why Shinomiya Kojiro returned to Japan this time as a guest lecturer for residential study was the invitation of these two people.

Who knew that he had traveled thousands of miles to return from France, but the two of them stopped picking and flying outside.

Shinomiya Kojiro was angry, the consequences were serious, and he walked to the opposite side first.

"You two, what the hell are you doing?"

The cold voice sounded like a cold wind in the ears of Hinata and Fuyumi Mizuhara.

They can even clearly feel each other's suppressed anger.

"Uh... Senior Shinomiya, if I say that we are here to persuade diners to leave, do you believe me? "

Kanhyuga shrunk her head and looked very scared.


Shinomiya Kojiro sneer........

"Do you say I should believe it?"

"Really, if we didn't try to dissuade them, the athletes would still be nibbling on buns at this time."

"Now that they're all in, why are you still outside?"

"Of course, to prevent them from turning back, we have to stay here."

Kanhyuga began to defend herself with all her might.

"Suwon, tell me, what's going on?"

At this time, Dojima Silver also came over and asked directly.

"Boss Chu's cooking is delicious... We have to stay here to make sure the study goes smoothly. "

Fuyumi Mizuhara said expressionlessly.

She is not good at lying at all.

It's just that just now Dry Hinata made a hard look at her.

Only then did he change his tune in time.


Dojima Silver and the others have been fooling around outside for so many years, how can they not see the trickiness of the two.

These two guys are clearly greedy and deliberately linger outside.

It's just that~

Is the food truck stuff really that delicious?

Dojima Silver and Shinomiya Kojiro looked at each other, and both saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

Fuyumi Mizuhara and Hinata Kan are both eight-star chefs.

The food that can attract them should not be low-grade.

But what is written on the LCD screen of the food truck?

Dogs ignore buns and fried gluten.

Such a simple dish, so that the two eight-star chefs refused to leave for a long time?

Shinomiya Kojiro was the first not to believe it.

"If you want to be lazy, please find a better 5.7 excuse."

"Street food, is it comparable to your cooking?"

Hearing Shinomiya Kojiro's words, Dojima Silver nodded in deep approval.

Then, his gaze fell on Chu Feng in the food truck.

Age does not seem to be too old, should not be more than twenty years old.

The made thing smells good and should taste good.

It's rare to be able to make such a dish at a young age.

Of course~

Dojima Silver didn't think that such a simple thing could conquer Hinata and Fuyumi Mizuhara.

There are many ways to enhance the aroma in the world, and they do not fully represent the taste of food.

At this moment, Kanhyuga hurriedly waved her hand and said:

"Senior Sigong, Senior Sister Mizuhara didn't lie, Boss Chu's cooking is really delicious, or do you want to try it too?"


PS: The eighth change, please order first!!。

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