Unnamed island.

The battle between Kusanagi Godo and the Marquis of Voban continues.

In fact, it is only a one-sided banter of the latter.

Just usurped the divine right of Welleslana ~ Kusanagi Godo.

There is simply no way to fully exert the power of the ten incarnations.

The Marquis of Voban was also in no hurry.

Summoning only part of the wolves leaves Kusanagi Godo's incarnated bull, exhausted.

Greedy wolves!

The Marquis of Voban usurped the first power from Apollolyceus, the sun god of wolves in Greek mythology.

The Demon Wolf, the beast of darkness and earth as the sacred beast of the god Apollo, and the color of deep rat body hair, is used as the power to summon the demon without restriction and manipulate it at will.

Individual wolves do not have the ability of divine beasts, but they have a keen nose, a huge body comparable to a horse, and the agility to chase cars.

If it is not encountered by the strength of the great knight level, it will fall into a bitter battle, and the wolves also have the combat ability of the legion comparable to that commanded by cavalry.

It was as if endless wolves were frantically rushing towards the avatar of Kusanagi Godo.

Sharp teeth and shining claws continue to tear the avatar of Kusanagi Godo.

Erica waited for the opportunity to swim away, fending off the demon wolves who occasionally rushed at her while looking for an opportunity to save Yuri Wanri Valley.

However, the witches were all firmly watched by the servants of death, and Yuri Wanli Gu was also the focus of prevention.

As the most powerful witch born with witch power, Marquis Voban could not let her go easily.


High in the sky, in the wind and snow.

The young girl carefully watched the formation arranged by the witches, and said in an affirmative tone: "It is indeed the God Formation Formation, although it is slightly different from the Eastern Formation, but it is generally the same. "

After hesitating, she continued: "Planning to summon three gods at once, this guy is simply a madman, are you sure you won't stop him now?"

The latter sentence was said to Chu Feng.

"That's right, when he finishes the ritual, so many gods, it's a little troublesome to kill." "

Chu Feng nodded slightly.

Not to worry about the excessive number of enemies.

I just think it's troublesome to kill.

After the supplementary explanation of the young girl.

Now Chu Feng already knew the principle of the Drawing God Array.

If you do not specify the object to be summoned.

Then you only need to arrange the most basic formation and sacrifice the life and power of the witch.

The success rate is not high, and it is impossible to determine who you are luring down.

Another way is to find the holy relic of a certain god, use the holy relic as a medium, and forcibly summon the corresponding god.

Again, this method also requires witches to pay a heavy price.

This is why every time the Marquis of Warban has to go to great lengths to travel the world looking for witches.

Wanli Gu Yuli was lucky to survive last time.


The wolves besieging Kusanagi Godo made a move.

Marquis Voban suddenly sensed a familiar aura.

The smell of the gods who do not follow.

"It's funny that you can avoid my detection. "

The Marquis of Voban looked up at the sky and muttered something in his mouth.

Before landing on the island, he had inspected the entire island to make sure that no other people or gods existed.

However, now another god of disobedience descended from the sky, as if everything was as planned.

Alexander's eyes narrowed slightly, and he wondered, "Which god is it?"

Woban shook his head: "It's a little strange, like the smell of gods over there in the east." "

"Gods of the East, what are you doing here with us?" (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

Doni muttered softly, feeling that things were getting more complicated.

0 ask for flowers

"Here it comes!"

Marquis Voban's eyelids jumped.

He didn't know why.

I always feel that there is great terror in the wind and snow that is slowly falling.

At the same time, Kusanagi Godo also stopped sprinting and stood back to back with Erica.

The two looked solemn, both looking at the sudden blizzard.

The snowflakes scattered, revealing the figures of a man and three women.

Two ordinary women, an oriental deity, and one...

The kings' gazes instantly fell on Chu Feng.

It's not that there's anything extraordinary about him.

It's a standing position of four people.

Obviously dominated by this man.

"Who are you?"

Marquis Voban looked solemn and his eyes were gloomy.

"A passing traveler. "

Chu Feng replied with a smile.

Maybe it feels a little mysterious about the young man in front of you.

The Marquis of Voban did not choose to do it at the first time.

Instead, he asked, "Your Excellency's sudden appearance, what happened?"

Chu Feng: "Find someone." "

Woban: "Looking for whom?"

Chu Feng: "The one who hunts the Chinese gods." "

Woban: "..."

The old marquis was first confused.

And then it felt a little innocent.

He kind of understood the other party's intention.

The co-authorship is to avenge the gods who were previously killed by the East under the guidance.

But that's none of his business.

Marquis Voban felt a little wronged.

At the same time, I was puzzled.

She looked at the young girl who was like a maid following behind the mysterious man.

Woban felt his worldview was greatly impacted.

When can humans and gods not follow this mode of getting along?

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