"Da, da

, da..."

The sound of high heels stepping on the asphalt road is getting closer.

Erina's every step was heavy.

Wearing high heels, she is close to one meter six or eight meters tall.

The tall figure is illuminated by dusk.

It looks graceful and curvy.

At this time, many people subconsciously lowered their heads, not daring to look at this young lady.

Although roses are beautiful, they can easily hurt people with thorns.

Especially when this rose can become an overlord flower at any time, not many people are willing to get close.

Kobayashi Gentian rubbed his stomach without any image, and then looked at the menacing Erinai with interest.

Squinting her eyes slightly, staring at the food truck owner who had been ignoring her love, she teased in a low voice: "Boss Chu, today's business, I'm afraid it won't work." "

"Because she's here?"

"yes, do you want me to help you get rid of her?"

"You have the ability to drive away the granddaughter of Marshal Yuanyue?"

"Huh? You also know Erina? But it doesn't matter, we are also a member of the Ten Masters Council, and we are still the second seat, so it will definitely be no problem to convince her! "

Kobayashi Gentian felt that he was being underestimated.

Playfully stretched out his slender fingers, compared to a 'two'.

Chu Feng thought about it and felt that it made sense.

But I don't think the other party will help me for no reason.

"What do you want?"

"Make me another copy of the previous takoyaki, just make me a copy!"

Xiao Lin Gentian withdrew a finger and pretended to be pitiful.

"Forgive me for refusing!"

Chu Feng knew what the other party wanted, but he couldn't do it.

In theory, every dish he makes has a 'boost' effect, just a probability.

According to the current situation of selling snacks, the trigger chance is about 30%.

Of the ten diners, only three at most received the boost.


The gentian senior sister, who has always been eccentric, is completely gone.

This guy in front of him is a log, even if you throw him a flattering eye, it is useless.

Although the sea bream yaki just now was delicious, it did not have the same feeling as before.

Now she desperately needs the first takoyaki in order to move to a higher level.

But the man in front of him would rather be tough with Erina, and refuse her conditions.

Xiao Lin Gentian was a little depressed, she didn't think that this kind of thing Chu Feng couldn't control at all, she just thought that the other party didn't want to.

'Hmph, I'd rather see how you deal with Erina.' ’

With her knowledge of this unreasonable lady of the Xue Che family.

Chu Feng, who was in a foreign country and had no background, would definitely not be able to get favor from the other party.


"Who allowed you to set up a stall here?"

Erina, who had long blond hair that was up to her hips, was very angry at this time.

With a noble temperament, even if she makes an annoyed expression, she has a special flavor.

She couldn't figure it out

How could someone brain-dead come to set up a stall at the gate of the far gate?

Over here!

Is it a place where market vendors like them can come?

Since she was born,

I've never seen a roadside stall here.

What she couldn't figure out even more was

There are also Yuanyue students rushing to buy it.

'Viciously' glanced at the people around him.

In Erina's eyes, there is a sense of 'hatred of iron is not steel'.

"Aren't you ashamed of this?"

The stern voice sounded again.

Erina's words,

Apparently to those around him.

Students from Far Moon came out to eat street food

It really made her eldest lady's face dull.

Gee, shame~~

"Oh, don't say it so seriously, it's just street food, many people love to eat yes."

Kobayashi Dragon, who was leaning next to the food truck, laughed and greeted Erinai unconsciously.

"Senior Sister Gentian , it's your business that you like to eat indiscriminately."

"But remember, you are also a member of the Ten Masters Council, and Yuanyue's reputation is not taken to you to be wantonly ruined."

Erina's expression was serious.

She has always looked down on civilian cooking.

Not to mention this kind of street side food.

In normal times, she doesn't even look at it more.

The appearance of roadside stalls in front of the school is simply the biggest insult to Yuanyue.

A deep glance, the senior sister who has always been borderless.

Erina's irritated mood converged slightly, and her tone seemed quite helpless.

Kobayashi Gentian is a third-year student in the Higher Division.

I'm graduating soon.

I really don't necessarily care about her, the eldest lady of the Xue Che family.

And the strength of the other party has always been unknown.

Since enrollment, few people have seen her go all out.

Although Erina's conceit is conceited, she is not sure of winning over the other party.

"Huh? They want to buy Boss Chu's snacks, what does it have to do with me? "

"Just because... Probably Boss Chu made something more delicious. "

Straighten up a little,

Kobayashi Gentian moved a few steps out

He looks like he has nothing to do with the food truck owner.


Erinai was stunned.

When did Senior Sister Gentian become so talkative?

She has always been unafraid of heaven and earth

At the moment, it was as if I was afraid of getting into trouble.

Shaking her head, Erinai ignored the difficult senior sister.

Xiao Lin gentian does not add to the chaos, she can deal with this matter with peace of mind.

"You still haven't answered my question."

Erinai looked at the food truck owner again.

His eyes were sharp, and he was as cold as an eagle falcon.


Chu Feng, who was fiddling with the ingredients, slowly raised his head and pointed to the sign hanging behind him.

The rectangular sign is not large, but the neon text on it is clearly visible.

Erina, who didn't know why, asked with a cold face, "What do you mean?" "


She saw Chu Feng's gaze, as if looking at the mentally retarded.

'This girl, doesn't seem to be very smart Yako? ’


It's as if there is a soul in the heart.

Erina's eyes instantly read the other party's eyes.

Does God's special heart have a spiritual rhino?

Erina's mentality broke down a little.

At the same time, she also saw what was written on the sign.

【Mobile Stand Permit】

Well, the other party means to say: he has a certificate?

But can you set up a stall here if you have a certificate? How did I not know?

Erinai was a little confused by this operation.

But anyway, anyway, she hadn't seen anyone setting up a stall in front of the Yuanyue Gate.

"No stalls are allowed here, you will drive the car for me immediately."

Erinae took a deep breath, her chest a little stuffy.

It was infuriated by the expressionless food truck owner in front of him.

Now she is also too lazy to talk nonsense and begins to directly pick people.

Chu Feng stopped the movement in his hand, his eyes became a little strange, and then pointed to the circle of white lines around him.

"See? This is exactly a stall! "

“...... So, so what? "

Erina's expression was a little ugly, but she replied very hard.

"That is to say, you have no reason and are not qualified to drive me away."

"What I say, is the reason."

Erinai held her head high, her pretty face was red with anger, and even her small fists were subconsciously clenched.

Born in the Xue Che family, she wants the wind to be the wind and the rain to be rained.

As the 'tongue of God', it can decide the life and death of a chef with one sentence.

For the first time in a long time, she met someone who dared to question her in person.

And this person also said that she was not qualified.

"You... You hurry up and let me go, we are not allowed to set up a stall at the gate of Yuanyue." "

Erina's anger exploded on the spot, but she couldn't think of a better reason.

Even if you never pay attention to a roadside stall.

She also knows what the white lines around her mean.

In the past, I just subconsciously ignored these.

Roadside stalls, how can they attract the attention of the eldest lady.

However, she has always been arrogant, and it is even more impossible for her to be soft.

So come and go, there is only the phrase 'you can't set up a stall at the gate of the far moon'.

Looking at Erina, who was embarrassed and angry, Chu Feng 'hehe' and asked with a cold face:

"The license was given by your Neon official, and the stall was also set up by them..."

"Can you Yuanyue Academy not abide by the rules set by your own country?"

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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