Evil, enchanting, crazy...

The ordinary-looking woman in front of him was no longer Finlo.

Chu Feng knew very well that what he was facing now was the so-called God of Gluttony.

However, the first words he said after the other party arrived surprised him very much.

"People from the food world?"

These were the first words spoken by the god of gluttony after he appeared.

Chu Feng's mind moved slightly, could it be that the tentacles of the evil god had already reached into the world he was in?

Looking back carefully, I have never heard any information about evil gods in the past few months.

The only thing related to the world of halberd is the world of food.

In the food world, there is no trace of human beings for a long time.

The God of Gluttony seemed to see Chu Feng's surprise, and said the second sentence with a smile.

"Hello, visitors from the food world, first introduce yourself, my name is Akka 12 Meiya."

Obviously, her smile is also very ordinary, but it gives people an evil and hideous feeling.

The temperament is extremely evil.

"Akameya?" Chu Feng was slightly stunned: "What is your relationship with the Food God?" "

This name reminds him of the master of one dragon and three tigers, the food god Acacia.

The names of the two are only one word apart.


A trace of reminiscence flashed in Akameya's blood-red eyes, as if caught in a distant memory.

"What a familiar name, people used to call me that."

For a long time, Akameya spoke.


Chu Feng, who had always been calm, couldn't help but exclaim.

I never expected that the so-called god of gluttony was Acacia.

Although the other party himself seems to be a little unsure.

Although the name of the other party has changed.

But Chu Feng already had a judgment in his heart.

This guy in front of him is the murderer who destroyed the last era of food, the food god Acacia.

After all, according to Ichiryu's recollections, they did not witness Acacia's death with their own eyes at that time, but only knew that the other party disappeared after restarting the food world.

It is very likely that after the other party disappeared, he fell into the abyss plane.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng's eyes slowly narrowed.

In the face of the food god who had caused Ichiryu, Sanhu, Jiro and others to fall into a bitter battle, he did not dare to take it lightly.

After all, that was to make the food world 50 times larger than Blue Star return to the existence of chaos, coupled with the weirdness of the abyss, Chu Feng did not know how strong the other party was now.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the other party just lowered a divine thought, and the body could not break through the rules of the abyss plane, and he was not unable to fight.

The big war is imminent!

If you say that Yutarus encountered in the abyss a few days ago is a demigod level.

Then the Akamea who was possessed by Venlo in front of him had already exceeded the level of gods.

Under the breath of madness and bloodthirsty, there is the calm of Furui Wubo, and the extraordinary calmness.

She just stood there, in a casual posture, without a single flaw in her whole body.

Akameya seemed to have a layer of abnormal energy around her, blocking all observation.

Even if Chu Feng opened the Straight Death Demon Eye, he couldn't clearly see the other party's dead line and dead spot, only three or two extremely blurry dotted lines.

He couldn't be sure if these few dotted lines were Akameya's dead line, so he didn't dare to attack rashly.

What if, this is a trap for the other side?

But Acacia obviously did not give Chu Feng time to hesitate.

From the advent to the present, only three words were said, and the attack was launched first.

It seems that time to appear in this world is limited, and it is not like she wasted time. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Crimson waves of qi rose into the sky.

The Mesochi House was in ruins in an instant.

The powerful air wave also blew over all the houses within a hundred meters of the surrounding area.

Tourists who did not have time to flee were stirred into meat foam under the air waves.

Dead and wounded, more than hundreds.

Obviously, these ordinary people are like small 210 ants in the eyes of Akameya.

At the same time, the defense of the gourmet city of Lex was dispatched, and the five breaths that were not inferior to the Pope of Dogg quickly approached the location of the Mesochi House.

But before they arrived, more than a dozen breaths that were not weak rose up into the sky and blocked them in front of them.

This group of people are infected by the blood of the Fallen, the most loyal believers of the God of Gluttony.

"Thor, Connor, go and deal with those infected, just leave it to me here."

Looking into the distance, Chu Feng suddenly spoke.

Thor and Connor took a deep look at Chu Feng.

Knowing that the other party is just looking for a reason to pull them apart.

After all, even if they defeated those infected, they were not sure of completely destroying the blood of the Fallen.

After all, this thing can only be dispelled by Chu Feng at present.

However, the two dragon ladies knew very well in their hearts that at present, they were not the opponents of the God of Gluttony, and insisting on staying would only distract Chu Feng.

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