The thunder light turned into a wisp of pure void qi and merged into the surroundings.

Without participating in the battle, Chu Feng could see it very clearly.

"Could it be that these thunder beasts are all transformed by the Qi of Nothingness?"

Muttering, Chu Feng fell into deep thought.

In fact, even through time acceleration, he has not figured out the origin of the void qi now.

This thing seems to be everywhere, the whole planet is covered by it, and it is impossible to trace the source.

Alice and the others went extremely smoothly in eliminating the thunder beast.

Even if some thunder beasts joined later, they could not stop their cleanup.

When more than two hundred thunder beasts turned into nothing, Alice and the others stayed in place, panting for breath.

Such a high-intensity battle, although hearty, is really unbearable.

Alice, Erina, Tianyu Chopper and the others were tired and sweaty, and their breath was a little unsmooth.


The matter is far from over.


A loud bang.

The rock walls around the valley, like tents propped up, suddenly bulged, and something seemed to be about to come out of them.


The rocks flew everywhere, and four hundred-meter-tall rock giants broke the wall, stepped on rumbling steps, and came straight towards Chu Feng's group.

"Groove, endless?"

Kohei So's face was bitter, and he cursed in a low voice.

This place is simply not alive, although it can become stronger quickly, but the danger is really dangerous.

In the case of the thunder beast one-on-one just now, Kohei Chuangzhen can still fight.

But the rock giant in front of him, just the breath emanating from his body, made him feel terrified.

Can't beat it!

Absolutely can't beat it!

Kohei Sojin and Teruki Kume looked at each other and made a judgment in an instant.


Thor and Connor stepped forward.

"You guys take a break first, leave it to us here."

Thor squinted and stared dead at the giant in front of him.

"Interesting~ this guy's strength has surpassed Uncle Chimuen~~"

In the face of the oppressive rock giant, Thor was not only not flustered, but also in the mood to ridicule.

I don't know since when Chimuen has become a unit of measurement ...

Chu Feng muttered in his heart, but his movements were not slow, and he instantly appeared in front of a rock giant.

Literally, he stood in front of a giant face.

The broken saber slashed straight down.

Don't cut to death, don't pull out the knife!

A knife without any pyrotechnics.

Light fluttering ~

In the next second, the rock giant split in two.

Using divine skills to deal with monsters of this level, Chu Feng didn't even have to pay any price.

Seeing that Big Boss Chu had already made a move, Thor and Connor were not idle, and they directly twisted their fists and did it.

"Lying groove, Boss Chu is also too strong, this kind of monster is a knife in seconds?"

Kohei Sojin stared blankly at the corpse of the rock giant that had dissipated before it hit the ground, and said in disbelief.

"That's of course, Brother Feng, it must be the strongest..."

The one who said this must be the little fan brother Kume Teruki. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even Sanhu couldn't help but marvel at Chu Feng's strength.

It seems that since the last parting, the other party has become a lot stronger.

With this upgrade speed, Sanhu already felt numb and didn't know what to say at all.

The four-headed rock giant quickly fell.

Not surprisingly, it all turned into nothingness.

In the distance, within the scope of Chu Feng's spiritual power, there were stronger monsters rushing towards him.

"You guys stay here, Thor and I go over and take a look..."

Chu Feng explained, leaving Connor to protect everyone.

The strength of this group of people is still lower, and the strongest Tianyu slash can't beat the rock giant just now.

And the monsters gathered scattered towards this side are still above the rock giants.

Chu Feng decided to preemptively strike to find out the reason.

Whether it was absorbing too much Void Qi to cause the beast tide, or someone behind it was manipulating all this, he had to solve this problem completely.

After all, it is not easy to find a cultivation treasure like this, and there are a group of guys waiting to be fed behind him waiting to absorb the void qi.


Chu Feng and Thor encountered many strange creatures.

A black-striped monster with a body length of tens of meters like a tiger,

Like a centipede with a layer of black skin wrapped in a skeleton,

Grey birds like eagles...

Each one surpasses the rock giants in strength.

But after all, it is not in the eyes of the two.

Even most of them didn't need Chu Feng's hand, and Thor could easily handle it.

After destroying most of the incoming monsters.

A huge complex of buildings appeared in the field of view of the two.

That's a 3.0 dilapidated city.

In the middle of the city stands a tall tower towering into the sky.

Chu Feng's intuition told him.

The truth is hidden in this tower.

There was hardly much thought.

He took Thor straight to the tower.

After all, the two can only choose the direction where there are more monsters.

Although most of the monsters were destroyed, there were still fish that slipped through the net.

In order to ensure the safety of Alice and the others, Chu Feng must solve this trouble as soon as possible.

At Chu Feng's realm, the sixth sense can already be counted as a kind of predictive ability.

So he knows very well that the solution lies ahead....

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