The powerful sword not only killed Arrogance, but also cut through the indestructible Tower of Babel, although it only opened a hole in it.

It seems shocking that Arrogance can die so easily.

The sin of lust stayed where it was for a moment.

Although it was only for a short moment, the experienced Chu Feng seized the opportunity.

The super S sacrificial halo is activated, and lust is transformed and enslaved.

Everything happens in a blink of an eye.

The lingering sound of Acacia's roar has not dissipated.

The sins of pride and lust are defeated.

Five against three!

Chu Feng shows his advantage here

"who are you?"

"A dragon? Jiro? wrong! You are not them!"

"Stop! Stop it! Don't force me!!!"

The extremely angry voice was still echoing in Chu Feng's mind.

Acacia was hysterical and almost crazy. It was obvious that he could no longer bear such a loss.

At the same time, the speed of absorbing the power of the remaining three sins suddenly increased several times.

The angry, greedy, and lazy body shrunk visibly to the naked eye.

Three black-red energies turned into rays of light visible to the naked eye, pouring crazily into the heart of the ancient god.

Every time the"800" heart beats, Acacia's The figure became clearer and clearer.

Thor was still chasing the Sin of Rage.

But he still couldn't stop the loss of the opponent's energy.

"Go back!"

Suddenly, Chu Feng's voice sounded in his ears.

Thor almost without thinking, flew back quickly.

The tacit understanding between the two has reached the point of unconditional trust.

"what happened? I can kill it in no time!"

Thor retreated to Chu Feng and subconsciously pouted.

"He is coming out!"

Chu Feng looked solemn, using him, not it.

Thor was slightly startled and said in surprise:"Acacia? Didn't you say he couldn't come out?"

"Originally he had no choice……"

Chu Feng shook his head and exclaimed:"But by forcefully extracting the power of rage, greed and laziness, and actively cutting off the connection with the ancient god's heart, the accumulation in an instant was enough for him to break through the restraints." He just finished speaking!

A man about two meters tall, with hair standing straight back and dragging a long black tail, appeared in front of Chu Feng and Thor.

The black and white fleshy armor covers the whole body, and the sharp-edged muscles are full of explosiveness.

The huge aura seemed to materialize, and bursts of sonic booms instantly arose in the empty altar.

The originally spacious room seemed extremely narrow under this depressing atmosphere.

"Damn you!"

After Acacia appeared, he took action without any unnecessary nonsense. Sharp claws suddenly popped out from the fingers of his two hands that seemed to be wearing black gloves.

He just waved lightly towards the void...

Hei Mang Zha Appeared.

Ten crescent-like black slashes came straight towards Chu Feng and the others.

The speed was so fast that only Chu Feng could react.

With a slight push back with his left hand, Chu Feng had already moved forward. Leap.

At the same time, his right hand turned into a sharp sword and swung forward.

The holy sword Excalibur was activated again!

Silently, a black light passed through the golden barrier and hit Chu Feng heavily.

Unbelievable, with all his strength The holy sword Excalibur was used, but it only blocked nine black beams.

Unprepared, Chu Feng was struck by Acacia.

The deep and bone-piercing wound spanned the entire chest, and black could still be faintly seen. The light is flickering.

Even if Chu Feng has an immortal golden body, it will be troublesome to recover.

The energy used by Acacia is extremely penetrating and corrosive.

This is a power that acts on a higher level of life. It has ancient The power of God.

But the immortal golden body given by the system is not a decoration.

Although the recovery is a little slower than ordinary injuries, it will not affect his subsequent battles. Labyrinth of Greed, Holy Light, Law of Time, Whisper of the Ancient God, Hundreds He took the sword with his bare hands...

Several skills were displayed at the same time, which almost made Acacia's jaw drop.

He originally thought that after observing Chu Feng for so long, he had an insight into Chu Feng's ability.

But when he actually fought with him, he realized that he was far away. Far underestimated the opponent's strength.

The endless array of magical skills was like showing off Acacia's face, catching him off guard.

The law of time, the sacred law, the divinity of the ancient god, the law of cause and effect... alone can be There are four types of law attributes that Acacia understands.

There are also some moves that even he, an old antique who has lived for countless years, has never heard of.


Where did this guy come from?

Acacia is puzzled..

But now I can’t take care of that much anymore.

I simply use my big move directly.

Heavy Rain King’s Dinner!

When I ate Neo to gain full strength, the appetite stored in the body turned into countless"King’s Dinner" and overflowed. (Watch the spoiler For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is a terrifying trick that can eat up everything on a planet.

