Having an immortal golden body does not mean eternal life.

Although Chu Feng's body is difficult to destroy, it has a lifespan limit after all.

It's just that this time is a long time, and he himself does not know how much Shouyuan there is.

Seven percent of the consumption, Chu Feng did not pay attention to it at all.

To be honest, he felt that the price was a bit low.

"Such a weak god?"

In mid-air, a breeze blew across his face, dispelling the remaining crimson mist.

Lex City was miserable, ruined houses, and wailing.

The long-peaceful city of gastronomy has enjoyed two or three hundred years of tranquility, and the people who live here have long forgotten the conflicts on the mainland.

Suddenly encountered a hellish tragedy on earth, everyone was frightened, and after waking up, the first reaction was to scream.

Some lost their voices due to excessive fear, and some broke out into heart-rending cries because of the death of relatives and friends in this tragedy.

Chu Feng ignored the noise of this group of people, just glanced down and casually gave a holy light to illuminate 957.

It can both dispel the fallen blood around Thor and Connor and soothe the wounds of this group of civilians.

But soon~

Chu Feng, who stayed in mid-air, frowned.

"Not dead?"

Chu Feng muttered.

But it felt like something was wrong.

After cutting out that sword, he clearly sensed that Akameya's consciousness had disappeared.

In other words, if you don't cut to death and don't pull out the knife, you really hack the other party to death.

But why, he can still sense the other party's breath now.

That familiar breath is still hovering in a certain time and space,

Like an irregularly shaped mass of things constantly twisting,

It looks like a big whirlpool of terror.

Chu Feng didn't know why he felt this way?

Obviously, I can't see it, it's just an induction.

Why is that thing as if it was right in front of my eyes?

So real!

While the cause and effect between him and Akameya have not disappeared.

Chu Feng closed his eyes, and his spiritual power quickly passed through the invisible barrier and entered some unknown time and space.

In an instant, he was almost certain that Akameya was dead, and his consciousness had completely dissipated, leaving only his pure origin.

But it's strange~

The other person's body seems to be constructed from this energy.

Even if there is no consciousness, it is still reflexively moving.

"Would you like to come over and take a look?"

Chu Feng did not dare to be sure that the enemy was dead, and he also became interested in that strange time and space.

"Thor!" Chu Feng called out and spoke, "I'll go somewhere and come back soon." "

Thor casually solved the last degenerate, looked up and asked, "Is there any danger?" "

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry. "

"That... Go fast and go quickly, be careful. "


Responding to Thor's concern, Chu Feng disappeared in place.

Set the goal, the mission must be achieved.

The divine walking step of the fusion electric flint is faster and more stable, as long as there are coordinates, it can be reached in an instant no matter where it is.

In fact, Chu Feng didn't know what kind of mutation had occurred in his divine walking steps.

Anyway, after the system upgrade, it is much more advanced than the angels. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


A gray world (BCBD).

The surrounding area is filled with fog, making it difficult to see the distant scenery.

The whole world seems to have only one hue, gray, gloomy, and nothing.

Chu Feng had just arrived here, and he still had time to carefully observe the surrounding environment,

As soon as I looked up, I saw a huge black shadow.

The huge body is twisting, conspicuous on the gray curtain like a black shadow.

The ontology of Akameya!?

Chu Feng recognized at a glance that this was what had just appeared in his senses.

Shrouded in gray mist, the appearance of that thing was not real.

It can only be vaguely seen that the body like a long worm is rolled into a ball, and it is surging and rotating like a whirlpool, giving people a sense of confusion, and it is a little spinning after watching for a long time.

But soon~

Chu Feng noticed that something was wrong, and the volume of this thing in front of him seemed to be slowly shrinking.

The mass was too large and shrunk very slowly.

If it weren't for Chu Feng's amazing mental power, he might not have found it.

As he said earlier, this thing was all composed of energy, and Chu Feng did not find that the energy was escaping outward.

So, where did the reduced energy go, could it be that it disappeared directly?

Energy is conserved, and Chu Feng does not believe that this thing can disappear out of thin air.

Looking at it, as the mass of things continued to rotate, the huge energy in it slowly surged towards the very center, and finally disappeared.

For the next while, Chu Feng kept staring at the center of the vortex.

That strange point, as if connected to another world, is full of weirdness and ominousness.

Somehow ~

A thought suddenly popped up in his heart...

You must not let the other party absorb Akameya's body, otherwise something terrible will happen.

The eyebrows were raised, but they quickly stretched.

Although the Holy Light was shining, there was no way to dispel this evil energy in a short time.

But it doesn't mean that Chu Feng can't deal with it.

He could have taken this thing as a sacrifice and sacrificed it.

Super S sacrifice aura!

Since getting this skill, Chu Feng had never used it.

After fusing Nemesis and the Faceless Queen.

The Super S Sacrifice Aura has evolved to another level.

Akameya, which is equivalent to about seven percent of Chu Feng's vitality, should be able to be sacrificed perfectly, right?

I just don't know what things will be summoned after the sacrifice?

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