"Connor, you're back!"

The blond Shimnkamu said expressionlessly, looking unsurprised.

"I refuse. "

Connor replied with a calm face.

Although the little loli sometimes puts on a look that no one should enter, but so directly and simply refusing a person, Chu Feng is also the first time to see.

Chimenkamui seemed to be accustomed to Connor's rebellion and was not angry, but continued: "After going out for so long, it's time to go home, the Legion needs you." "

Well, Chu Feng finally really realized why Connor didn't like her father.

Open and closed is the legion, simply treat the army as their home, how can there be a girl who likes this kind of life.

Shimnkamui apparently didn't realize this, and perhaps his habitual thinking had taken all this for granted.

After looking at the other party for a while, Chu Feng was basically sure that Connor's father was not infected with fallen blood.

It was a blessing in misfortune, he didn't want to accidentally kill the other party when he purified the degenerate.

There was a certain risk in purifying the blood of the degenerate, and Chu Feng did not dare to ensure the safety of the life of the degenerate.

At the same time, Shymenkamui also issued an ultimatum.

It can be seen that this dragon does not like nonsense.

"Well, since you don't want to, I can only forcibly bring you back. "

Shimnkamui is ready to use force to bring Thor to his knees.

Thor looked coldly at Shimnkamui.

That look seems to say, you move one to try?

Shimnkamui is fearless.

He is an old man of the Chaos faction.

In the past, he was tied with Thor, and he also released water to a certain extent.

If he really wants to fight, he has experienced hundreds of battles and has the confidence to win.

Thor did not talk to Shimnkamui.

She is well aware of the other person's character.

Connor's father was a true soldier.

The character of the indispensable is like a stone in a pit.

Stinky and hard!

Superfluous nonsense, it is impossible to change the decision of Shimnkamuy.

"Would you like to help.?"

Knowing that this battle could not be avoided, Th turned his head and asked Connor with concern.

Shaking his head, Connor said firmly in a milky tone: "No need, I'll come by myself, the matter between our father and daughter should also have an end..."

The white-haired loli had a firm look in her eyes, and her beautiful big purple eyes stared straight at her father.

She does not like war, and she knows very well in her heart that sooner or later there will be a break between herself and her father.

And today, it's just the right time!

Connor turned to look at Chu Feng.

I noticed that the other person was looking at him encouragingly.

Connor nodded slightly.

With a dragon roar.

The fifteen-meter-long white dragon showed its original form.


Two dragons collided together.

A fierce flame erupted.

Goose feathers and snow were falling in the sky.

The cold wind howled and hail fell.

The wind swirled with each hailstone the size of a football.

Accelerated by centrifugal force, he followed Connor into another dragon. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

It was a blue-black dragon that was more than thirty meters long.

It is not so much a dragon as a black dragon walking upright.

Its color is between black and cyan.

It's a bit like the legendary Mo Qilin.

The appearance is very different.

The torso was bloated as if it were fat into a ball.

Thick and long limbs.

Plus a pair of scary horns.

Shimenkamui seems to be a natural war machine.

Fierce wind hail fell on it, and it seemed to do nothing except splash a pile of ice chips.

But when Connor's whole body crashed into Chimuen, a touch of surprise suddenly appeared in the latter's huge eyes.

"Connor, you've gotten stronger... A lot!"

Shimnkamui only took a few steps back before stopping with his strong hind limbs.

Surprised to be fake, the collision just now, he did feel a certain pressure.

In a short time, Connor's growth surprised him and confused him.

Dragons are a race with a long life.

This unique life cycle also dooms their strength to increase extremely slowly.

Except for a few gifted existences, ninety-nine percent of the dragon race's improvement in strength depends on the accumulation of time.

Although Connor is talented, he has two attributes: wind and frost.

But Shimenkamui knows very well that the talent of his youngest daughter is not good enough to the extent of Emperor Yan, Terne, and Geeta.

In such a short period of time, I am afraid that those leaders will not be able to do it, right?

Chimenkamui thought to himself, wondering why Connor became stronger.

But Connor apparently didn't give him that chance.

The purple lings above your head flutter in the wind.

Wind and frost gather in rapid convergence.

The magic within a radius of ten kilometers was like an obedient child, and they all gathered towards Conna.

The weather was originally clear, and in an instant, black clouds overwhelmed.

The black pressure presses the ground, making people unable to penetrate.

On the ground, seeing this, Pope Dogg and the others quickly raised their protective shields, and at the same time scolded these dragons who did not care whether people were dead or alive.

How could he not have imagined that the two sets of divine envoys would start working as soon as they met, without greeting at all, were the dragon clans so reckless?

Pope Dogg felt bitter in his heart, but he did not dare to say it, so he could only struggle to support the protective shield.

Fortunately, Thor had anticipated this.

With a wave of his hand, he added a layer of defense to the protective shield of the city.

Then watch Connor's performance with Chu Feng.

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