I saw countless densely packed creatures that resembled the seven deadly sins of the same period separated from Acacia's body.

It's just that the size of these monsters is smaller than The Seven Deadly Sins are much smaller, less than one meter in length, but they are more numerous.

The King's Dinner has the greedy appetite of a gourmet devil, like a pack of hungry wolves, coming in droves.

Facing the overwhelming King's Dinner , Chu Feng did not panic[]

Instead, he instantly expanded the Labyrinth of Greed hundreds of times, and still had time to upgrade the Dragon-Slaying Secret Red Lotus Exploding Flame Blade, Cosmic Phantom, and Gun Fighting Technique.

After exchanging suitable skills for Alice and others, there are still some points left, just enough to upgrade these three skills to god level.

But, it's completely enough.

The dragon-slaying secret Red Lotus Exploding Flame Blade is itself a large-scale spell, very suitable for dealing with group attacks.

The huge flames ignited, the red dragon appeared, and there were bursts of harsh frying sounds in the air.

In an instant, the aroma of barbecue filled the entire labyrinth of greed.

Wang Shi, who had a chance to escape, was also shattered by the cosmic phantom and gun fighting skills.

Thor stood alone in the altar on the top floor of the Tower of Babel.

Not really.

In addition to the still-beating heart of the ancient god, there are also the Mist Whale, the Revenge Queen, and the newly transformed Dark Spider Queen.

It's just that Chu Feng and Acacia are both in the Labyrinth of Greed, and Thor doesn't know the situation of the battle.

Anxious waiting is always worrying.

Thor's face was uncertain, secretly anxious but unable to do anything.

Time passed by minute by second.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

A light appeared on the side of the altar.

The space seemed to be split open, and a hole appeared.

Chu Feng, who looked a little haggard, got out of it.

The space closed automatically, as if it had never appeared before.

And Acacia...has lost her figure

"Did...kill him?"

Thor looked at Chu Feng a little absentmindedly.

Although it was only less than an hour, it felt that this period of time was extremely long.

At this time, Thor's voice was trembling slightly.


Chu Feng, whose face was full of exhaustion, squeezed out a smile.

Acacia was definitely the strongest opponent he had ever encountered.

Various moves appeared in an endless stream, and the energy in his body seemed to be endless.

But in the end, he won.

Because While fighting Acacia, Chu Feng discovered that he could actually absorb the divinity of the Ancient God's Heart.

Originally, the Ancient God's Heart and Acacia had a check-and-balance relationship.

But when Acacia took the initiative to cancel the relationship with the Ancient God's Heart, After binding,

Chu Feng, who possesses the divine nature of the ancient god, can easily connect with the heart.

No, it should be said that the heart of the ancient god actively connected with him.

Moreover, the purest energy is constantly flowing along the With this connection pouring into Chu Feng's body, this was also the biggest contributor to his final victory.

Otherwise, Acacia, who had absorbed a lot of the power of the ancient gods, would not be such an easy character to deal with.

Fortunately, everything was perfect. Chu Feng also accidentally obtained the memory of the ancient gods.

Since ancient times, since the beginning of chaos, the ancient gods have existed.

Many universes in the heavens and the world are the creations of the ancient gods.

However, the relationship between the ancient gods is not the same. It is not so harmonious, and there are still various battles.

The owner of this gray realm is a powerful ancient god.

But because he was too powerful, he was surrounded and suppressed by several other ancient gods in 4.0. In the end, the god's body was broken and turned into a monster. There are countless monsters left with only devouring instincts, and only the heart is eternal.

But as time goes by, and Acacia unexpectedly breaks in.

The ancient god who originally had little hope of recovery has completely lost his consciousness.

By chance, he met Chu Feng, who has similar attributes, hit it off immediately and merged smoothly into one.

Yes, the heart of the ancient god became Chu Feng's heart.

From now on, he is the new master of this universe.

In time, he will also become the true ancient god. God.

It’s just that this time is very long, measured in billions of years, and Chu Feng doesn’t know when it will be realized.

But it doesn’t matter~

His original ideal life was to do a small business and live an ordinary life.

Now he has an almost eternal life, Chu Feng had more time to live the life he wanted to live and realize the true meaning of life.

One day, the Maple Leaf Pavilion in Neonjing opened its doors again to welcome guests.

But this time the diners found that there were many more kinds of food in the Maple Leaf Pavilion. Female shop assistant, but rarely see Boss Chu again.

Because except for occasionally showing off his cooking skills, Chu Feng spends most of his time traveling to other worlds with his beauty. Opening a store is no longer his only job.……

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