The Holy Light Illumination is a skill unique to angels, which just restrains the evil attribute of the abyss.

Eutarus has lost the most basic sanity, and the whispers of the ancient gods naturally cannot have the effect they should.

There was no logical information, Chu Feng did not need it.

Taking Thor and Connor, Chu Feng directly entered the Labyrinth of Greed.

Yutarus has been captivated by the illusion, and the eight tentacles are constantly waving, as if enjoying the pleasure of killing.

Perhaps there is no fun for it, which is only instinctive.

The Holy Light descends silently.

The breath of divine purity pervaded the spot.

Although he knew that Chu Feng would do this trick.

Thor and Connor still found it incredible.

Even the eyes that looked at Chu Feng were a little strange.

After all~

Light is an angel's trick.

But they knew in their hearts...

Chu Feng was not an angel, he was a human with pure blood.

Although they can't explain why humans have so many races of skills?870

At first, the two dragon ladies would still be confused, but after following Chu Feng for a long time, they were used to it, and at most occasionally surprised at each other's magic.

The brilliant holy light shone throughout the space, and the moment it came into contact with this white light, Yutarouston let out a heart-rending roar.

It seems to have broken free from the illusion and faced an even more terrifying existence.

The Holy Light is the fiercest poison to the creatures of the Abyss.

The black and red body began to melt, as if encountering the extremely corrosive aqua regia, and Yutarus' body began to gradually melt.

First came the eight tentacles, followed by the pustually bulging skin like a lazy toad.

At the same time, the negative emotions that filled his mind also dissolved like ice and snow, allowing it to recover some sanity a little.

"Stay~Stop~~Who are you, why is there an angelic light????"

Slightly sober, Yutarus began to panic.

The tingling of the body from the melting of the body, it feels the fear of death.

Abyssal creatures are all extremely afraid of death, and the Tana Demon is no exception.

They can be fearless of death in order to survive, but when they must die and undoubtedly see no hope of survival, they are more desperate than any living creature.

If it weren't for the soul being restrained, Yutarus would have surrendered the moment Chu Feng and the others made a move.

Not to mention the terrifying man in front of him, the two dragons beside him are not something that an abyss lord can deal with.

Still, Uttalus was able to maintain his composure.

It has already guessed the purpose of the other party's search for itself.

It is nothing more than investigating the blood of the fallen.

It was clear that the One had a large amount of Fallen Blood in his hands and had cast a lot of it like other worlds.

As long as he grits his teeth and doesn't let go, the man in front of him can't take it no matter how terrifying he is.

No matter how much pain you endure, as long as you don't die, you can turn over.

Pain is nothing to abyssal creatures, after all, they have struggled in it all their lives.

Yutarus was sure that Chu Feng would not kill it, and after a few roars, he closed his mouth, looking like he would not obey.

But soon, it was not calm.

Because the other party's eyes suddenly became as if they carried some kind of magic.

It feels the absolute suppression on the order (cadh).

This feeling is even more terrifying than confronting the being.

Whispering of the ancient gods, launch!

As if in the vast universe, in the entire void space, the sense of oppression came from all directions, almost tearing up the remaining soul power of Yutarus.

Without resistance, it quickly entered a state of ignorance.

The whispers of the ancient gods are so unreasonable. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Seeing that the divine technique took effect, Chu Feng asked, "What is the Fallen Blood?"

Yutarus answered honestly: "The blood produced after the fall of a high-level lifeform, the higher the life, the stronger the effect of the fallen blood after the energy reversal." "

Chu Feng was puzzled: "Isn't it the blood of fallen angels?"

Yutarus: "Not all, the creatures opposite their energy attributes are all degenerates, but after the divine power of the angels is reversed, it is more suitable to use." "

"Where did you get the blood of the Fallen?"

"A great being!"

"Who is it?"

"I don't know, I've never seen His true face. "

"The blood of the fallen angel who appeared in the spirit world is also a ghost you engaged in?"

"Yes, that was the mission that the adult gave me. "

"Since you haven't met him, how can he contact you?"

"That lord can appear at any time..."

Uttalus was very cooperative and answered.

Chu Feng had already figured out the origin of the fallen blood, but he didn't expect that this thing could not only be produced by fallen angels, but also by any creature.

Now, he cares more about the adult that the other party is talking about.

However, just as he was about to ask the adult how to contact Yutarus, the originally honest Yutarus began to lose control.

A powerful divine thought suddenly descended, appearing directly in Yutarus' mind.

The other party seemed to have a little unwillingness to contact Chu Feng, or was afraid of the whispers of the ancient gods.

Directly obliterate the soul of Yutarus, and you will withdraw ~ and leave.

"Want to run!?"

Chu Feng drank lowly.

Complex symbols flashed in his eyes, and clear lines that converged into a network suddenly appeared in front of him.

Straight to the demon eye, see through all dead line divine skills.

Immediately afterwards, a brilliant sword light appeared! .

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