Cut off a small piece of jelly-like vegetable jelly and stuff it into your mouth.

The amazing elasticity immediately made Si Yingshi experience the fun of eating vegetable jelly.

Fresh, sour, sweet...

In the beginning, it was the deliciousness of fresh vegetables,

And then a little appetizing sourness -,

This is followed by the sweetness that constantly washes the tip of the tongue.

Si Yingshi, who was sitting on the other side of the folding table, looked up sharply.

Finding that Isshiki Kei, Saito Shumei, and Ongijima Fuyusuke were all sitting in the same house, they all had shocked expressions.

The three of them turned their heads in unison.

Glancing at Chu Feng, who was sitting in the fast food truck and swiping his mobile phone.

Suddenly, I didn't seem to need to be so surprised.

This is a master who defeated the seniors of the fourth palace with a crushing momentum.

The food is delicious, and that is a matter of course.

Isshiki, Teruki Kuga, and Eizan Edatsu also gathered around the table.

The first two had already eaten Chu Feng's dishes, and their expressions were very calm.

Don't get a cow!

Boss Chu's production is so delicious!

But Eizan Edatsu couldn't calm down.

Now his entire sense of taste seems to be occupied by the smell of vegetables.

There is simply no spare time to think about other issues.

Only one thought remained in my mind.

How can there be such a delicious vegetable jelly in the world?

He has always been known as the alchemist.

He is good at finding flaws in dishes and improving other people's recipes, so he controls many restaurants.

But this twenty-four-layer French vegetable jelly in front of you.

Eizan Edzu couldn't fault the slightest thing at all.


Indescribable perfection~

He never imagined that someone could take a dish to such an extreme.

After a long time coming to his senses, he began to slow down, slowly cutting the vegetable jelly into small pieces, and then forking it up to savor it.

Of course, Ruiyama Edzu didn't know that Erina, who had the tongue of God, couldn't fault Chu Feng's cuisine in the slightest, let alone him with an ordinary sense of taste.

Kobayashi Gentian and three other girls sat in front of the fast food truck.

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ningning, who had always been expressionless, showed a shocked look for the first time.

Kanda Soba House, who comes from a famous family in the neon cuisine industry and holds the title of Toki no Kuni.

The family history of Ki no Kuni Ninning is long enough to date back to the Edo period.

Although he has focused on tea ceremony, kaiseki and buckwheat cuisine since he was a child, he has not studied French cuisine much.

But she is also the sixth seat in the far month, and she can get an A+ excellent score every time Lecturer Chapel class.

Vegetable jelly, Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning can also do it, and even took time to study the Nine Zhen method.

But Chu Feng's twenty-four layers of French vegetable jelly, after seeing it with her own eyes yesterday night, she knew that she couldn't make it.

This feeling is especially noticeable when actually eaten in the mouth.

Maybe...... I can't reach this level in my whole life.

Red eyes stared straight at Chu Feng's side face.

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning suddenly had some doubts.

Is this person really just nine stars? It won't be a Grand Chef, will it?

"Om ~ ~ Twenty-four vegetable flavors not only do not rush, but also complement each other, and finally form an unparalleled delicacy, how did you make it?"

Kobayashi Gentian groaned in satisfaction, and then said the question in his heart.

Chu Feng, who was swiping his mobile phone, raised his head slightly, and saw three young girls with curious faces, and a group of boys outside turned around neatly, all staring at him intently.

People who can become the ten masters of the Far Moon have a dedication to cooking that far exceeds that of ordinary chefs.

There was one of them who were very interested in this French vegetable jelly.

At this time, Xiao Lin Gentian asked, and all of them pricked up their ears to listen.

At this moment, Yuanyue Shijie seemed to be a good student who listened carefully to the class, waiting for the teacher to answer the question. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And then~

Chu Feng did not disappoint them, and his calm voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"Isn't it all done with hands?"

Kobayashi Gentian: (⊙o⊙)...

Akane Kubo: (⊙⊙)...

Ki no Kuni Ninning: ...

Si Yingshi and the others looked confused, and then rolled their eyes together, feeling that they had been hit.

Just have hands?

Is this a problem of whether or not there are hands?

Such a perfect dish, even if we give ten hands, we can't imitate it.

All the members of the ten masters suddenly felt that their intelligence was insulted.

However, they were not angry, after all, Chu Feng was not a teacher at the school, so there was no need to answer their questions.

And the other party didn't lie, wasn't the relaxed look when he ate the halberd yesterday a casual one.

So, is this the unpretentious poetic life of the culinary bigwigs?

Driving food trucks around setting up stalls, you can cook the best food at your fingertips, accompanied by cute and beautiful blonde maids...

Si Yingshi and others admitted that they were a little sour.

In fact, Chu Feng was not unable to explain the twenty-four layers of French vegetable jelly.

It's just that the production process is more complicated, involving many aspects of knowledge, and it is too troublesome to explain.

And even if he said the practice completely, it would be difficult for this group of Yuanyue students to understand.

Of course, he would not admit that it was indeed very interesting to see the collective shock and stunned appearance of the Yuanyue Shijie with his own eyes.

Even Chu Feng himself didn't notice that now his personality had changed from when he first came to this world.

Gradually more talking, less cold to diners, occasionally a joke, sometimes a little bad taste.

Everything happened subtly, Chu Feng began to gradually integrate into this world, and he was no longer as lonely as he used to be.


Kobayashi Gentian and others quickly finished the French vegetable jelly.

It's just that there is a faint loss on everyone's face.

They know that food truck cooking works wonders.

But now ~

I didn't feel the slightest improvement at all.


You happen to have that 70% chance of failure?

Everyone looked around and found that the expressions on everyone's faces were similar, and they immediately laughed with relief.

It turns out that everyone is just as unlucky today, then it's good ~~

The competition between the ten masters is also fierce, and the seats represent the resources allocated by the school, and no one wants to be easily surpassed.

All this was seen by Chu Feng, secretly shaking his head and smiling, this group of people did not understand the mechanism of the fast food truck at all.

Only the dishes designated by the system every day have a magical effect, French vegetable jelly, no matter how much you eat this thing, it is useless.

However, looking at the appearance of this group of guys, they have no intention of leaving the table at all, and it is estimated that they are all waiting for a while to slow down and then eat Wumu fried rice.

Sure enough.

Fifteen minutes later.

Kobayashi gentian paid again.


Thor was responsible for swiping the card to collect the money, and Chu Feng stood in front of the kitchen counter again and began to fry rice.

Under the light of the fire, plates of exquisite five-eyed fried rice exude a rich fragrance, presented in front of everyone.

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