There are many restaurants and food trucks in the city of food.

In which store the first group of people served the blood of the fall, and the later infected people are not clear.

Chu Feng and the others looked at each other and felt very tricky.

Especially when Chimuen and Thor carefully described the city of food to Chu Feng~.

Big Boss Chu sighed deeply.

He decided to go to the so-called gourmet city.

The matter of fallen blood must be resolved as soon as possible.

He didn't want this thing in his own world.

I finally saved up a family business.

It can't be ruined.

Of course~

He would never admit that he had lost his interest in the food of the spirit world.


The city of food, Lex!

The surface of the magically modified sightseeing car is colorful.

The complex magic array is like a random drawing of graffiti, which makes people want to complain when they see it.

This is a magic car shaped like a tourist bus, specially designed to take tourists from afar to see the whole of Lex City.

The driver was a good-looking old man with a tuft of white beard on his chin.

From him, Chu Feng sensed a magic power that was not weak.

The other person sits leisurely in the driver's seat, occasionally injecting a little magic into a handle-like object.

Have to say ~

The magical civilization of the spirit world is very advanced.

Although most of the creation is in the medieval stage.

However, occasionally there are products that are as advanced as sightseeing cars.

Following the customs, Chu Feng has changed into medieval aristocratic clothes, still extremely handsome, and looks like an aristocratic lord from a big place.

He sat in the last row of the magic car with Thor and Connor, calmly gazing at the shops and food trucks lining the streets.

This area is a barbecue area, except for some open-air restaurants, more food trucks of different shapes, and obviously magically transformed.

Colorful trailers and colorful food trucks are cooking ingredients in various ways, bombarding the taste buds of everyone in the area.

At a glance, from extensive grilling, to elaborate high-end restaurant recipes, special stews from indigenous people, and even some strange methods that are comparable to dark cuisine...

The sound of whistling resounded throughout the street, and the collision of various meat fats and fire, combined with spices, formed a rich aroma, which hit the sense of smell of tourists like a tide.

Chu Feng, Thor, and Connor were obviously not among them.

As a dragon chef, the best food on this street could not be compared to the dishes made by Chu Feng.

Thor and Connor, who had eaten countless delicacies, saw that they had become extremely high, and this delicacy could not shake them.

But the other tourists in the magic car watched the roadside food very seriously, and smelled the fragrance floating into the car with a look of intoxication.

Some passengers have already disembarked, and some passengers have already decided on their destination, and are now resisting the temptation of food.

did not continue to take the sightseeing bus, when the three or three tourists got off the bus, Chu Feng and the others also followed.

Anyway, now I don't know where the blood of the Fallen came from, who it came from, it's better to wander around, taste the food of another world by the way, maybe there will be an unexpected harvest.

Thor and Connor had no objection to this, in fact, after such a long drive, the two of them were also a little hungry.

Along the way, Chu Feng was not in the mood to cook, and the three of them were ready to eat some barbecue.

"Yo, the most traditional earthen stewed black mountain wild boar of the Mohe mountain tribe, come and taste it, you can't buy a piece to buy a loss, just a silver coin, a large piece of black mountain wild boar to eat cool..."

A short, dark-skinned chef is cooking in a dining car.

A local method in which the meat is wrapped in loess and then grilled over a fierce fire, somewhat similar to the method of calling flower chicken.

0 ask for flowers

It's just that this guy uses magic, and a fiery flame floats in the air, and the flames wrap the entire loess, making a crackling sound from time to time.

Wisps of fragrance wafted through the gaps in the loess, and although the aroma was very light, it was tempting enough.

Chu Feng glanced at it casually and found that in this area, this little man had the best cooking skills. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Taking out three silver coins casually, Chu Feng said with a smile: "Boss, come and have three pieces of barbecue!"

"Okay, you wait, right away!"

I saw that the owner of the dining car took out two pieces of loess that had been wrapped from under the car and put them on the shelf, snapped his fingers with both hands, and two flames burst up, and by the way, he also sent two lumps of loess into the air.

The owner of the dining car is extremely skillful, obviously he has been doing this for a long time, and at the same time controlling the three flames is effortless, and he looks like he is at ease.

The flame in the middle suddenly extinguished, and the owner of the dining car smiled slightly at Chu Feng, revealing a row of white teeth, and thought he was very kind.

But in Chu Feng's eyes, the other party only highlighted one ugly word.

I saw that he didn't know where to take out a hammer and slammed it on the scorched dirt.

Suddenly, a piece of golden roast meat exuded a tempting aroma and appeared in front of Chu Feng and the others.

I have to admit that the appearance and aroma of this barbecue are enough to beat other dishes on this street.

The pure golden roast meat resembles a crystal with an alluring luster, giving it an excellent look.

The owner of the dining car stretched out a hand, and the roast meat floating in the air slowly came to Chu Feng, and then said with a smile: "This guest, please taste!"

The owner of the food truck at this time had a confident smile on his face.

Apparently he felt that his cooking was enough to conquer any guest.

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